WP7 wallpaper/home screen UI concept idea

You wouldn't be forced to use the feature. And who cares what other people's phones look like? It's their device.
It's about keeping an identity. Look at Apple.

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There's a reason they have more money than the United States Treasury.

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I actually have custom accent colors and background color now..

The only thing I can't do is use a wallpaper as a background, I can do any solid color.

Dev unlocked wp7 rocks
I agree with the OP to a certain degree but at the same time think that the present level of customization is what make the Metro UI very unique and refreshing. I love that WP does not allow for the same level as Android (and I do own android phones) as sometimes, customizing everything becomes the obsession (along with ROM flashing). At least thats how it works for me. I love my WP phones the way they are because I am not constantly changing my wallpapers, ringtones, and trying to figure out how many widgets I want on the screen and what positiion they are in, etc...

So long story short.....I like and dislike the idea of the OP.

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