Worst Movie You've Seen...Ever!

Actually Noah was directed by an atheist guy, who changed some major things in the movie which wasn't present in the bible.
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Geez..... Am I the ONLY sap who remembers the really horrid movies from the 70's and 80's, or just the only one moronic enough to have sat through them?

"Kingdom of the Spiders".... William Shatner at his worse. Or best, if his worst is a great thing.

"The Swarm".... Yep, killer bees. Nope... not a good movie.

"Staying Alive"... Please data dump this from my brain. Please...

More recent...

"Cyborg" ... Jean Claude-Van Damme's worst ever. That is saying a ton.

"Battlefield Earth"... How could this not been mentioned yet?

"Master of Disguise" ..My stinking kids made me sit through this. Killed Dana Carvey's career.

But... my all time worst movie....

"Howard the Duck"........ Why??? HOW?? This was APPROVED by someone, somewhere, somehow....

This is one impressively horrid list...

Post approved by Nexus 5
Back in India when I could pretty much sit through anything, this one took the cake and I can't get the darn thing out of my head, what a colossal waste...
"Dil Tera Aashiq"

Officially the worst movie ever. I'll think of a Hollywood movie and come back to this thread later....
The worst movie for me was "Dragon Ball: Evolution". Yeah, call me a kid or whatever but even now, I'm almost 18,I love watching Dragon Ball Z anime, so naturally,I was very excited to watch this movie but yuck! Have I ever been so wrong, the casting: Horrible. Acting: Horrible. Direction: Horrible. Animations: Horrible. Dialogues: Mediocre.
Being a dbz fan,I watched the entire movie but boy! Was I disappointed! I'd rather someone Kamehameha me instead of making me watch that abomination again.
For me it's got to be Going Overboard (1989), Adam Sandler has made some pretty bad movies and this has to be the worst for me. P.s got to say I kind of like Joe vs volcano, a young Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan what's not to love?
Dantes Peak. I'm sure there's plenty of other terrible films ive seen but this one always sticks out. Pierce Brosnan playing an awful role in a terrible film. At one point a jeep gets driven through lava. And they don't all die...
I'm sorry I mentioned Joe Vs. the Volcano.
I retract that film and replace it with Thelma and Louise.

I guess any chick flick can go on this list.

No offense to the ladies but Lifetime Network does nothing but make player haters out of y'all.

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The first Incredible Hulk, and all the Spider-Man movies. Underworld too.

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I guess any chick flick can go on this list.

No offense to the ladies but Lifetime Network does nothing but make player haters out of y'all.

Sent from my LG G-Pro via the WPCentral Android app

It may have been a chick flick, but I'd hardly rank it low on my list.

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