Windows Mobile User Interfaces

I'm using Sprint's stock HTC TouchFlo 3D 2.1, and it's the only one I enjoy using at the moment b/c it has deep integration with Contacts and the Calendar. It makes the experience more friendly and I don't feel embarrassed showing it to friends. I wish it were as customizable as SBSH Mobile Shell or Android, and I wish it dug deeper into Windows Mobile to act as a full replacement (for things like settings). But it's the fastest, most responsive interface I've got for now. :)
I used most solutions on the market.
I spent a lot more time with Point UI and SPB Mobile Shell.
I found both solutions to be highly customizable with SPB Shell slightly in front due to a loser integration with WM.
TouchFlo 3D is good, but only with the version 2.5 it has reached the full potential.:)
thouhts about wm today screen.

I use the original today screen on mt Treo Pro I like to see what I need in one screen w/o scrolling.
thank you WMexperts ans PointUI, I am going to install it in my Treo Pro.

Be careful in choosing applets & themes. Pointsense runs off the screen on the Treo Pro -- unusable. Although the forum responses indicate that variable width applets would solve issues with positioning, most applet programmers either have not embraced that concept or haven't figured out how to do it -- I'm not sure which. Even "World", included as part of the default installation, while positioning fine on a lot of phones, hangs off the upper left corner on the Treo Pro. There are a lot of good applets (like Zenkins' calendar & Mapui) that make Pointui a very nice UI. But the Treo Pro's 320x320 screen makes life interesting. And, if you use RealVGA, Pointui seems to adjust better than without it.

I am currently using Nokia 6300 and I am really convinced by the interface it has. It is really user friendly cell phone and it consist of many versatile features via which I can use it in any way I want. Inshort am comfortable in using Nokia 6300. The menu is very easy to access by just pressing a thumb in the middle of the sqauare shaped keys. Navigational keys are very smooth to use as well. In other words the interface of my mobile is so simple that I can write a sms without seeing to its screen.

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