Window Central is a poorly executed app and with an ironic twist of fate
it's acronym is WC the British name for a toilet
How perfect !
It hasn't been UPATED for OVER 6 (SIX) MONTHS !
6 months !! So when WC complains that app aren't updated
they should look into their own mirror first...
"Error getting subscribed topics"
"Sign out of passport in settings"
"Oops" An unhandled exception
occurred in Windows Central last time it was running"
An exception ?... ya right :amaze:
These ERRORS are not the exception, they are the rule.
This happens at minimum twice a week.
Perhaps WC should go back to a Windows Central BETA
And when will "someone" get it together so we can post a
PHOTOGRAPH from the WC mobile app ?
NEVER I suspect.
This app reminds me of the Facebook app by Microsoft = poorly executed at best.
it's acronym is WC the British name for a toilet
How perfect !
It hasn't been UPATED for OVER 6 (SIX) MONTHS !
6 months !! So when WC complains that app aren't updated
they should look into their own mirror first...
"Error getting subscribed topics"
"Sign out of passport in settings"
"Oops" An unhandled exception
occurred in Windows Central last time it was running"
An exception ?... ya right :amaze:
These ERRORS are not the exception, they are the rule.
This happens at minimum twice a week.
Perhaps WC should go back to a Windows Central BETA
And when will "someone" get it together so we can post a
PHOTOGRAPH from the WC mobile app ?
NEVER I suspect.
This app reminds me of the Facebook app by Microsoft = poorly executed at best.