Xbox 360 FAIL!


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Is there no way to stop unwanted downloading of games/MS points?

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Family was over and kids bought MS points. Lol. I'm trying to put up some type of pass code for downloads. But there don't seem to be a way. A huge oversight if so!

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Yes you can password your live account or set the controller pass. (Button combinations)

Settings / Account / 2 Pans Right / XBox Live Passcode / 2 pans right (Your Information)

Or set your password at sign in. (Same place)

Hope that's what you meant. :)
Yeah. I want them to be able to play, but just not download. I'll do the Xbox live block. Thanks! But on the upsides, I now have some MS point to spend on my avatar!

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Set up a dummy Gamertag for when your family comes over and lock it down so they can't buy stuff. Put your gamertag on a thumbdrive and keep it in your pocket! :)
Lol @ the upside. Yeah, I buy so much ish on my avatar. When I first got my xbox a year ago, I told myself that I would never buy any avatar items... a year later, I've spent more than I do on my xbl subscription. HAHA.
Lol @ the upside. Yeah, I buy so much ish on my avatar. When I first got my xbox a year ago, I told myself that I would never buy any avatar items... a year later, I've spent more than I do on my xbl subscription. HAHA.
Seems familiar duvi, i remember saying to myself, who in their right mind would waste money on clothes and props for their avatar. Not me that's for sure.

The Wee Bear has more clothes than I do LOL

I might grow up one day, but I think it's a bit late now at my age duvi. :)

(I secretly never want to grow up, so it's OK) ;)
Not me my Avatar is dressed just a cheaply as I

I noticed Big D5, but didn't like to say anything. LOL ;)
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Seems familiar duvi, i remember saying to myself, who in their right mind would waste money on clothes and props for their avatar. Not me that's for sure.

The Wee Bear has more clothes than I do LOL

I might grow up one day, but I think it's a bit late now at my age duvi. :)

(I secretly never want to grow up, so it's OK) ;)
I know the feeling... Peter Pan was one of my role models growing up. Heck, he still is. HA!
Is there any way to email/share your avatar (picture) with people? I just have WP7, no Xbox.
Not on the phone as such, unless you visit and download it and send it as an attachment bradleyj.

Would this be you ? :)

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