Wow W10 mobile went downhill


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Apr 6, 2013
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The Facebook version is utter garbage. Totally unusable. Crash, hang, slow slow slow, crash, crash, crash. ....

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From what I gather, FB is poor across other platforms too. I'm sticking to just Edge and pining it on my start screen. I know the app has more functionality, but I find I don't want to be loss inside the app... if is too short for that !!

6tag over official Instagram anytime....

I see you are using mTalk,.. it's way better than tapatalk


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May 6, 2015
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6Tag I find frustrating because it's very difficult to post a photo from camera roll or an album. Almost every time I pick the photo and it just resets to the camera. One in 50 attempts it actually holds onto the photo. Instagram is similar but it just crashes when trying to post a photo.

Microsoft's FB app is no longer available. If you still have it installed it will work so long as you don't have the FB version installed. If you uninstall the MS version you cannot install it again. Just says not available for your device.

The Facebook version is utter garbage. Totally unusable. Crash, hang, slow slow slow, crash, crash, crash. It doesn't sync contacts, doesn't do live tiles, and doesn't do live video. Oddly the desktop app they have done is far better. Fairly reliable, live tile support and does live video. Quite nice to use on a tablet.

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Syncs my contacts on the fb app

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Feb 10, 2013
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I got on the Fast Ring plan just so I could get Double Tap to Wake. Boy do I regret it. My battery dies very quickly right now, and my phone always seems to be hot. If I read something for like 5 minutes the phone becomes uncomfortable to hold. I also have an issue where Pandora can only play 1 song at a time. After it plays a song, it cant seem to load another one. I have to shut down my phone to play the next one, which is ok because i have to restart my phone regularly.

I realize that I am accepting beta software on my phone, but its still pretty crazy how bad these releases have been. I cant rely on my phone for anything right now.


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Nov 29, 2012
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And what happened to ?Windows doesn?t need the hardware compared to the competition becaue it'll run fine on "most", even those w/512KB ram?? Many stated those facts and it was all the rage not too long ago, amazing how that one fell through the cracks isn't it.

It depends on people's needs. They can't expect perfect performance on old hardware.

My 7 year old is quite pleased with using an old lumia 625 with w10 on occasion to skype me when I'm travelling for work, do a few games, work on her math skills, drawing programs etc.

I'm happy with it browsing around and setting things up. Have to scale your expectations properly.


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Sep 2, 2014
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Being that the 950 here in CAD starts at $550 plus taxes that is pretty steep price to pay for uncertainty, and there?s no guarantee that my experience will be anywhere near to yours?s due to WPs well documented inconsistencies, even on the BIG guns.

And what happened to ?Windows doesn?t need the hardware compared to the competition becaue it'll run fine on "most", even those w/512KB ram?? Many stated those facts and it was all the rage not too long ago, amazing how that one fell through the cracks isn't it.

Who cares if it doesn't run on 512MB devices? No one cares about those devices and if grandma does, good for her. Mobile technology has been progressing at an astronomical rate. Anyone who has an old device doesn't care about technology. And anyone who doesn't care about hardware technology shouldn't care about software technology. Just like ios 10 won't run on some devices and just like my ipad air started getting slower and slower with newer ios releases. windows 10 makes the leap in greater hardware requirements in order to create a balance with sharing code between different hardware types. And since it is being built for the long term, who cares about the few low end devices that are out there in the field? All the future stuff will be powerful.

I swear to gawd nadella is a double agent working for Apple :winktongue: LOL just the dumb decisions he's made against windows mobile and letting it fall to pieces like it is heading, I swear its done on purpose... its gotta be or he doesn't know WTF he's doing in the mobile dept. if MS or someone intelligent and knows what they're doing in the mobile dept. would be making MS BIG BUCKS if they just gave a sh!t about W10M and could actually see the direction it could be taken into! #1 get moving on hounding devs by giving incentives or profit % ontop of their money income from what the apps/games generate, just in the beginning to get all the big devs in their pocket. #2 start hounding the programmers to get continuum to fully be mature and start wowing people (and devs) to get people wanting W10M into it! #3 get that bloody Surface phone into the market and into the hands of us folks and I'm not talking about some cheap version like L950/XL is, but something substantial and premium like the Elite X3 (talking about hardware spec. wise) #4 get w10m fully polished and working flawless and stable like w8m WAS. then I can tell with 100% certainty that W10M will be the next big thing that everyone will want!

EDIT: oh, and if MS would advert. amazingly like they did with the SURFACE STUDIO and showcase what you can do with w10m and continuum, then deeyaaam, watch out!

No, nothing ms will do at this point will make them popular in mobile! They tried for years. Windows 8.1 was considered one of the smoothest OS's and even android/ios fans could admit that, but guess what, NO APPS was always the biggest complaint. And apps aren't magically going to show up anytime soon. Nadella is creating a future ecosystem that will let them piggy back any hardware off of. New innovations that would have their own OS can now just join the windows 10 team instead and not have to fail because of the software. Windows 10 mobile is also not ready for prime time and Nadella is making the right decision putting less focus on it. Focus on the already 400 million users on your Desktop platform to let windows 10 gain a great reputation. Put more hardware into the desktop version of windows 10 to inspire new app opportunities via unique hardware features that the UWP api can help take advantage of. The code base is shared and the same teams work on it. This is a good thing for keeping uniformity and creating seamless functionality with software/hardware. There's such a little amount of windows mobile users even combined with 8.1 that it doesn't matter if they put less focus on it. You are not as important as 400 million users. If you can't see how everything MS is doing is going to lead to more success in mobile then you honestly shouldn't run a business. Everyone is an amazing CEO on the internet.

Seriously I love what Nadella has done with MS. From open source initiatives, open formats, great presence on all platforms to unity within the organization.


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Feb 15, 2014
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I swear to gawd nadella is a double agent working for Apple :winktongue: LOL just the dumb decisions he's made against windows mobile and letting it fall to pieces like it is heading, I swear its done on purpose... its gotta be or he doesn't know WTF he's doing in the mobile dept. if MS or someone intelligent and knows what they're doing in the mobile dept. would be making MS BIG BUCKS if they just gave a sh!t about W10M and could actually see the direction it could be taken into! #1 get moving on hounding devs by giving incentives or profit % ontop of their money income from what the apps/games generate, just in the beginning to get all the big devs in their pocket. #2 start hounding the programmers to get continuum to fully be mature and start wowing people (and devs) to get people wanting W10M into it! #3 get that bloody Surface phone into the market and into the hands of us folks and I'm not talking about some cheap version like L950/XL is, but something substantial and premium like the Elite X3 (talking about hardware spec. wise) #4 get w10m fully polished and working flawless and stable like w8m WAS. then I can tell with 100% certainty that W10M will be the next big thing that everyone will want!

EDIT: oh, and if MS would advert. amazingly like they did with the SURFACE STUDIO and showcase what you can do with w10m and continuum, then deeyaaam, watch out!
but watchout they are only a "software" company and provide windows as a "service". *ahem ahem* only applicable to mobile and not to the HoloLens, surface books, band and everything else hardware. The Nutella sure knows how to twist the "store"y or so he organised it with mr ballmer who is mentioned below.

Ballmer was the one who orchestrated the Nokia deal
Atleast he was heading in the right but a tight direction. They could have worked wonders if they had used the innovative brains in and behind nokia for the hardware side and shove it up with (their) W(AAS) and all would have worked out just fine. But someone got so scared that the decided to (take a) dump Nokia (and flush it down the) to(i)let OEMs do the circus monkey tricks. But wait it gets interesting. The WAAS then gets cancelled on some after the AU. Way to shaft the OEM's Aye? They seem to have forgotten the consumers, the developers and the OEM's and now the whole W10M platform.
My guess is they want a mini tablet/computer to work as a phone and not the other way round.


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Sep 12, 2014
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Who cares if it doesn't run on 512MB devices? No one cares about those devices and if grandma does, good for her. Mobile technology has been progressing at an astronomical rate. Anyone who has an old device doesn't care about technology.

You missed my point... Was just using the w/512MB ram as an example, and If you were along for the ride from the beginning you'd know that MS touted most devices running WP8.1 would be destine for WP10, but as with many things MS does, the cart miraculously ended up ahead of the horse, once again, and those claims soon fizzled.

windows 10 makes the leap in greater hardware requirements in order to create a balance with sharing code between different hardware types

What, there wasn't different hardware types before? Wait, where's my inclinometer!

And since it is being built for the long term, who cares about the few low end devices that are out there in the field? All the future stuff will be powerful.

No doubt about the LOOOONG term part as that's already a proven fact. As for powerful, maybe, but will it run, and reliably???


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Sep 28, 2014
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MS actually understands its fruitless (pun intended) to keep fighting against Apple and Google's dominance in the consumer smartphone market. They are moving forward with the Surface line, etc. and blazing a trail (or at least planning to) for the future of mobile. I think this is the correct strategy and time will tell.

Originally posted by Elky64
Originally Posted by abhishek singh21
we have come so far windows 10 mobile, so just hold on a little more as to what happens next.

Not sure about the ?so far? part if MS still can?t get the ?basics? down pat. As for holding on, suppose if retro is your thing you will stay put yet believe most live in today?s world where they keep pace with technology, don?t see WP being it.


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Sep 28, 2014
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You can't compare the two. MS has the means to sit back and innovate towards the future. Blackberry did not and paid the price.

Originally posted by Elky64
Originally Posted by beman39
I swear to gawd nadella is a double agent working for Apple :winktongue: LOL just the dumb decisions he's made against windows mobile and letting it fall to pieces like it is heading, I swear its done on purpose... its gotta be or he doesn't know WTF he's doing in the mobile dept. if MS or someone intelligent and knows what they're doing in the mobile dept. would be making MS BIG BUCKS if they just gave a sh!t about W10M and could actually see the direction it could be taken into! #1 get moving on hounding devs by giving incentives or profit % ontop of their money income from what the apps/games generate, just in the beginning to get all the big devs in their pocket. #2 start hounding the programmers to get continuum to fully be mature and start wowing people (and devs) to get people wanting W10M into it! #3 get that bloody Surface phone into the market and into the hands of us folks and I'm not talking about some cheap version like L950/XL is, but something substantial and premium like the Elite X3 (talking about hardware spec. wise) #4 get w10m fully polished and working flawless and stable like w8m WAS. then I can tell with 100% certainty that W10M will be the next big thing that everyone will want!

EDIT: oh, and if MS would advert. amazingly like they did with the SURFACE STUDIO and showcase what you can do with w10m and continuum, then deeyaaam, watch out!

Would be nice yet the damage has already been done, remember BlackBerry?


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Sep 12, 2014
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You can't compare the two. MS has the means to sit back and innovate towards the future. Blackberry did not and paid the price.

I have no problem comparing the two because it's the bottom line that counts and not who has deeper pockets, just means BB sunk faster. And the bottom line, the whole platforms perception as a whole has been tainted severely which I highly doubt enterprise, as it's supposedly now targeted for, will be its saving grace. Hard to believe there is a market for those willing to invest into uncertainty and instability, sure that may change at some point but "soon" isn't much of a selling feature nor is MS tack record with the platform.


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I have no problem comparing the two because it's the bottom line that counts and not who has deeper pockets, just means BB sunk faster. And the bottom line, the whole platforms perception as a whole has been tainted severely which I highly doubt enterprise, as it's supposedly now targeted for, will be its saving grace. Hard to believe there is a market for those willing to invest into uncertainty and instability, sure that may change at some point but "soon" isn't much of a selling feature nor is MS tack record with the platform.
MS owns the PC market, right? BB has (had) no such equal. Completely different. Being diversified means you can make choices others can't and be patient.

Sergiusz Jasper

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Dec 15, 2014
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Would like to add to my official post the phone working way better did the updates of phone apps before log in one by one lol . Also after log in did one by one again and find that apps work ok some little slow amd to be on here use etalk app that works amazing but the way around stuff I have found out that the browse edge works way better than before it actually let's Facebook load fast.
Now Kijiji and ebay work good too it's at least for me a positive way to get around with out apps with better speed .
I would say apps are getting more dedication to more powerful hardware phones so think my 640 xl is one of the issues but still working good ...just my two cents

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Sep 28, 2014
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Sorry, "planning to" just doesn't seem fit nor the proper mentality for today's world, even if you are not intending to compete with the others.
Read my above comment. There is no hurry. MS can plan for the future while sitting out today's smartphone market. In the mean time, they are building a following with their Surface product line. Will it ultimately work? We don't know but i would out my money on them finding their way.


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MS owns the PC market, right? BB has (had) no such equal. Completely different. Being diversified means you can make choices others can't and be patient.

With a market share at an all-time low (mid-2016 @ 0.7%) not sure your view is going to hold water much longer, even WM (PocketPC) had better stats. Then factor in the mobile user's perception of WP and I'm sad to say, the Phoenix won't be rising anytime soon nor will the endless money tree keep it from being seen for what it is or isn't... And yes BB's shares are at 0.2% so MS wins ;)


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Read my above comment. There is no hurry. MS can plan for the future while sitting out today's smartphone market. In the mean time, they are building a following with their Surface product line. Will it ultimately work? We don't know but i would out my money on them finding their way.

FUTURE! What do you think now and tomorrow is? You are right about "no hurry" and if that is their mentality it won't enough to sustain the platform, and that IS the truth.


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Nov 29, 2012
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FUTURE! What do you think now and tomorrow is? You are right about "no hurry" and if that is their mentality it won't enough to sustain the platform, and that IS the truth.

They don't care what you think future is, don't even care if you think it's not the right move or simply move on . I bought Microsoft stock shortly after owning the Lumia 920, it was like 29$ or something... Nowadays, it has hit 60+ and momentum for them to keep going up. So clearly none of the mobile stuff is important to their bottom line.

Mobile is an important strategy for them sure but other things are making the money so they're going to grow those things first. Mobile is a toy side project for them. They have no need for it to make them anything now and they have time to figure out how they want to re-enter the mobile market. Just sucks for those of us that would like to see more frequent phone releases and buzz.

It's kinda funny, them keeping silent about it and just moving on actually builds confidence in the platform for me cause I've seen them talk about it forever, put bits and pieces of it together, come up with one windows for all devices and it's pretty cool having my SP3 and S3, phones (920, 930, 950XL) all coming together under a pretty common windows10 platform. The platform is really healthy when you look at the big picture.

It's clear now that windows10 can work on all sorts of size screens, it's figuring out what windows10 can do to for each screen type. They ruled the ultra portable 2 in 1, they did the huge surface hub, going holographic AR and/or VR ... All in one PC... what's next... dunno. It's been said here many times that they want OEMs to do the traditional phone and looks like they will come back when they feel they've got something to show.

The platform is sustaining itself just fine with all the other things in their portfolio.

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