Would You Get a Non-Black Phone?

I agree with alot of you, that the colored Nokia phones are fantastic. Love the cyan and the rumors red one. If Nokia releases a colored phone on at&t in February, I'm in. I put zagg shields on so it doesn't hide the beauty.

This thread should only be for those of us who don't hide the beauty of our phones behind cheap cases, it makes me laugh.

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Yeah. My wife is waiting for something like the pink lumia to arrive in the us before switching from her iPhone to windows phone. I'd probably get a colored one if it was super sweet.

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Nope, prefer the sleekness of Black especially the way Nokia has done it. Non-black phones seem garish and loud to me.
Got a white iPhone 4S. Definitely the last light colored phone I am ever getting
Yes I'd buy the Cyan Lumia 800...

Son of a gun I already did it! It's a beautiful device, the only thing to remember is that the cyan looks amazing with a blue accent colour, but clashes with others
Oh most certainly. I saw the N8 in orange (I think it was the N8) and it was sweet. That is a statement my friends.

This one Steveg ? Looks orange to me. :D
I would take white or yellow. I had a red Motorola once - it had black trim, it was very nice.
I own an HTC Radar 4G and I love the white and silver combo. It is a beautiful phone! However I am very picky about my white phones. I can't stand the white color of the iPhone for instance. An "ugly" black color is rare, IMHO.
I will buy a black Lumia 800, because only with a black body it is possible to change the colour of the WP7-tiles often.
YES WEE BEAR! That is one sweet lookin phone. If I had the cash I would get my Jeep in that burned orange color too.

Yes it's quite a coppery metallic orange Steveg.

It actually looks quite classy.

Maybe I should change my mind about liking black the best. :D
I might consider getting the Cyan Nokia Lumia 800. I'd also consider white too, but something closer to the white iPhone than the HTC Radar 4g for T-Mobile.
At one point in time, it seemed like owning a non-black phone was a non-issue. Here's a couple I've had and didn't think twice about them not being black:

Nokia 6510 - got this when smaller = cooler, met an untimely death in the washing machine


HTC 8525 - my only WinMo phone, replace a Blackberry, got replaced by an iPhone 3GS


I know, not exactly Cyan or Fuchia, but I have been thinking about maybe getting white.
Smooth black is sleek and sexy. iPhone did this right. I will take a textured phone in color though. Thing I like most about shinny black is the screen disappears and I can imagine just for a moment that I am in the future where there is no bezel around my screen. Many black phones look cheaper. Any groove in the casing will collect dust and be very noticeable. I think I prefer the silver/grey to black on my TITAN.
I'd love a dark green phone. I currently have a Green Lantern Gelaskin on my Focus, but it just seems cheap (like the Focus in general). However, I really like how it looks, since it isn't plain and it isn't gaudy.

I'd pretty much like any dark color. After green, my top choices would be maroon or grey, though.

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