WP community starting to pass as ungrateful

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Jun 16, 2013
So I was reading the Dropbox article a while ago and went off to the comments... To my dismay people were actually bashing it in favour of Onedrive and its unlimited storage.

At this point, and after seeing similar behaviours on other occasions with different apps, I'm starting to think the WP community is kinda ungrateful. One of the main gripes of getting new people to adopt WP is the app gap. No matter how you sugar coat it, there is one. Specially if we're talking about a potential user that only cares about official apps. A much needed official app was announced and people are going "derp, Onedrive is better hurr durr". Fine! But there are people that use Dropbox, hell, I know more people using Dropbox than I do for Onedrive even with the unlimited storage thing.

When official apps do come all I hear is "too little, too late" (I'm betting Instagram will get this kind of flak when they finally update their app).

When they don't come, they're rat bastards.


While I agree partially it is also a testament of the loyalty we have to this OS and if android or ios were in our shoes,their fans would behave the same way. Unfortunately they have the priority of their company providing a well made product and not shafting the experience in favor of another OS or in this case, a product over another product. It was the same way when the 830 was announced with fitbit which seemingly also sort of made the band seem pointless.

Fans of the OS want to see more priority from Microsoft and they don't necessarily like when Microsoft does things that don't necessarily support their suite of products.

We all want the app gap yo disappear but personally I want Microsoft to perfect their apps and I want OEM to give equal focus to the OS itself instead of treating us as expendable or releasing android rehashed designs.

What you view as ungrateful,I view as fans wanting more and a reason to support the Microsoft OS and products when. Half the time it appears they don't half the time care.
I'm a paid DropBox user and plan to continue paying. I'm glad Dropbox will be finally giving us an official app. That, said, they slighted us WP users for a long time, it's true. I will use their app and appreciate it being available on Windows Phone, but I (no disrespect to DropBox) favor OneDrive now.
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Pretty much every WP app is a poor cousin of its ios and android counterparts, even many Microsoft ones. And as a legitimate customer I shouldn't have to be grateful to a company providing their full service but because WP is so maligned that seems to be the accepted attitude. I am quite happy to pay for quality but when all that's offered is scraps, I couldn't care less about being "grateful".
While I agree partially it is also a testament of the loyalty we have to this OS and if android or ios were in our shoes,their fans would behave the same way. Unfortunately they have the priority of their company providing a well made product and not shafting the experience in favor of another OS or in this case, a product over another product. It was the same way when the 830 was announced with fitbit which seemingly also sort of made the band seem pointless.

Fans of the OS want to see more priority from Microsoft and they don't necessarily like when Microsoft does things that don't necessarily support their suite of products.

We all want the app gap yo disappear but personally I want Microsoft to perfect their apps and I want OEM to give equal focus to the OS itself instead of treating us as expendable or releasing android rehashed designs.

What you view as ungrateful,I view as fans wanting more and a reason to support the Microsoft OS and products when. Half the time it appears they don't half the time care.

Problem is, it's not just the existing fans that matter. WP needs more users to grow. Users that will only come if they see they can use the same services the same way they use them on their current devices. While I agree MS needs to put its work in, having more top tier official apps can't hurt and they are needed.
Problem is, it's not just the existing fans that matter. WP needs more users to grow. Users that will only come if they see they can use the same services the same way they use them on their current devices. While I agree MS needs to put its work in, having more top tier official apps can't hurt and they are needed.

Oh I don't disagree. More top tier apps and top tier OEMs as well are good for the os. But to be honest I'd prefer them not to come at all if they are not going to properly support their app and os.
Instagram for example.

It is good to say we have such and such app but sucks when we have to follow it up with "but it doesn't do this feature or that feature."

It's kind of like dating someone who only wants to date you behind closed doors but doesn't want to acknowledge your existence in the day to day public life. Which is exactly how these developers and oem and even Microsoft themselves sometimes act and the attitude people have that feels "ungrateful" is a reaction to it.
Yeah, considering how happy I've been the last few years with my array of Windows Tablets and Phones, I'm more happy with all of the great things they DO do rather than the list of apps they DON'T have.
Just wait for the fireworks if Google ever releases a YouTube app. I guarantee 1000+ indignant comments burying them and praising the 3rd party developers who've been here all along.

These app announcements are at turns exciting and frustrating. Like when ISIS/Softcard takes over a year to release their mobile payment app. Am I excited to try it? Yes. Am I a little bitter that they refused to provide *any* kind of update the entire time we waited? Yep. And I'm fairly sure at this point it will be buggy and cause more grief than convenience.
Want to make WP users happy? Give us a great app that actually demonstrates you have some understanding and appreciation of the platform and it's users. Give your design a little metro flair; take advantage of some of the unique features of WP.
Actually all Apple fans would either use icloud or dropbox. Android users will use any. Windows phone users use OneDrive and Dropbox.
Posted Via Tapatalk for Windows Phone.

I'm talking about apps and how people respond to announcements of the coming of said apps to WP. What the hell has that have to do with anything? -.-

Just wait for the fireworks if Google ever releases a YouTube app. I guarantee 1000+ indignant comments burying them and praising the 3rd party developers who've been here all along.

These app announcements are at turns exciting and frustrating. Like when ISIS/Softcard takes over a year to release their mobile payment app. Am I excited to try it? Yes. Am I a little bitter that they refused to provide *any* kind of update the entire time we waited? Yep. And I'm fairly sure at this point it will be buggy and cause more grief than convenience.

Don't get me wrong, I get bitter too. Specially when I notice that some apps in particular favour one particular platform in detriment of others. Case in point: VSCO Cam. It's awesome on iOS, but Android updates are always behind. They already said they're pondering a WP version, but I'm betting the support will be even worse than Android. But when and if it finally comes to WP, I'm not gonna say "no" to it or say "Fhotoroom's better" or "too little, too late". People will have worked on it to bring it to us. The least I could do is respect their work.
To OP - What made you feel that the WP community is being ungrateful? Because of the comments that favored Onedrive? Can't you understand that people will favor and like an app that was there right from the start and helped them to achieve cloud storage? Dropbox has announced its official app for WP only after it tied up with MS, not before that. It was bound to happen. Dropbox is now ought to publish their WP equivalent.
Take an example of VLC, VideoLAN had announced their official app for WP way back and they are much closer to the reality. People will appreciate VLC once published because they are not "friends with benefits". In nutshell, timing of the announcement matters!!

Above all, you can't expect people to be grateful to something to which you are! Its subjective and each of us have their own opinion.
Hope that clarifies!!
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Actually all Apple fans would either use icloud or dropbox. Android users will use any. Windows phone users use OneDrive and Dropbox.
Posted Via Tapatalk for Windows Phone.

I really don't think you can generalize like that... Got any stats to back it up? I'm on WP and don't use DropBox. Tried it and don't like it since maybe about 3 years ago.... Much prefer Box; which (BTW) has had an official App for Windows Phone since before I started using WP and offers me more free storage. DropBox simply has the most widely recognized name branding among 3rd party cloud storage options; that's behind any corollary you may be observing. Where's the proof that OS choice is a causal factor? Seems a spurious conclusion at best.

Back to the topic on the thread: No One wants to see their favored mobile OS treated like an afterthought. That's what is behind the comments the OP is referencing. And a wider view of the comments on Windows Central articles shows a very vocal disgruntlement with the status quo of little to no support from 3rd party vendors for the Windows Phone OS.

Take a wider view still. Read comments on articles at Android Central, iMore, Crackberry... It's a beatch-a-thon over there too. That's because it's the internet and that is what people do on the internet - act like crazy cranks and grind their axes. We are all guilty of it. Any who say they aren't are just kidding themselves or need to apply for sainthood. Heck, I'm doing it right now and the whole premise of this thread is more of the same.

Everyone has a point.
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What will DB bring to the table that windows phone users don't already have? Its good that there is an alternative but like someone already said if its gonna be half baked why bother? whats the incentive for those of us living the lavish life of unlimited storage? I just read a news update from my personal assistant cortana (Some of you may know her). "DROP-BOX APP FOR WINDOWS PHONE WITH ELUSIVE RELEASE DATE" for me its already a no brainer if this is the way there gonna start don't even bother, give me a projected date or not, if it doesn't pan out that way fine it was something that was at least thought out and was expected to be successful, delayed or failed given the circumstances. Hence the reason for the majority of the communities initial reaction to the announcement. Before switching to one-drive i used DB my self and found it tedious because i did not have any more space to store my files and for me to get extra space i had to invite people or friends fill out those questionnaires and upload my photos directly to DB and for how much space 15 Mb, 5 Mb and so on, after 2 or 3 years total amount of space accumulated 5.7 GB.

I don't really blame anyone for looking the other way when it comes down to it. Come correct DB or don't come at all.
When it comes down to it, we hear so many complaints that 3rd party developers don't develop apps for the os and when they do they aren't as good as they are on other platforms. Once we get them everybody complains about it taking too long, it isn't as good, and we have better apps that do the same thing. If everybody had that mentality than the os will never grow.

There are things to consider before complaining about everything. We are not entitled to having apps on our phones. For most developers it is a business decision, some do it for fun. Look at the numbers here, tens of millions on Android and IOS and a fraction of that on WP. It takes them time and money to develop and maintain an app. They have to get some benefit out of it or it won't be worth while to keep updating. It's a number game and Windows phone is losing. It already doesn't make a lot of sense for them to be developing a third app for an os who doesn't have a huge user base and of that small user base a fraction will download the app and use it. We have to play our game right to be considered and even more so to have continual support.

Second thing to consider is that all the high quality apps on Android and IOS weren't where they are now when they were initially released. Over time they are updated and improved. I'm not sure why we expect the apps to be exactly the same quality upon initial release where it took years for them to get where they are on the other platforms.

So combine these two thoughts, it is impractical for business to develop full featured apps for a third os where they are going obtain fewer users than they would investing in the other os.

I was on a conference call with some developers making a windows 8.1 universal app. They had 900,000 + Android downloads, 1,000,000 + IOS downloads and 1,000 for windows.

It's all a numbers game. They are going to develop where they get the greatest return on their investment. The return on WP simply isn't where it needs to be yet. The same thing applies to carrier support.

The point is, we really should be grateful they are taking the time and money to give us official apps. If alot of us use it, with time we will have full features. When it comes down to it, what we do have is completely amazing. Nobody ten years ago would have even thought this is possible. Be happy and don't let developers investing in our platform upset you.
I don't disagree with what your saying but there has to be a clear line drawn somewhere when it comes to such things. If i may just set an example for you.

Your a restaurant owner very successful and good quality products is what you deliver but your trying expand your customer base (MS), I come along and i say i would like to partner up with you and sell my products (Wine for example) here (DB). You check your stock and realize hhmm i don't have much variation why not i could probably bring some more customers to my restaurant. You check my background and it looks good and solid at other places(IOS/DROID) so we strike a deal. When I finally delivery the product in your store and you serve it the customers start complaining you find out that the product is either half full, has no taste or has been watered down. You come back to me and with the unsatisfied results and i say "hey your customers should be grateful they even got a bottle at all".

I have seen this happen so much when it come to developers (not all) and what is expected of them and the lines have been blurred so much that we accept it and just because that's the way it is. Its just something that has to change and MS or the consumers have to voice there opinions about and not just be grateful IMO.
I really don't think you can generalize like that... Got any stats to back it up? I'm on WP and don't use DropBox. Tried it and don't like it since maybe about 3 years ago.... Much prefer Box; which (BTW) has had an official App for Windows Phone since before I started using WP and offers me more free storage. DropBox simply has the most widely recognized name branding among 3rd party cloud storage options; that's behind any corollary you may be observing. Where's the proof that OS choice is a causal factor? Seems a spurious conclusion at best.

Back to the topic on the thread: No One wants to see their favored mobile OS treated like an afterthought. That's what is behind the comments the OP is referencing. And a wider view of the comments on Windows Central articles shows a very vocal disgruntlement with the status quo of little to no support from 3rd party vendors for the Windows Phone OS.

Take a wider view still. Read comments on articles at Android Central, iMore, Crackberry... It's a beatch-a-thon over there too. That's because it's the internet and that is what people do on the internet - act like crazy cranks and grind their axes. We are all guilty of it. Any who say they aren't are just kidding themselves or need to apply for sainthood. Heck, I'm doing it right now and the whole premise of this thread is more of the same.

Everyone has a point. Some people just have one on the top of their head, is all. :winktongue:

I'm sorry, did I focus it on you? No I didn't. I've used all three platforms. Meaning I've got to know what people have used in those communities. I swear Windows phone people get stupider every time they quote people.
Actually all Apple fans would either use icloud or dropbox. Android users will use any. Windows phone users use OneDrive and Dropbox.
Posted Via Tapatalk for Windows Phone.

Generally that is true.....most people would likely use the built-in service they have that comes with their OS. As most users(regular joes), likely don't know about dropbox, box, etc etc It's much easier to use what comes with your phone I think. So I agree with you.

Don't get me wrong, I get bitter too. Specially when I notice that some apps in particular favour one particular platform in detriment of others. Case in point: VSCO Cam. It's awesome on iOS, but Android updates are always behind. They already said they're pondering a WP version, but I'm betting the support will be even worse than Android. But when and if it finally comes to WP, I'm not gonna say "no" to it or say "Fhotoroom's better" or "too little, too late". People will have worked on it to bring it to us. The least I could do is respect their work.

I sure will. Why?
Because it is great we got this app FINALLY after they decided to throw us a bone or decide we're worthy of their time to release the app. However, I strongly support developers like Fhotoroom's or Rudy's products, simply because they've been with us since Day 1. They could've taken the easy way out and jumped shipped to Android(Rudy turned down an offer from google) or IOS but they have their products here exclusive for us(Fhotoroom) or in Rudy's case, nearly better than the actual official versions(he really needs to solve the push notification thing).

So yeah I am definitely going to compare Fhotoroom to any new app and mention it in the articles. Not to discredit the new app but simply but "What can you do for me now that an app that has existed for what 3 years now and improves daily can't do?"

If youtube finally comes...Great. But what can you do better than mytube or metrotube? Oh nothing. You just have the "official" title.

I am not ungrateful. An App is an App and that is one more for our numbers but I don't respect these people. It's one thing to say "We won't bring the app due to a limited amount of users on WP"

I can understand that.

But at lot of these developers are HOSTILE towards Windows Phone for no apparent or even good reason other than What...it's WIndows? It's Microsoft?

Given we have phones like the Lumia and even the M8 with its anemic quality, you'd think a lot of these photo apps would make their way over to the OS simply because having a phone like the 1020 uploading images to their app is a great thing for all.

I am the same way when it also comes to OEMs. I am glad we have more OEMs if it helps the OS, but I don't respect or support any OEM who has half-assed it the entire time and then blames the OS as the reason for low market share(HTC, Samsung, Dell, LG, and others) for their own shortcomings and I respect and support and evangelize those who do and are doing something(Nokia).

I don't use Dropbox but it seems a lot of people haven't wanted it for awhile and they shunned us until now because "What? they got money for it now?" No.
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