WTB: WM6 Phone or PDA

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only reason im only willing to spend 20 dollars cause you cant do much of anything but play old games. Im mainly wanting one for a collection since I do miss the old Windows Mobile OS o6.x and below. Don't get me wrong the new OS on phones now are great due to specs.
Yeah, might be better off getting a PDA. The 3G bands from the older phones have been refarmed for LTE use and 2G will be non-existent by this time next year. My suggestion would be either the hx4700 series or the Dell Axim x51v. They're not as cheap as what you're looking for but they were the"cutting edge" of the time. The HP 210 had the best specs but you can't find one for less than $100.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
only reason im only willing to spend 20 dollars cause you cant do much of anything but play old games. Im mainly wanting one for a collection since I do miss the old Windows Mobile OS o6.x and below. Don't get me wrong the new OS on phones now are great due to specs.

Keep your eye on ebay. There is always a lot that pop out there and a lot of the people who list them just are trying to get rid of them. Sometimes you can score a good deal but, only $20 might be hard to get a past high end one.

Was there ever a 4G/LTE Verizon Windows Mobile device (6.x) ? All I have seen is 3g models and most you cant activate (even if you wanted to 3g is really slow)
I have a PDA I have kept for some odd reason. It's a Garmin Que M5 Pocket PC. It has a stylus and a leather case with belt clip. (Ballin') Let me know if you want something like this.
only reason im only willing to spend 20 dollars cause you cant do much of anything but play old games. Im mainly wanting one for a collection since I do miss the old Windows Mobile OS o6.x and below. Don't get me wrong the new OS on phones now are great due to specs.

Well, they do STILL make great standalone PDAs.... Windows Mobile (6.x)was far better than blackberry in the day as the PDA (day timer/email/basic web browsing). They would be able to get email from some sources (POP3 anyone ?) and connect to most Wi-Fi networks.

Talk about going back in time... I started with a HPC 1.0 (A Windows 95 look PDA with a keyboard that actually used PCMCIA cards), I still have it (no value so I rater keep it to boot it up time to time). And moved from almost every version upgrading almost every year or other year.
What version of OS is running on it on your device. Online it says WM2003
I believe its the same because I wasn't doing a lot of hacking with this device back then. I may have hacked in some GPS software, that often times back then would drop you off in the middle of nowhere but not much more than that.
I believe its the same because I wasn't doing a lot of hacking with this device back then. I may have hacked in some GPS software, that often times back then would drop you off in the middle of nowhere but not much more than that.

Wow that looks in great shape though I wish it had WM6 btw what is that flip top for?
Wow that looks in great shape though I wish it had WM6 btw what is that flip top for?

Its for GPS. I used to use it during the very early builds of GPS in a handheld days. It worked well enough but too often you'd end up out in La-La land without any idea where you're next turn is. It is just smudged a little but I'll buff it a little and snap a few pics.
I have an HP Glisten, and probably an early HP iPAQ (Windows Mobile) device. If you are really interested I will find and take pics.
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