Cheaper than what? It's no cheaper than W10 as it's built from the same source tree, and it's a LOT more expensive than W10M.
Also, the notion that W10S comes "without .exe support" is incorrect. When a a developer uses the desktop bridge to make a piece of Win32 software distributable through the store, the executable is wrapped in a software container and receives a different name, but the executable is still there, inside. Running it requires all the same infrastructure and features that W10 has.
In general it's simply wrong to think of W10S as something less than W10. It's more accurate to think of it as W10 with something more... an additional security feature that prevents executables from running if they were not delivered through the store.
No. It really isn't. It's a full blown desktop OS with a configurable UI (for various size screens). It has pretty much none of the properties of a mobile (consumerized) OS which I mentioned in post #26 .
1. I would rather have an os like win 10s as my all in one go to for phone and PC instead of carrying 2 and win 10s is capable of that.
2. Win 10s means that Ms won't need two teams to test and release update for win mobile. Plus app devs won't need to do uwp port. Their app is already available to all device(pro, s, home, etc)
3. Win 10s can not install applications from web is what I was saying.
Win 10s don't require another team to make updates and design new feature and UI.
I meant win10s can't install programs from web. You know what I mean don't make this more complicated
you may have never tapped the "tablet" button on your win10 device i see. If you do, it turns into a mobile desktop and works great for touch screen. in fact, it does just what win mobile does and has even more.
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