WP8 audio files oddness


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Dec 23, 2012
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So, I noticed today on my lumia 1020 that there were a few audio files I knew I had put on the phone to listen to but they didn't play for whatever reason.
I know the file format and the bitrate etc... are compatible (MP3 44.1KHz 128bit stereo). I deleted the file from the phone and copied it over again except this time it wouldn't show on the device.
I rebooted the device a few times - still no go, even though I can see the file on the device through Windows Explorer.

I then saw a few of the empty zero files (just a generic empty file) and decided to remove them, along with it a filename which has a GUID.
Rebooted the phone and... all the music was gone. Well crap... so lost my music.
I am now copying over ALL the files again from my computer to the device to see if it will now work and register but the phone storage is not really reflecting correctly.

since all the music files on the device just magically disappeared, it doesn't appear to "free" up the storage memory... something makes me think the files are on the device but they are not visible at all (yes, I have show all files enabled in Windows explorer and it shows nothing)

any ideas on this weirdness?


New member
Dec 23, 2012
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no can do because like I said, I had to copy over all the files again...
it is odd though, there is this 1 particular track that wont play at all (does not even register on the phone) but plays fine elsewhere. I even decoded it and re-encoded it back to an MP3 and no go.

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