-disable defender, winsearch, superfetch, and in the new photos app go to settings and remove all folders listed in "sources"
the photos app is the real culprit here, troll ms makes this app scan for photos every time you leave your pc idle, and it will stop in a fraction of a second the moment you touch the computer again, leaving no trace except for the previous task manager readings of 100% cpu-disk usage and 90? C temps if its a laptop sitting in your bed for example, it will trigger a thermal shutdown most of the time, and I don't know who to blame, ms or the OEM, why do OEMs believe shutting down the pc abruptly is a solution for thermal trips? I mean, cant they simply underclock it until it stops overheating? but even then, why doesn't Microsoft realize that they are killing everyone's batteries while doing this, and battery life is a very precious source for most people, are they just trolling us? or they expect everyone to have a nice thin i7+ssd ultrabook that can index the entire disk for photos in a few seconds? I mean even then, my laptop sits in that gold standard but I also have a big HDD full of pictures which obviously put it under serious strain until it overheats and shutdowns unless I leave it sitting on a table and there's air conditioner, AND if it is running on battery it wouldn't surprise me to find my laptop dead hibernating