Wp7 get NO love

We might be looking at the current WP7/NoDo iteration as Microsoft's Batman Begins, with people still associating Windows Mobile with the brand. Once they finally realize that Microsoft has completely 'rebooted' the product, we could be seeing Mango or future versions as their Dark Knight. At least that's my hope. Wp7 is just too good a product not to be a big hit.

The OEM's and carriers would collectively be Harvey Two-Face.
I think another problem with WP7 combating Android specifically is that there's so many apps that are blatantly used for copyright infringement that people add the value of free unlimited music, movies, and games into the the value of the phone. Pushing a pay service like Zune is a hard sell, no matter how cheap it is when you pay annually, factor in the ten free songs, or even promo codes like AT&T has now or @Zunesupport has on Twitter. There's certain people I don't even bother trying to sell Zune on because to them the only thing that matters is cost, or lack thereof. I'm over that.

I understand the attraction to mobile piracy; I just understand that at some point, people need to get paid. I don't mind paying a small fee for access to a large library of content, which is also why I pay for Netflix. And, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but the experience with the integration of Zune within Windows Phone, Zune Pass, Smart DJ on the desktop, and apps like Shazam and my new favorite Artist Info is really top notch. I've yet to come across an Android equivalent.
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I understand the attraction to mobile piracy; I just understand that at some point, people need to get paid. I don't mind paying a small fee for access to a large library of content, which is also why I pay for Netflix. And, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but the experience with the integration of Zune within Windows Phone, Zune Pass, Smart DJ on the desktop, and apps like Shazam and my new favorite Artist Info is really top notch. I've yet to come across an Android equivalent.

And this is exactly what needed to happen, the problem before was that it was just as difficult to get the paid content as it was to pirate it - so i understand the attitude of "why pay when for the same effort i can get it for free?" - but now they've made paid content attractive by making it not only legitimate but easier to access than pirating. That's a huge step in the right direction, providing your potential customers a better service rather than threatening them.
And this is exactly what needed to happen, the problem before was that it was just as difficult to get the paid content as it was to pirate it - so i understand the attitude of "why pay when for the same effort i can get it for free?" - but now they've made paid content attractive by making it not only legitimate but easier to access than pirating. That's a huge step in the right direction, providing your potential customers a better service rather than threatening them.

Another way they can make it easier and cheaper is to bundle it with other services. I would like to see them have tiered Live services.
1. A free Live account gets you hotmail, calendar, to-do, skydrive, and all the current Live services.
2. An Xbox Live account gets you all the free Live services plus Xbox Live game service.
3. A Zune Live account gets you all the free Live services plus Zune Pass.
4. A Preferred Live account gets you the free Live services plus Xbox Live plus Zune Pass.
5. A family plan gets you a domain name and four accounts under that domain name. That way you could get your last name as a domain name and whatever Live services you want for your family members. So you could have a Live family plan, an Xbox Live family plan (like they currently have), a Zune Live family pan, or a Preferred Live family plan.

That would make it easy to legally get content and also tap into the existing ecosystem of Live and Xbox Live. One reason the iPhone took off so quickly is they already had a large base of customers hooked on the iPod. The Zune didn't have nearly as large a base of loyal customers. With the family plans, people would be motivated to convert all their family members to WP7.
im a Rep for bell ( account business manager ) , and I am also a MS fan boy , believes you me i push he Wp7 :) at lease its not my fault :)

any one with a X-box or a MS computer = walks out with a wp7 phone .

when they ask for Android i say** sure if you want something that crashes and is saturated + NOT user friendly**

. if they ask for an iphone i say `` ok if u think its gona make you cooler like the rest of the planet....but i can asure it wont. and i slowly move them to the wp7 display. haha

but i like saying`` if u want to be efficient and grown your company with the most stable and reliable Production device, get a wp7! ... LOL

something along does lines..

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