Windows Phone 8.1 - Laggiest phone OS of 2014.

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It didn't take long for the hate to fall on WP 8.1.
It's not necessarily hate but I am a bit crabbed out that my 1520 is running rough since 8.1 ! I love the features but man my 1520 used to run smooth now ......screen reload....heats up when this happens... My camera is awful and found no help or fix so maybe not hate but definitely frustrated!
I have two phones, a Lumia 920 and a Lumia 520. There's not as much lag as you're making it out to be.. But saying there's no lag at all, IN MY EXPERIENCE is an outright lie.
when installing 8.1 did you guys do a clean install? or did you guys install on top of? my 1520 with 8.1 dp cleanly installed, is really smooth. when the official cyan firmware comes out ill do another clean install. smooth as butter! my 920 with a cleanly installed 8.1 dp is as smooth as butter! this is with no optimized software!. when cyan comes for that i'll cleanly install it and I'm sure it'll be smooth too.

at some point the choices we sew reap. you can't have a 2 year old BUDGET PHONE, With a crappy sd card, 512 Mb ram, loaded with 50 plus live tiles all requesting fresh data, varying SDK builds, some software designed for 8, some rushed to be in the 8.1 release window, poorly coded apps, and no space left and expect a perfect lag free experience. that's not fair and it WONT ever work on any os anywhere. smh false advertising. you guys need to learn how to use your devices. and save some money and buy better phones! complaining about 8.1 on a BumAss phone that wasn't even designed for what your doing to it!

you sound like those trolls who are mad when windows 8 doesn't run well on their bumAss pc they bought when XP came out. well of course it wont run well it wasn't designed for it! sorry for the rant, ill sit down now.
Found something interesting using airplane mode and Wi-Fi only with so called people hub. Using Facebook actually went quite fast on my L1020. Any others noticing speed differences using this setup? My 4G speeds are faster then my Wi-Fi but the phone is slower on mobile data with WP 8.1.
Otherwise WP 8.1 is slow as snails, the third party apps really needs a boost in performance now that we rely on em.
at some point during the installation process, it asks you whether you want to start fresh or restore a backup. you choose start fresh. those aren't the words exactly. and if you're not sure after you install the update you do a factory reset in "settings >about > where it says reset your phone
when installing 8.1 did you guys do a clean install? or did you guys install on top of? my 1520 with 8.1 dp cleanly installed, is really smooth. when the official cyan firmware comes out ill do another clean install. smooth as butter! my 920 with a cleanly installed 8.1 dp is as smooth as butter! this is with no optimized software!. when cyan comes for that i'll cleanly install it and I'm sure it'll be smooth too.

at some point the choices we sew reap. you can't have a 2 year old BUDGET PHONE, With a crappy sd card, 512 Mb ram, loaded with 50 plus live tiles all requesting fresh data, varying SDK builds, some software designed for 8, some rushed to be in the 8.1 release window, poorly coded apps, and no space left and expect a perfect lag free experience. that's not fair and it WONT ever work on any os anywhere. smh false advertising. you guys need to learn how to use your devices. and save some money and buy better phones! complaining about 8.1 on a BumAss phone that wasn't even designed for what your doing to it!

you sound like those trolls who are mad when windows 8 doesn't run well on their bumAss pc they bought when XP came out. well of course it wont run well it wasn't designed for it! sorry for the rant, ill sit down now.

is the 925 and 920 cheap? Older yes, but underpowered no. I know a lot about phones, OSes and hardware. Do I care about the frame rate of an animation? Not so much, but I do care about delay in input. And the start screen is worse than the store app. What does that say. For me it is an optimization problem. And yes I hard reset everytime. If the problem doesn't happen for you. Congratulations, but some of us have and we are not dumb
Reading through these posts I'm always seeing one thing - people are comparing final software (WP8) to non-final software (WP8.1), and yes the developer preview ISN'T a beta, but it'll still lack a lot of optimisation and MS also treat it as an opportunity to let users try out additional betas/works in progress such as the XBM app (which I will agree is terrible, but is slowly getting there). Developer previews/release candidates/open betas will ALWAYS contain bugs, bugs in the install, bugs in the OS and bugs in the apps. The install process will probably leave a mess, it won't be optimised which is why there is still a bit of junk lying around lagging the phone up a little when you upgrade to later software - the people who have clean installed will prove my point. Funnily enough, despite my 1020 running the dev preview, with literally every app on my phone beta (Facebook Beta, Viber RC4) I'm still finding my phone running faster (not more fluid) than my friends' GS4s, and grabbing double the battery life too...
Reading through these posts I'm always seeing one thing - people are comparing final software (WP8) to non-final software (WP8.1), and yes the developer preview ISN'T a beta, but it'll still lack a lot of optimisation and MS also treat it as an opportunity to let users try out additional betas/works in progress such as the XBM app (which I will agree is terrible, but is slowly getting there). Developer previews/release candidates/open betas will ALWAYS contain bugs, bugs in the install, bugs in the OS and bugs in the apps. The install process will probably leave a mess, it won't be optimised which is why there is still a bit of junk lying around lagging the phone up a little when you upgrade to later software - the people who have clean installed will prove my point. Funnily enough, despite my 1020 running the dev preview, with literally every app on my phone beta (Facebook Beta, Viber RC4) I'm still finding my phone running faster (not more fluid) than my friends' GS4s, and grabbing double the battery life too...

Well honestly lucky you just took my phone literally 2 min for screen to reload hard reset and all.....really sucks!
From my own experience, it's far from all the time the software being the issue.

P.S. Sometimes you need to look in the mirror.

P.P.S. 22 live tiles? You serious? I barely imagine how many apps are running in background.
It seems to be a hit or miss issue, but my Start Screen lags like crazy on my 1020 with DP. Tiles are all blank as you scroll. I'm hoping final the Cyan update will fix it.

I have not had that issue on my 1020 with DP. Other than Music and sometimes the camera can be slow, but overall it has been relatively smooth.
Hmm, I will not call it the laggiest OS of the year...

Maybe the most BETAFIED (lol is there such a word) OS of the year 😂

And there is nothing wrong with that... BETA = UPDATES. UPDATES = PERFECTION. Let's just all be patient okay? Daddy Microsoft has been teaching us ever since the value of Patience in our lives... Remember, Patience is a Virtue! 🙌
I have 32 tiles.
And 12 are "live".
But whenever I get a lot of time in an app appears when returning back to the screen.
Apparently, the WP 8.1 "kills" to the Action Center and Start screen (occasionally reloads the icons above and the star screen) to give more memory to the app.

But my biggest problems are the animations that do not look as fluid in 8.0 or other systems.
Besides the Action Center kinda gets stuck to bring down. Always.
Well, all the new apps that are upgradeable went bad.
An application such as Calendar, should not even have time to show the Splash Screen. The Xbox Music, Video and Games (Why are done in Silverlight 8.0 yet?) Are time consuming to open, and buggy.
Another bug I noticed that Microsoft has not solved until today, I've seen videos of up to WPCentral. It makes a noise when it backward or forward some video.

Not complained yet because the hope Cyan with optimized firmware. But if it continues, it becomes difficult.

But still, I am calm because I remember how GDR1 was very buggy (only the camera was good), and the GDR2 and GDR3 was very stable.
So, I hope GDR1 and GDR2 fix this things.

PS: I have a Symbian Nokia 5800 with 128mb RAM, 434MHz processor, and open the Nokia Maps faster than Here, among other applications.
PS: My phone is lumia 720.
I haven't read all the comments on this thread but I just logged in to comment and agree on the title-" WP 8.1 is too much laggy". Now please don't tell me I am a fan boy or Haters gonna hate or some bull... I have never used any phone other than a Nokia since old Symbian days and tried Lumia 610, 920 and is currently using 1520, and this current one is so laggy after 8.1 Dev Prev and even Lumia cyan that I am thoroughly disappointed with Windows Phone. Trust me, I tried hard reset, soft reset, started clean without using previous backup data just to see that loading screen right after i punch in the unlock code most of the time.. FIFA 14 game was way better in WP8 but now i can't tolerate the lag in the game with Lumia Cyan( NOT Dev Prev).. I don't have any thoughts of using android or iPhone, all I say is as Windows Phone enthusiasts we all deserve much much better...
is the 925 and 920 cheap? Older yes, but underpowered no. I know a lot about phones, OSes and hardware. Do I care about the frame rate of an animation? Not so much, but I do care about delay in input. And the start screen is worse than the store app. What does that say. For me it is an optimization problem. And yes I hard reset everytime. If the problem doesn't happen for you. Congratulations, but some of us have and we are not dumb

If you have to tell us, without any inkling of a clue, then ...

What do you know about OSs ? Did you do a clean install or simply download the update ?
Do you reboot, after the OS reboot, to allow things to settle out ?

I installed Lumia Cyan, after falling back to WinPhone 8.0, let the system restart to ' ... complete the installation ... ', then hard reset the phone, to flush any issues. Only then, do I sign in & let the backup restore. Short of re-installing everything, that's how you do a clean install. You take the time to do it right. My Lumia 1520 runs smooth as butter - I install apps, then, if I don't like / want them, I un-install. I am @ approx. 45% capacity on storage - 16Gb internal & 32Gb SDcard (UHS1) - after overhead approx. 44Gb available storage (using ~ 20Gb). Oh, and I shutdown ~ once a week, to flush memory. If an app is running away (it happens), I soft reset the device. Treat it like a computer (which it is) & it'll run efficiently.

There is NO logical reason for the lag you mention, unless everyone is experiencing the same thing. You're not going to tell me my optimizations eliminated the lag, quite the opposite ...
I haven't read all the comments on this thread but I just logged in to comment and agree on the title-" WP 8.1 is too much laggy". Now please don't tell me I am a fan boy or Haters gonna hate or some bull... I have never used any phone other than a Nokia since old Symbian days and tried Lumia 610, 920 and is currently using 1520, and this current one is so laggy after 8.1 Dev Prev and even Lumia cyan that I am thoroughly disappointed with Windows Phone. Trust me, I tried hard reset, soft reset, started clean without using previous backup data just to see that loading screen right after i punch in the unlock code most of the time.. FIFA 14 game was way better in WP8 but now i can't tolerate the lag in the game with Lumia Cyan( NOT Dev Prev).. I don't have any thoughts of using android or iPhone, all I say is as Windows Phone enthusiasts we all deserve much much better...

Once apps have been updated for 8.1 these problems will disappear. Do you remember ios 7 when it first released? There were problems like blue screens of death! Lag on old devices like the ipad 2 and iphone 4. Even when the iPhone 5S first released, a blue screen of death occured when using certain apps. Stop complaining and wait for everything to be optimised first.
From my own experience, it's far from all the time the software being the issue.

P.S. Sometimes you need to look in the mirror.

P.P.S. 22 live tiles? You serious? I barely imagine how many apps are running in background.

I reset my phone few hours ago.
Now I have only total of 23 tiles including 1 live tile.
And only 2 apps are allowed to run in background.

Problem is still almost same.

Anything else you want to say?
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