Windows Central via Browser Experience

No what is really funny is how the Windows Central guys - who are usually very responsive - are quiet reference these problems. I have completely left the site and have moved the app. The app, thankfully, isn't plagued by all of this garbage (yet) and with the new version it is actually quite good.

Sorry guys, no revenue for you. You can certainly have advertisement - complete understandable - but when you do advertisement this poorly you will not retain users. SEE ABOVE all of the remarks to the negative.

How about you do a survey on performance of your website.
...what is really funny is how the Windows Central guys - who are usually very responsive - are quiet reference these problems...

Just for the record... 3 different Site Volunteers have replied in this thread for a total of 7 posts previous to this comment. So the quote I made is from post #21... 7 out of 21 = a 33% participation. :winktongue:

It is a fairly widely acknowledged issue. We have been advised that alternate methods are being debated at the highest levels of Mobile Nations. No further updates have come as of yet...

FWIW, this football has been kicked around a lot and many replies from volunteers and even our Community Manager are on record.

I don't know what else to advise in this regard.
Any update on a decision by the powers that be? I'm just about ready to throw in the towel :/
I'll jump in here real quick.

First off, THANK YOU for all that have reported issues. Trust me, we take all of these reports very seriously and want to fix things as soon as we possibly can.

Second, whenever possible please report all the details you can on an issue. Don't tell us 'the site is slow'. Give us more details (many of you already are). Which browser? Which OS? Which device? The more you can give us the better, because we can try and recreate the problem. Once we recreate the problem we can fix.

Third, there's no 'decision' to be made here, other than trying to fix all the things as soon as we can. To that end, feel free to ping me direct and provide as much data as you can that may help our tech team. My email is and I totally welcome you to reach out.

Can't do this without your help :)
I had the same issues until I switched to Chrome and installed adblock. The site would just cause my PC to burn too hot.
I will give it a try. I've actually been messing around with TAILS for that extra level of no one knows what I'm doing...though really for no reason.
I'll jump in here real quick.

First off, THANK YOU for all that have reported issues. Trust me, we take all of these reports very seriously and want to fix things as soon as we possibly can.

Browser is edge 37.14332 and Chrome v.50 on an i7 dGPU surface book running windows 10 on the slow ring. Navigating to initially loads ok, then just crawls to a stop after scrolling down the articles list. If I open news stories in new tabs the entire browser just hangs for minutes at a time until I either close the tabs or terminate the process. Not running adblock on either browser. Neither browser is particularly better than the other. The experience is just completely exhausting.

EDIT: The tabs also seemingly randomly reload themsslves. Even typing this edit is brutal right now as the text is very lagged.

Third, there's no 'decision' to be made here, other than trying to fix all the things as soon as we can. To that end, feel free to ping me direct and provide as much data as you can that may help our tech team. My email is and I totally welcome you to reach out.

Help me understand here, RumoredNow indicated that there are alternatives being considered. I don't know if that means an alternative advertising method, revenue model, whatever. "Consideration" to me means that there is a decision that is waiting to be made. I don't know what it is or if there is no decision I don't know what things there are to be fixed. I'd like to think that it's not a large backlog of site issues. The only thing I know is that as an end user I'm kind of just at the mercy of whatever updates Mobile Nations chooses to disseminate.

I appreciate the work the community managers, admins, and moderators put into this site. It still is my preferred avenue for news and forums, but damn if it's not made difficult with some of these issues.
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I love this site for the content but I agree that the web interface is slow and unpleasant. That's one reason I read it's news through NextGen reader, and even on a desktop here use mTalk to browse the forums. Only when something is only workable through the site do I bother to load (slowly) it in a web browser. PC is irrelevant here, it's the way the site is coded that's the problem.

Sent from mTalk

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