Windows Central photo contest: Sunshine

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Taken by Nokia Lumia 920
Came back home from office, stood in the balcony, got hypnotized by the sun.
Clicked and got a natural sillhouette effect.
Used Lumia Creative Studio for slight touch up.

We have had severe Forest Fires in BC and it has caused the sun to turn an orange color, which looks really cool.

Lumia 625

Your Forum thing won't let me post an image.

Taken using Lumia 920 with Nokia Camera. No filter, no post processing.

The photo was taken on a winter day 2 years ago at my family garden when I was living in other city and only come home at the weekend. It's the sunset over the garden when I help my mother to water the plants.

I took this Picture with my beloved Lumia 1020 in Oktober of 2013 at my Parents Garden with the Lumia Camera App.
I have done no Editing on it.

This was taken at Cherai Beach, India in a rainy day. When I see these kids playing Football at the beach it bring back my childhood memories.

Camera App: Lumia Camera
Device: Lumia 820
Editior: Camera360 Sight
Captured these amazing rays of light coming in through the window with my Lumia 630 using Lumia Camera. I love the amount of detail that got captured. You can actually see the individual rays! Unedited photo.

This Photo was taken using Lumia 1020 in RAW, used Lightroom to bring out more from the photo. Combination of 1020 and RAW is epic.
Photo was taken in India when i was on a weekend getaway with friends.
"Wiping the sun" (=

The day before i saw a contest, i was walking home and saw cool long shadow from a church. I sad to myself "wow, need to capture that". 200 meters forward was this statue named "Ural's komsomol" and it looked funny like they washing the sun (=
Yekaterinburg, Russia
Shot on full auto settings usin Lumia Camera

ps: sorry for my bad english ^_^
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I took this on a biking trip, using my Lumia 830. I liked the symmetry in this picture and how the Sun here always warms me, though only a picture. It was taken in Dubai.
'Twas taken using Lumia Camera. I wanted to preserve the natural "warmth" of this picture, so I [do not recall] using any filter, or any edits...
Shot on my Nokia Lumia 625 with Lumia Camera, ISO 100 and auto mode in white balance, shutter speed and brightness.
Took this when I was going for the evening park walk at 18:55.
Thought for the picture:
The sunset is magnificent, but it never lasts long. A memory will not last until you capture the moments.

Hi, I took this photo outside Gangtok Flower Festival, Sikkim, India. Taking pictures of flowers became boring after some, so I decided to take a walk while my friends stayed there. The rain has just stopped and the sun was shining brightly. I noticed these little leaves near the ground. Tried few clicks, this is the best among other not-so-good attempts.
Phone: Lumia 630
Camera App: Lumia Camera (Pro Exposure Time:1/100 sec, ISO-100)
Photo Editor: Modern Photo app on Windows 10 Desktop TP
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Ini 3.jpg

Using Lumia Camera with my Lumia 1020... i capture DNG file.. auto-correction and convert it to JPEG with DXO Optics Pro 9..
This is a photo i took last month in Menganti beach - Indonesia. The sun is so bright. I prevent the lens flare so i'm not pointing my camera directly to the sun.
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My photo:

I used my Lumia 1020 with the Lumia Camera app.
No post editing was done to this picture. I saw the sun rising through the cloud as I was driving home from work.

Sidenote: I even got electrocuted by a nasty horse-fence while taking that shot because I put my arm on the wood fence without noticing that live cable. =/

To be honest, this was photographed during sunset but I uploaded it with the fact in mind that it must be sunrise at other horizon. This was taken while me and my friends visited for a birthday celebration to a nearby Himalayan hill station called Muketshwar.
Taken with my Lumia 925
Edited in Adobe PSE.

It was the weekend, I played the game (TES: Skyrim), after which I went out, and when I saw this, the first thing I thought was - WTF I had to play a lot, it's hallucinating.
So I take a shoot ! For me its one of best photo I ever made because this natural anomaly.
Taken with L930 to DNG.

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This photo was taken with Lumia 830 in January this year. It was a cold, sunny morning when I started work in the office.
I used some built-in Lumia filter here.

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