Pongz is a two-dimensional sports game loosely based on table tennis. The player controls an in-game paddle by moving it vertically across one side of the field, and competes against a computer controlled opponent. Race with your friends to the top of the leaderboard
For short, PONG like
There are some differences that set Pongz apart from the rest:
First, no more black and white screen. Currently, only the grass field is available. In future releases, other types of fields, and game speeds dependent on the chosen field, are going into the game.
Secondly, the difficulty is dynamic. If you are playing against some great gamer (or great AI gamer), you will have a larger paddle, and he will have a smaller one. This works as well against AI opponents. They, in fact, also have their own position in the leaderboard.
Third, each AI player has its own attributes, like maximum speed, area of reaction, and precision of position. This makes it more interesting to play against different computer players.
Fourth, all games are stored in an online leaderboard that you have access to. Currently, you can only see the leaderboard in paid versions of the game. We use an ELO-like ranking system for assigning points to each match, similar to Chess and other two-player games.
This takes into account the relative strength of each player, and assigns points based on it.
The only difference between the free/trial version, and the paid one, is the access to leaderboard. Then, if you play a lot the free version, and later on, decide to buy it, you will get all the previous scores in the ranking.
This version in currently limited to Windows Phone 7 devices. Next version, with the MANGO release available, will add online real-time multi-player games, against other players in WP7, or XBOX or even PC. There is the possibility to expand it to other platforms like Android or iOS.
Pongz will be on sale until the of August, when we start developing version 2.0 with the above proposed features.
Feel free to contact us for more information or suggestions at PongzEmail or Willen August
Vosdal Studios, July ‘11
Marketplace links
Full/Trial Version
Free version
Some screenshots
Pongz is a two-dimensional sports game loosely based on table tennis. The player controls an in-game paddle by moving it vertically across one side of the field, and competes against a computer controlled opponent. Race with your friends to the top of the leaderboard
For short, PONG like
There are some differences that set Pongz apart from the rest:
First, no more black and white screen. Currently, only the grass field is available. In future releases, other types of fields, and game speeds dependent on the chosen field, are going into the game.
Secondly, the difficulty is dynamic. If you are playing against some great gamer (or great AI gamer), you will have a larger paddle, and he will have a smaller one. This works as well against AI opponents. They, in fact, also have their own position in the leaderboard.
Third, each AI player has its own attributes, like maximum speed, area of reaction, and precision of position. This makes it more interesting to play against different computer players.
Fourth, all games are stored in an online leaderboard that you have access to. Currently, you can only see the leaderboard in paid versions of the game. We use an ELO-like ranking system for assigning points to each match, similar to Chess and other two-player games.
This takes into account the relative strength of each player, and assigns points based on it.
The only difference between the free/trial version, and the paid one, is the access to leaderboard. Then, if you play a lot the free version, and later on, decide to buy it, you will get all the previous scores in the ranking.
This version in currently limited to Windows Phone 7 devices. Next version, with the MANGO release available, will add online real-time multi-player games, against other players in WP7, or XBOX or even PC. There is the possibility to expand it to other platforms like Android or iOS.
Pongz will be on sale until the of August, when we start developing version 2.0 with the above proposed features.
Feel free to contact us for more information or suggestions at PongzEmail or Willen August
Vosdal Studios, July ‘11
Marketplace links
Full/Trial Version
Free version
Some screenshots
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