I have to chime in on this.
I used to work for Sprint, and I can remember when the Palm Pre was launched, and then the Android back in '08 & '09. The main thing I remembered in the competition between the two was that the Android widgets caught on, and that Google was quicker to update Android than Palm. Palm suffered due in part to their issues with software updates (early days of cloud services), and hardware issues (the sliding mechanism would get worn, and keys were too small). But, Google had made a name for itself prior to making Android, that developed more of the peoples interest, I believe (Google Search, Google Maps, gMail, Chrome).
Microsoft decided to revamp Windows Mobile into Windows Phone 7, and the key to Marketing Windows Phone 7 was the Metro interface, Office, Bing, and IE. I eventually switched to my Samsung Focus in February 2011, and for me even up to this day (with my Lumia 1520), I love Windows Phone, but, the biggest chink with Windows Phone is the App Gap, and marketshare. I should not have to switch banks to get use out of my Windows Phone!
Right now, Microsoft is riding the Cortana wave, but Microsoft has to do something more than rely on Cortana, because eventually Apple and Google will catch up to Cortana's abilities. Microsoft has to find something that sets Windows Phone apart or unique (besides Live Tiles), to attract people who want leave Android and iOS (otherwise, Microsoft becomes mediocre, and will continue to see their marketshare shrink). The biggest thing Microsoft can do is humble it's position, and admit that there is an App Gap. Where is the Sirius XM radio app, where is Candy Crush, and where are the major apps that would entice Android/iOS users to migrate? Microsoft must try harder to entice developers to produce the apps that are on Android and iOS.
Lastly, unless we as Windows Phone users unite, and try to show the public that our Windows Phone is just as good as the Android/iOS phones, then, we will eventually lose our faith to having the best phone besides iOS and Android. I just see the facts the way they are.