Windows Defender Review 2017

I stopped this video at the 2:21 mark. This cat sounds like a straight up troll. This isn't a review of any sort. This is one of those buyers remorse, I hate my life videos. Who the heck says G-U-I? Most people just say Gooey. Anyway, anything he may have said beyond the 2:21 mark is not something I care to listen to. Thanks but I don't subscribe to trollsters like this.
I stopped this video at the 2:21 mark. This cat sounds like a straight up troll. This isn't a review of any sort. This is one of those buyers remorse, I hate my life videos. Who the heck says G-U-I? Most people just say Gooey. Anyway, anything he may have said beyond the 2:21 mark is not something I care to listen to. Thanks but I don't subscribe to trollsters like this.

Sir, I think you judge people way too early and saying troll before listening is same as judging book from it's cover.
Sir, I think you judge people way too early and saying troll before listening is same as judging book from it's cover.
So you didn't really mean when you said: "...feel free share your opinion."
I don't believe that Windows Defender will help to protect my PC better than other antivirus software like Kaspersky.

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