no really what I am noticing is that they have added an extra animation step where it shows your tap was confirmed.registered with a little depression of the tile,
That was also there before. You just didn't notice it because the app or part of os (contacts, mail, messages etc) would open into the opening-animation instantly. I used to keep my finger on the tile without letting go to see if it animates into different angles, and it did/does. It's animated in 3d, that's also why I didn't understand the whole "it's fluid because its just 2d" bullsht, because it's just as 3d as android, just without the painted bubbly-ness and gradients on the textures/objects, which must have made all the idiots think that their OS are 3D objects lol
Anyway, yes, it has become slower to open anything. Before I would just click on the phone-apps and they would open instantly (marketplace, contacts, texts, call list etc..) but now it takes some time, i click it and can wait and watch it before it begins to open it. Sometimes i think it hasn't registered and i tap again even though it already has, sometimes it registers accidental input and i dont realize it until i am already somewhere else on the start screen just to suddenly be interrupted in my attempt to open what i really wanted to open by the app that i accidentally touched 2 seconds's bs and a i am wondering if they may have made it deliberately just so people would feel their phones are becoming old/slow/obsolete (just like it was with computers a few years ago) to tempt them to feel they have to buy a new one, especially after they have "tasted blood" with the new start screen, which really looks better than the old one.