Would you still buy a L950?

If you can get a 950 under 200, there is no reason to skip :p it should have been near 250-300 to start with....

Honestly man.. I like the guy, but his hatred for anything related to WM has become a bit unreasonable/frustrating and comedic lol

He honestly reminds me of every man/woman who had their hearts broken and suddenly decided it's ok to think that every other man/woman in the world will ultimately end up breaking their hearts so it's best not to try at all.

Man, I think I went overboard with my analogy xd
To answer your question: Yes, I'd still buy one if the price was right. It was right when I bought it not too long ago, at around $350 or so (I can't remember exactly) with a dock.

I upgraded from an "old" LG G2X (sold by T-Mobile in the US) and it was really night and day. It's faster in every way and does far more things than that phone. The G2X started deteriorating (performance) pretty quickly after I got it, so I'm hoping and guessing this phone won't do the same. If you're already on Windows 10 Mobile and like it then I don't see how getting a 950 at a good price can be a bad thing.

All the people criticizing Win 10 Mobile are using mostly nonsensical arguments that I either disagree on the basis of their facts being wrong, or because they fail to see a larger context. To me, the 950 and Win 10 Mobile is a nice blend of a work device and a more 'consumer' device. It's an unlocked device so I can take it wherever I want, with dual SIM, at a good price, with continuum and a dock. I have all the apps that I actually need on it, and a lot of what I want. I honestly can't think of a single app I really want that isn't available.

So again, 'yes', I'd buy it.

I'm mulling it. Thanks
I just bought one. Does that answer your question?
Haha I'm loving Windows 10 Mobile despite lingering issues on my 640 XL/640/830 so I'm hoping the 950/XL proves to be just as, well, awesome.
I love my Lumia 950. Even though it randomly rebooted for some reason last night for whatever reason I don't know lol.
I love my Lumia 950. Even though it randomly rebooted for some reason last night for whatever reason I don't know lol.

I've had a couple random reboots recently on my 950 too. It's been many months since the last time it happened I thought the problem had been sorted out. Am still liking the phone very much regardless.
I've had a couple random reboots recently on my 950 too. It's been many months since the last time it happened I thought the problem had been sorted out. Am still liking the phone very much regardless.

Haven't seen you around lately :D good to know you're still going strong

Reading Thurott's 950 review, it doesn't sound half bad. "It takes FANTASTIC pictures..." "Complaints about the device?s specifications are ludicrous... the Lumia 950 is absolutely a flagship-class device."

My take is, if you're already a Windows fan, it's a great buy at $300 or less. It blows away every other Lumia on balance (the 1020 camera is better). It also beats most other $300 phones spec-wise. But given the "app gap," it probably won't convert anyone who is already in one of the other camps. The Galaxy S7 and the Pixel seem to take comparable photos (iPhone not so much).
Haven't seen you around lately :D good to know you're still going strong

It got a little bit too doom & gloom around here for me to come around much. I am not going anywhere until I hear an announcement of either the launch or cancellation of the Surface Phone. The L950 is still going strong and I now have an iPhone as a backup just in case.
Honestly man.. I like the guy, but his hatred for anything related to WM has become a bit unreasonable/frustrating and comedic lol

He honestly reminds me of every man/woman who had their hearts broken and suddenly decided it's ok to think that every other man/woman in the world will ultimately end up breaking their hearts so it's best not to try at all.

Man, I think I went overboard with my analogy xd

I think this analogy is spot on.
If I didn't already have a 950, it would be the phone I would go out and buy (or possibly a 950XL). There's nothing else out there that I would consider at the moment. Any other device would be a compromise in some way, crappier OS, poorer camera etc. The Idol4s looks nice, but it'd be a step down in the camera department, so that's a no-go for me.
If I didn't already have a 950, it would be the phone I would go out and buy (or possibly a 950XL). There's nothing else out there that I would consider at the moment. Any other device would be a compromise in some way, crappier OS, poorer camera etc. The Idol4s looks nice, but it'd be a step down in the camera department, so that's a no-go for me.

I am with you 100%. While the back cover has much to be desired, some slight modifications to the stock battery cover and all the creaking is gone.
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The times I've played with a Lumia 950 (mine has yet to arrive) it didn't feel low quality at all. I actually like the feel of polycarbonate. And I feel my 640 XL is really nicely built.
Again I'm going to go the route of being a bit pragmatic about the whole thing: I'm willing to bet $100 that most people who would complain about the looks of the back of the 950 are people who would put the phone in a protective case anyway, meaning nobody would ever see the nicer back even if it had one. It's just a silly argument for most of people.

"Creaking"? I don't hear it on mine.
Again I'm going to go the route of being a bit pragmatic about the whole thing: I'm willing to bet $100 that most people who would complain about the looks of the back of the 950 are people who would put the phone in a protective case anyway, meaning nobody would ever see the nicer back even if it had one. It's just a silly argument for most of people.

"Creaking"? I don't hear it on mine.
I am fine with the look and build of the back cover. My 950 creaked like mad. Maybe you haven't had the phone long enough because mine didn't creak initially.
And a removable back / replaceable battery are usually the upside of a polycarbonate design. Many people don't understand that a battery will eventually be less efficient - won't take or hold a charge as well as a new one - so if I want to continue using my Lumia, in another couple of years I'll drop in a new battery.

And, 90% of us put a protective case on our premium phones to protect our hard-earned investments! Why should plastic vs metal matter to us? (the other 10% are those who brag about loving the feel of their "au naturale" new phone in their hand, then post a photo of a shattered screen within 6 months!)

Btw, my Nexus 5x is plastic but sealed. So I can't replace the battery not add a micro SD card!

People seem to think polycarbonate means cheap. It doesn't.

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Again I'm going to go the route of being a bit pragmatic about the whole thing: I'm willing to bet $100 that most people who would complain about the looks of the back of the 950 are people who would put the phone in a protective case anyway, meaning nobody would ever see the nicer back even if it had one. It's just a silly argument for most of people.

"Creaking"? I don't hear it on mine.

I never noticed creaking with mine but did buy a Mozo cover for the looks.

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