Extremely delighted! Back in the first half of March, I ordered a new battery for my Lumia 1520 from ebay. The photo on ebay showed a date of 2017 on the battery, where as most battery photos on ebay show 2014 / 2015, so I felt fortunate to find a newer battery.
To my surprise, the battery just arrived and has a 2018-02-02 date. As long as it didn't suffer from shipping across the world in cold temperature, my Lumia 1520 should now get a second life for years to come.
Looking forward to performing surgery on my phone. Hopefully the operation will be a success.
I love my Lumia 1520 & Windows Phone 8.1. :excited:
Forgot to mention that I find it really interesting that Lumia 1520 batteries are still being produced. Does anyone know of a more recent Nokia product which uses these batteries? Maybe that explains it?
To my surprise, the battery just arrived and has a 2018-02-02 date. As long as it didn't suffer from shipping across the world in cold temperature, my Lumia 1520 should now get a second life for years to come.
Looking forward to performing surgery on my phone. Hopefully the operation will be a success.
I love my Lumia 1520 & Windows Phone 8.1. :excited:
Forgot to mention that I find it really interesting that Lumia 1520 batteries are still being produced. Does anyone know of a more recent Nokia product which uses these batteries? Maybe that explains it?