Geez..... Am I the ONLY sap who remembers the really horrid movies from the 70's and 80's, or just the only one moronic enough to have sat through them?
"Kingdom of the Spiders".... William Shatner at his worse. Or best, if his worst is a great thing.
"The Swarm".... Yep, killer bees. Nope... not a good movie.
"Staying Alive"... Please data dump this from my brain. Please...
More recent...
"Cyborg" ... Jean Claude-Van Damme's worst ever. That is saying a ton.
"Battlefield Earth"... How could this not been mentioned yet?
"Master of Disguise" ..My stinking kids made me sit through this. Killed Dana Carvey's career.
But... my all time worst movie....
"Howard the Duck"........ Why??? HOW?? This was APPROVED by someone, somewhere, somehow....