Windows Calendar/Contact/Messaging woes


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Not sure if this is the correct place for this thread...

After switching to WP, I set about setting up my calendar for all my contacts birthdays. It seemed a little strange having to have separate entries for contact details (including birthdays) and another one just for birthdays in order to get things working in calendar. As a result, each contact that I saved a birthday for was linked with the live contact that already had the number, address, email...oh and birthday for. No probs, I can live with that.

Days, weeks then months passed and for some unknown reason, I decided to delete the linked profiles as I already had the data stored on the main contact. However, doing that has generated a new conversation in messaging for the users that I deleted the birthday profiles for. I then painstakingly set them all up again and the profiles are properly linked but I'm still stuck with 2 conversations from the same users. How and why has this happened? More to the point, why can't Windows Contacts and Calendar cope with birthday data without the need to create a separate birthday? If it's in the contact details, surely that should be enough?

It's incredibly annoying having one conversation from a contact deemed as not needed simply because I unlinked birthday data....which was already present in the contact info!!

Don't suppose there's any fix for this or am I destined to now have multiple conversations for these contacts from now on?

Thanks for any help.
You don't need to double things up, you can set birthdays up in the contacts under other. Then in calendar settings tick the birthday section. No need for doubling tasks.

Hopefully this resolves your issue.

Thanks for the reply G.

I'm pretty sure I've tried doing just that before but the birthdays failed to show in calendar even though the setting was checked.

I'll have another go tomorrow but thanks again for the reply.
I created a test contact last night with birthday data saved. It doesn't show in the calendar though. Birthdays is checked in settings.
Also, I'm still stuck with multiple conversations for the same contacts. I would like to resolve this more than anything as it's annoying have to read through different conversations to double check things. When I go to People hub, if I select a contact from which I removed and deleted the birthday link, then select text - sms it brings up a blank conversation. All other info is the same, the name, number, email address....everything but it won't open the previously used conversation.

Hope I'm making the issue clear...seems hard to explain and equally frustrating to resolve.

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