My wife took this picture on a trip towards Feast of the Hunters' Moon somewhere in Indiana (the foreground is blurry because she captured this while driving). This was taken with our ancient LG Quantum running WP7. Edited in PS
There was a pretty big storm that day while the wife and I were in the gym. Afterwards there was an amazing cloud show. I was having fun out in the parking lot with my phone taking a bunch of snaps.
Lumia 1520, Lumia Camera 5, Rich Capture was on and I had Bracketing set at +/-2ev for this HDR shot. I opened that in Camera360 Sight where I cropped it and applied some very minor tweaks to it...
Taken with my Lumia 925 with no editing, the picture was taken after i landed at Mbeya airport in Tanzania. It was a cloudy day and the airport is kind of sorrounded by mountains. But God, the bird in the pic and pilot deserved thanks for safe landing.
Lumia 930 - Lumia Camera - Auto
At Alexandra Headlands on the Sunshine Coast in Australia on a family holiday. It was a very windy day which led to some pretty interesting clouds that day. No post processing.
I took this photo just a few minutes ago outside our office in Tuas, Singapore. The Clouds can be seen just above the other Island (Malaysia). I thought it would be good to share this with everyone. :grin:
Phone: Lumia 930
Edited: Fotor
Date taken: 5/5/2015