Windows Phone printing any time soon?

interesting since I printed from my iPhone 3, 4, & 5 from the time I got the 3.

Natively? I never saw an option until my sister got a 5C. I can try to find my old iPhone, but I distinctly remember not being able to print to any printer natively.
Natively? I never saw an option until my sister got a 5C. I can try to find my old iPhone, but I distinctly remember not being able to print to any printer natively.

Yes natively. As long as the printer supports Airprint. Way before Windows Phone, I had been printing from my iPhones/iPad as well.
Yes natively. As long as the printer supports Airprint. Way before Windows Phone, I had been printing from my iPhones/iPad as well.

though airprint wasnt quite mainstream until recently
my canon at home has airprint support , works like a charm with my ipad ,prefer it to google cloud print(i dislike google services and the annoying ads)
720 really have a awesome camera cause have a big battery with a "low" hardware... And, 820 don't have a good battery...
And Nexus 5 have a horrible camera and battery. But, is just look to some of LG's and Xperia. They have good battery.
720 really have a awesome camera cause have a big battery with a "low" hardware... And, 820 don't have a good battery...
And Nexus 5 have a horrible camera and battery. But, is just look to some of LG's and Xperia. They have good battery.

like i said, FYI I OWN a lumia 720,820,nexus 5 so yeah i pretty much have a better idea about them
the nexus 5 has a terrible battery life and decent cam,820 is just 350mah below the 720 and nexus 5 and has a battery life of over a day and certainly is better than most androids
720 has low hardware?? lol im assuming your sarcastic,maybe its low for android but with windows phone , it even beats most quad core androids
LG and Xperia?good battery? not really
why argue with someone who has tried and owns all
you are misinformed going by your posts
like i said, FYI I OWN a lumia 720,820,nexus 5 so yeah i pretty much have a better idea about them
the nexus 5 has a terrible battery life and decent cam,820 is just 350mah below the 720 and nexus 5 and has a battery life of over a day and certainly is better than most androids
720 has low hardware?? lol im assuming your sarcastic,maybe its low for android but with windows phone , it even beats most quad core androids
LG and Xperia?good battery? not really
why argue with someone who has tried and owns all
you are misinformed going by your posts
820 has 350mah below, but have Snapdragon 1.5Ghz, 1gb RAM, other GPU....

And, yeah. The processor and RAM is "low". IS THE SAME of Lumia 520.

PS: I have Lumia 720.
Getting back on topic, I purchased a Brother printer a year or so ago specifically because of their companion print/scan app for the Windows Phone. Didn't know HP had the same.

yeah right thats why we get exactly what is advertised right
you get sooo much battery man , its unbelievable
you bought a 1tb hdd its not a single kb lesser than 1tb right
you bought a 15" laptop, its not a single cm bigger(bezel)

this post is sarcastic just FYI
look man , i OWN the phones i mentioned so i certainly know each of their pros and cons

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