WP Advice Please!!


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Hello all,

I am new to this forum and have a few questions (sorry if in wrong spot!)

From everything i have seen on youtube and the internet, i LOVE WP7 with mango. It looks awesome. I love the office, live and xbox integration as long as the speech interface. I am coming from a blackberry tour and either getting a wp7, android, or ip5.

I WANT to get a WP7, but there are a few things that concern me:

1. I am with verizon and the only one is the HTC trophy, which i have read is not a bad phone, but if verizon is going to realease a new wp7 in the next 2 or so months i would rather waite. So does anyone have any clue about future verizon WP??? I wish it did have a front facing camera though...

2. What does the future of wp look like? I have been reading all about how the sales are pretty bad, but with the new mango and nokia deal things could change and google buying moto could help as well. I just dont want to buy a wp7 and a year from now it fails and they stop updating and doing all that stuff then i feel stupid for not buying a droid or ip5.

3. Can anyone explain to me what the best way to listen to music is on a WP7? For example is zune better or windows live media player? Can i use a WP basically as a ipod and listen to my music through zune or media?

Any other suggestions?! Thanks everyone :)
1. The Trophy is a fantastic phone, however we are probably going to see 2-3 phones drop alongside the release of mango in the fall. I'd wait if I was you. (Even though FFC is a pretty useless feature.)

2. Some analysts have predicted that Wp7 is going to overtake iOS by 2015, but who knows. It's easy to see that microsoft has a clear plan and they are going in the right direction with WP7. I have a feeling that once mango drops we'll see an increase in sales.

3. Zune.
Isnt Mango suppossed to be releasing september 1st? I would have assumed some leaked verizon phones would have been online somewhere if they were coming out soon but i could be wrong! Glad to hear that everything is positive direction with WP7, makes me feel more comfortable if i decide to go with it.

Any other input would be great too!
Isnt Mango suppossed to be releasing september 1st? I would have assumed some leaked verizon phones would have been online somewhere if they were coming out soon but i could be wrong! Glad to hear that everything is positive direction with WP7, makes me feel more comfortable if i decide to go with it.

Any other input would be great too!

Joe Belfiore discredited the September 1st rumor, as of now we have no official release date, but a lot of people are betting on an early October release.
In answer to 2, it's unlikely WP7 will ever be no. 1 unless something disastrous happens to Apple or Google. But I would say that the OS is too good and too well backed to fail - expect the user base to grow and for the OS to be solidly supported, if not necessarily stellar.

I think the biggest growth will be from people coming over from Android (and to a lesser extent iOS) who fancy a change, and also from Android users sick of market fragmentation as this will be far less of an issue for WP7 because of the base spec. levels MS insist on (basically making it the same as iOS, only with multiple hardware manufacturers).

Plus now Google have Motorola, other hardware makers might want to hedge their bets and throw more into a system where they're not directly competing with the OS provider's hardware division (because whatever Google may say, does anyone really believe Motorola aren't going to get preferential treatment?).
Definitely wait a couple months. The next wave of Windows phones will hit this fall.

Anyway, I think the future of WP7 is very bright, despite its slow start. In the near future we'll see:

- Nokia, still the world's 3rd largest cellphone manufacturer, selling a whole range Windows phones (it'll be great to have a company pushing WP7 on its flagship devices)
- a big advertising push from MS/Nokia
- the second wave of Windows phones, with modern features like 4G (not 100% sure about LTE, but definitely HSPA+ 4G like AT&T and T-Mobile use)
- Mango
- Android becoming less and less attractive due to patent licensing/lawsuits, and due to Google now owning Motorola and controlling 30% of the Android handset market
In answer to 2, it's unlikely WP7 will ever be no. 1 unless something disastrous happens to Apple or Google. But I would say that the OS is too good and too well backed to fail - expect the user base to grow and for the OS to be solidly supported, if not necessarily stellar.

I think the biggest growth will be from people coming over from Android (and to a lesser extent iOS) who fancy a change, and also from Android users sick of market fragmentation as this will be far less of an issue for WP7 because of the base spec. levels MS insist on (basically making it the same as iOS, only with multiple hardware manufacturers).

Plus now Google have Motorola, other hardware makers might want to hedge their bets and throw more into a system where they're not directly competing with the OS provider's hardware division (because whatever Google may say, does anyone really believe Motorola aren't going to get preferential treatment?).

I definitely think we'll see more manufacturers making Wp7 devices due to this recent Google deal. When you are competing with a manufacturer owned by the software designers... you just don't stand a chance.
Remember we're talking about Verizon here. I'd be surprised if we saw a new phone on Verizon in the next 2 months or so. End of the year or early next year, sure. But probably not in the next 2 months.
Verizon is quite the Android junkie. We'll definitely see some phones come to AT&T and T-Mobile, possibly one on Verizon, if any.

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