Has anyone had any luck using the "Categories" method? I see my texts from some people, but not from others, and it seems that there isn't any rhyme or reason to who’s shown and who’s not. Does anyone have any ideas as to why texts from some contacts show up and other contacts don’t? If the “Categories” method actually worked as advertised it would be better than nothing, but as far as I can figure it out, it’s pretty useless…
The contact that show up is the one that has the country code in the phone number. You can simply add a country code to your contact in the people website and hit refresh to see the change.
OMG I'm so happy now. :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited:
Summarize of what you need to do. Thanks SgtCornel.
1.Click on the "Settings" gear on the top right (near your name).
2.Select "Manage Categories" from the drop down menu.
3.You will have a lot to choose from, but put check boxes in "Contacts" and "Photos".
4.Now click on the Outlook.com on the top left, this should bring you back to your inbox.
5.Now you should notice the Categories in the bottom left hand side. Click on either Contacts or Photos
6.If you dont see anything, in the top right, click on "Arrange By" and make sure it is set to "Conversation".
7. If some contact does not show up, edit their phone number to have a country code at the beginning by going to
https://people.live.com/. For example, change (xxx)xxx-xxxx to 1(xxx)xxx-xxxx.
Edit: Damn it, it only shows text send my the other person but not the text sent by me. This is only half useful.