Windows Phone 8.1 picks up first update, improves battery life and squashes bugs

Photos tile now supports start background provided you have selected favorite photos as live tile tile and have not made any photo favorite.
This feature was there before 8.1....thou my phone is acting weird....I guess needs a hard reset....

sent from Lumia 1020 or Note 3 dual sim
This update made my phone worse �� my phone now crashes twice as much per day. When my Bluetooth device disconnects my phone crashes and reboots.. the camera crashes and I have to restart the phone half the time.. the phone resets my ringtone to the default over the horizon one, every time it is restarted or crashes..cortana is super bad at voice recognition half the time now.. battery life is slightly better though.

I tried a hard reset but now I do not have lte or mms or data capabilities on the phone unless I input the info into the settings myself...

Samsung ativ s

This phone has become garbage but I don't have anywhere near the money to buy a new phone :(
This update made my phone worse �� my phone now crashes twice as much per day. When my Bluetooth device disconnects my phone crashes and reboots.. the camera crashes and I have to restart the phone half the time.. the phone resets my ringtone to the default over the horizon one, every time it is restarted or crashes..cortana is super bad at voice recognition half the time now.. battery life is slightly better though.

I tried a hard reset but now I do not have lte or mms or data capabilities on the phone unless I input the info into the settings myself...

Samsung ativ s

This phone has become garbage but I don't have anywhere near the money to buy a new phone :(

tweet @winphonesupport
Seems like third time was the charm for me !

After reinstalling DP 8.1 ... for third time yesterday .... I can HAPPILY say battery life improved significantly!! Lasting me a full day + some. Which is all I wanted out of a cell phone. A good solid days use. Especially with the new features 8.1 offers.

I did a hard reset before and after install of 8.1 and waited to see how things went this time. Deleted all old apps before install, then just reinstalled the ones I know I will use daily. Old games, photos and music too.

I have Cortana, WPCentral and Battery (though not the battery saver feature) ... all running AND pinned to start screen. Really the only things I need running. And got a solid 24 hours of moderate use from phone yesterday. By moderate I mean: Bout (3) .... 5 - 10 minute phone calls. Frequent visits on WPC. 4 or 5 emails. 2 with pic attachments. Camera use. Couple rounds of the game 2048. Texting throughout day to wife,kids and friends (maybe 50 texts overall - both sent and received). A visit on YouTube for some Dave Matthews videos. Also listened to some songs from my playlist. Then reading news, weather, sports on Cortana, probably 3 or 4 times thoughout the day and night. I even "played" around with Cortana again too for set up and to do some searches for background images to phone.

I would say that doing these things during the course of the day and night .... I ended up using the phone for a total of 6 hours off and on. Bascially .... a somewhat typical day for me on my phone. (Maybe even used it a bit more than I normally would)

And to my surprise? Went to bed with 14% left on my phone .... AND .... woke up with same 14% still on phone!!
Stand by time ~ greatly improved.
Totally different battery life now. Very much comparable to running 8.0 (on my Lumia 925).

Just hope things continue!
Great having to not constantly take note of battery life again .... and just use my phone !!
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With my Lumia 820 I managed to go through a day of usage with at least 30 minutes YouTube videos ,20 minutes of six guns , 1 hour of watching online some episodes , 2-3 hours of music via headphones and browsing a lot . I am sure that the battery life has improved

Since you are a Lumia 820 user, I'm asking you this. Have you experienced the phone getting freezed, I mean the screen blackens out and doesn't respond until you perform a soft reset or pull out the battery and restart it ? Also the time gets changed automatically after this and I have to reset the time. My 820 also sometimes finds issues with the SD Card and tries to scan and fix the issues, till then I can't use the contents on the card.
Have you faced these issues ?
Since you are a Lumia 820 user, I'm asking you this. Have you experienced the phone getting freezed, I mean the screen blackens out and doesn't respond until you perform a soft reset or pull out the battery and restart it ? Also the time gets changed automatically after this and I have to reset the time. My 820 also sometimes finds issues with the SD Card and tries to scan and fix the issues, till then I can't use the contents on the card.
Have you faced these issues ?

Sometimes it freezes but not for a long of time . Maximum 6 seconds . About the sd card just press no in the begging and all your context will load in less than a minute

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
I've notice two bugs with this new update on my unlocked 1020 with tmobile:
1. I can no longer hear any notifications, or alarms.
When I navigate to settings>ringtones+notifications>and try to set my ringtone, I can't even get a preview of the sound. When i press the preview/play button, i get backed out into the settings menu again.

2. When I am typing a text and someone else texts me, I get backed out into the main menu/ metro pane menu.

Has anyone else noticed these problems with OS version 8.10.12382.878
I tried a soft reset and a hard reset (factory), but it didn't help.

I have hard reset my phone....dint change my region for cortana...will check battery life now

sent from Lumia 1020 or Note 3 dual sim
I have hard reset my phone....dint change my region for cortana...will check battery life now

sent from Lumia 1020 or Note 3 dual sim

Please post back, because right now I see a lot of people that did the hard reset and started from scratch and it helped a lot. The 2 reasons why I don't want to do that right now, it's because of all the photos and videos that I have ( I have a lot & I don't have a laptop to transfer them). I know I could use Onedrive but it takes a really long time. Also, I have Twitter Beta and I would loose it.
If your worried about your photos then a hard reset is not the option for you but it does get rid of alot of the issues. OneDrive is quick if on WiFi and is a life saver. As for twitter bata if you go to the app store and go to my apps to see if its listed and if so you can reinstall it after the hard reset or search on wpcentrel for a link.
If your worried about your photos then a hard reset is not the option for you but it does get rid of alot of the issues. OneDrive is quick if on WiFi and is a life saver. As for twitter bata if you go to the app store and go to my apps to see if its listed and if so you can reinstall it after the hard reset or search on wpcentrel for a link.

Hi thanks for the info! I could try to transfer all photos and videos to one drive. I will check for twitter beta in the store but I know that they have removed it. Thanks again!

Update: Just checked and I couldn't download the app again. I guess I will wait just a little bit and in the meantime, clean and transfer my photos and videos.
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In store go to my apps and check is twitter beta is there....or download lumia updates app...there u may find twitter beta

sent from Lumia 1020 or Note 3 dual sim
I just was craving fr cortana and mainly quiet hrs which cant work without cortana...thou only battery has been charged twice...thou the phone is much faster and smooth...iam getting 16 hrs of heavy use...shld settle dwn in few more cycles

sent from Lumia 1020 or Note 3 dual sim
I just was craving fr cortana and mainly quiet hrs which cant work without cortana...thou only battery has been charged twice...thou the phone is much faster and smooth...iam getting 16 hrs of heavy use...shld settle dwn in few more cycles

sent from Lumia 1020 or Note 3 dual sim
So you decided not to enable Cortana...
So yesterday I downloaded 8.1 again, everything was perfect 👌 until today... I'm experiencing those lags and stutters when coming back to the start screen :(
Did all the apps reinstall on their own or u installed them manually

sent from Lumia 1020 or Note 3 dual sim

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