Worst Movie You've Seen...Ever!

The Phantom Menace is a good choice... Horrible! Pearl Harbor was another stinker... As for the A Team, it was a fun movie
The magazine of an M16 will be emptied in 4 seconds on full auto, and nobody ever reloaded either.

Did he fire 74 rounds or 75? To tell you the truth, in all the confusion, I lost count myself. You gotta ask yourself, do I feel lucky?
During the Olympics, the billboard near the US-Canada border read, "Loser keeps Bieber".
Worst = Citizen Caine
2nd worse = Dinner with Andre

I've never been able to get through 20 minutes with either one.

I'm guessing because neither great film had naked girls, car chases or guns a blazing ? - I'm sure you'd never see a film with subtitles - Curious, who wrote your reply for you (after you dictated it to them) your mom or a teacher ? :winktongue:
I'm guessing because neither great film had naked girls, car chases or guns a blazing ? - I'm sure you'd never see a film with subtitles - Curious, who wrote your reply for you (after you dictated it to them) your mom or a teacher ? :winktongue:

Or the poster just didn't find them entertaining.
By far the worst movie I've ever seen is Rollerball with Chris Kline and LL Cool J. Horrible, horrible movie. So bad that I would rent it with the specific purpose of getting other people to watch it, just because I had to waste my time with it.
Now, as much as I like Will Smith, he's been in some junk movies. Wild Wild West and After Earth come to mind. At least Kevin Kline tried to make Wild Wild West watchable...thee was no one to do that with After Earth. Simply flush worthy...

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