Workout wrist strap gloves + band


New member
Dec 6, 2012
Howdy everyone,

I was looking at the band, and I wonder how well this device works with the workout gloves that wrap around your wrists.

For example, I use the harbinger wrist strap cloves, : Harbinger 1250 Training Grip WristWrap Glove, Black/Grey : Exercise Gloves : Sports & Outdoors I've been struggling with these "clever" concepts:

  1. If I get a large, I could compensate by pushing the band back up the arm when working out, then setting it to smallest setting when I done working out.
  2. I could wear it under the wrist wrap (but doesn't seem good for the wrist when working out.

Any guidance is great for this. For idea 1. I'm curious because of how the heart rate would pic up if I pushed it up the arm for idea 2. I'm curious how awkward it is when you put it under your wrist strap.

I think it use an optical heart rate sensor so you can stick it anywhere and it will pick up your heart rate.
I always wear my Band a bit further down instead of directly on my wrist, and it still picks up my heart rate just fine. This allows me to have full movement of my wrists and I'd be able to wear gloves like that just fine.
I use straps a few times each week in my workouts - heavy deadlift sets, shrugs, and dumbell step ups.

I wear my band (face down) just above the bone/bump in my wrist and find there is just enough room for a normal strap below it. I do move the Band up slightly for comfort (maybe 1/2 inch) and I keep the straps low on my wrist.

No problems at all, except it's a bit trickier on my Band wrist to really crank down on the straps before beginning my set.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

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