Wired mic with controls, that allows for separate headphones


New member
Jun 21, 2011
Hey everyone,

I really want to use the wired mic and answer/zune controls, but I'd prefer to use my own headphones rather than the ones which came with my LG Optimus 7. Does anyone know if it's possible to buy just the mic bit, so that I can plug my Sennheisers into that? If so where could I get it (preferably in the UK)?

I realise there's another 'hot' thread about headphones but that seems to be specific to the Samsung and also regarding an all-in-one solution. I'd rather have a more flexible solution (and preferably one that isn't just compatible with the LG model I have).

Any help much appreciated :)
Thanks a lot for that. Although that model isn't available in the UK, the title provided some good search terms which helped me out, and led me to this: Griffin SmartTalk Headphone Adapter and Control Mic For: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics

However, both the model you posted and the one I found have really, really wide-ranging reviews, throwing up lots of issues around durability and compatibility on various platforms. (In one case, one person said it worked with their HTC Desire whilst another said it only worked partially.)

I didn't actually give the bundled phones much of a chance, but maybe I should until something better comes along because I know they'll work. Unless someone can point me in the direction of a high quality adapter that's not going to break easily and is assured to work with WP7...

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