Windows Phone is a tortoise in a rabbits race.

im not worried , from what i remember the Turtle WON!! and had rabbit for supper.>

*NUM*Iphone *NUM*Android *NUM* Blackbery *NUM*
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I feel that the article is dead wrong, I'm not bashing it. But in, hopefully, less than a year, WP7 will have not only caught up, but surpassed iOS and Android in terms of features.
I feel that the article is dead wrong, I'm not bashing it. But in, hopefully, less than a year, WP7 will have not only caught up, but surpassed iOS and Android in terms of features.

I don't know about that, does mango has more features than IOS 5 or Icecream Sandwich? To be honest I just want more, better phones. I mean phones that had something you can't find on Android.
i have to agree with 1jaxstate1 on Wp7 surpassing every one.

to be honest i can almost see android being DEAD in 5 years from now LMAO! and Iphone well . people are not buying because every one has it , as much as they use to 2-3 years ago any ways.
wait till they get the Kinnec integrated in wp + cross platform system they are working on...
this phone has unlimited amount of potential compare to some other OS ( i find any ways )
I'm using a iPhone to play a feels games with some friends, and Incan tell you the OS feels very outdated compared to WP7 OS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm using a iPhone to play a feels games with some friends, and Incan tell you the OS feels very outdated compared to WP7 OS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

thats cause the OS is outdated .. it the same as the original Iphone with a few added features....

just cause the Iphone ahs a MUCh better gaming system right now . but thats ALL about to change when MS takes their foot out of the ARS and relies that wp7 is 80% gaming(xbox live) and should put more Energy into dev it(feature wise ) like Iphone has done with the Ipad+iphone

P.S looks like we 3 kings have a Posting battle going on! lol
The OS is just icons after icons after icons. Kinda like those 90's desktops. I don't like it BUT IOS is smooth and everything works, also the games are way above the current WP7 offerings.

Android can go from heaven itself to the biggest piece of crap depending on your device, kinda like Winmobile. I feel like only MS is the future now.

Look at the latest LION update, it looks like Windows Vista.
My response is the same thing I say every time I hear this.

How long did it take iOS to get copy & paste? MMS? A camera button? Landscape keyboard? The answer is AT LEAST a full year, and most over the course of many. Windows Phone 7 is still less than a year old, and has already updated to some of the features that other phones took years to adopt. It also happened to launch with features that other OS's do not even have. Social networking integration? Live tiles? Xbox Live?

I'm not exactly sure where your analogy is coming from. WP7 is growing much faster than iOS and Android ever did. You can't compare the 3 and 4 year old Android and iOS to the infant that is WP7. It isn't fair. At least compare it to those systems 8-10 months after their launch.
The way I look at it is:
1. I want my phone to work...turn it on and it works. No lagging, no lock ups or crashes.
2. Does it do what I need it to do for "ME"....not everyone else but but for me.
3. Does it have the integration that I want or might twitter, facebook and messaging?
I have found what I needed with the WP7!! I could careless about iOS (played out) or Android (buggy and lagging) Other folks can be happy with their choice...I'm happy with mine because my phone just "Works"!! And yes I'm running Mango beta 2.
Cant say I disagree with the feeling that WP7 is moving too slowly. Anyone here from Backstage? Remember how it was before WP7 launched, the feeling then also was "just wait", for advertising, for sales, for hardware, for updates. And one year later we are still waiting for almost exactly the same things.

WP7 has no mindshare, AT ALL. How are they going to grab mindshare and get marketshare all of a sudden when no one knows about them? Its not as though people will forget about the competition that they have been hearing and lusting after all year long because MS decides to throw a few ads together just before Mango launches. Why no "coming soon" type ads? No hardware news? You can see android devices announced every day that are coming in the future but nothing for WP7. Months go by and as far as most of the planet is concerned WP7 doesnt even exist. And of course when you finally decide to buy one the final hurdle is the biased sales rep who will fight tooth and nail to sell you something other than a Windows Phone.

Put it all together and WP7 definitely feels like its moving too slowly, and I dont think Mango, a last ditch ad campaign or new (comparitively old) hardware is going to sway the brainwashed masses to suddenly adopt WP.
Absolutely agree with you. Mango is coming this fall with the next generation of WP7 devices.

Absolutely not buzz, people has being waiting for the Iphone 5 for how long? Fall is coming in a month and there's not new phones announced. Everything is just leaks, we should had being getting lots of hand ons.

Why is only AT&T that has more than one Windows Phone? They have a great thing going on but they are really screwing it up. No Windows Phone owner that I seen, nows about the Mango update.
I actually think MS was kind of smart in waiting until the right moment to raise awareness for the OS.

Most of us here think that WP's design is well ahead of other platform. MS knows this too. The thing is, MS knew they were behind feature-wise on initial release. That's probably why their advertising has been sparse so far. No sense in spending a ton of money to really push a product that in all honesty had a ways to go to catch up to other platforms, in hardware and software. People would check it out, dismiss it, and then never care about it again.

Mango adds a lot of features and new hardware, so that's when I think we will see a real advertising push. Once you can compare favorably with others in design as well as features, that's when you really want to get it into the public eye. You can't hype it too much yet, because people can't get it yet.

Also, you can't really compare this to Apple, because the news and tech sites handle most of their marketing for them.
Good article. Things did start slow for WP7 (and to be honest, I wasn't interested in it at all until NoDo), but with Mango I think it'll be right up there and in with a very good shout. iOS is getting very busy (Apple aren't stupid though - I suspect iOS 6 will be a proper redesign) and one of the things I prefer about WP7 to my iPhone 4 is how clean and simple the interface is (though iOS is still the no. 1 choice for tablets).

Where I think the real headway to be made though is against Android. It's too fragmented so half the stuff won't even run on half the handsets, and much, much too fussy and fiddly. WP7 is an excellent halfway between the minimal platforms of iOS and the zillions of permutations of Android, it's powerful without being needlessly complex, and it offers a range of handsets at a range of prices with a guarantee that even the cheapest handset will be to a minimum spec. Compare that guaranteed minimum spec against making a program that'll run on the cheapest, nastiest resistive screen Android oddity *and* a Galaxy S2 and you can see immediately what platform will be more appealing for a dev to code for. WebOS just doesn't seem to be getting any traction, so I think the market of people getting fed up of Android is there for the taking.
Why is only AT&T that has more than one Windows Phone? They have a great thing going on but they are really screwing it up. No Windows Phone owner that I seen, nows about the Mango update.

here in Canada, BELL . we have 2 :) .. LG quantum and the HTC HD7

what is REALLY pissing me off , every time i see a ADD for AT&T+rogers+bell+verizing ALL the carriers for that matter. its ?ALWAYS A FREAKIGN ANDROID phone in the commercial....

they seriously need to change it up a little . Wp7 came out in Canada , i haven?t seen a SINGLE add for it yet!! not one!! oh wait , we have a poster on the flore at my job (bell) like that helps customers?! lmao!
I see lots of AT&T commercials with Samsung Focus. Well more Windows Phones comercials than anything, AT&T specific commercials have the Iphone always.

Speaking of commercials, the Samsung infuse one are some of my favorites.
The article is actually spot on. WP7 is a good OS but the OS itself (not apps) isn't growing fast enough. This will be its downfall if Microsoft doesn't speed up the updates.

I feel that the article is dead wrong, I'm not bashing it. But in, hopefully, less than a year, WP7 will have not only caught up, but surpassed iOS and Android in terms of features.
Surpass iOS and Android? I can't see that happening anytime in the near future. Just look at WP7 marketshare compared to Android and iOS. It isn't doing very good.
i have to agree with 1jaxstate1 on Wp7 surpassing every one.

to be honest i can almost see android being DEAD in 5 years from now LMAO! and Iphone well . people are not buying because every one has it , as much as they use to 2-3 years ago any ways.
wait till they get the Kinnec integrated in wp + cross platform system they are working on...
this phone has unlimited amount of potential compare to some other OS ( i find any ways )
Android dead in 5 years? You're joking right? Android is currently the most popular mobile OS, right next to iOS. I thought I remember reading somewhere that Microsoft themselves stated that WP7 isn't selling well. I doubt its even beating BB.
I'm using a iPhone to play a feels games with some friends, and Incan tell you the OS feels very outdated compared to WP7 OS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The OS looks the same as when it started but that's because it works so well. iOS on the iPad 2 feels and looks better than WP7 now. When I showed people my HD7, a lot of them said they didn't like the tiles. I'm not gonna lie. I prefer the way the homescreen on my Android looks than my HD7 but the metro UI still looks nice.
My response is the same thing I say every time I hear this.
Yeah but when iOS was in its infancy, there was nothing out there that was as innovative as it. Now, Android and iOS have a lot of features that WP7 won't be getting until mango. They're a step ahead.

All in all, WP7 is definitely a good OS but it did come late in the game. It needs time to catch up and try to surpass Android and iPhone but that's gonna take a lot especially seeing how popular those two platforms are.
thats cause the OS is outdated .. it the same as the original Iphone with a few added features....

My big fear is that we will all be saying this about WP7 in 3-4 years. I remember when the iPhone came out and even though I didn't think switching to AT&T was worth it, I thought it was a gorgeous phone that worked beautifully.

Now I look at the iPhone and while it hasn't changed, it's grown stale. It's just row after row of icons, as someone said. I'm afraid that in 3 years, WP7 will just be "a bunch of squares." Don't get me wrong, I LOVE WP7 and think it's a gorgeous phone that worked beautifully, just like I said about the iPhone years ago.

It's like when the VW Beetle came back in 1998. It was cool and unique and interesting. But where do you go from there? You're kinda stuck because if you stray too far, you'll lose your die hard fan base but if you don't change and evolve, you grow stale, like the iPhone. You can't stay on the cutting edge forever and I fear that in a few years, WP7 will look just like it does now.

Of course, the iPhone is still selling like crazy so it's probably just me...
Just because the other OS's have more marketshare, doesn't mean they are better. **** many say Web OS is the best of all, yet look at their marketshare.

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