xbox account swap


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May 14, 2012
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Ok so Microsoft is really screwed up! So I am trying to change the gamertag that I want to use to the Microsoft account that I want to use. the problem is that the gamertag that I want to use is on a account that's dead to me. and Microsoft automatically generated a gamertag to the .Microsoft account that I always use. Basically I need to switch a gamertag to a Microsoft account. seems easy right. Well you are deathly wrong. I found a Xbox webpage that explains everything crystal clear. Here is the webpage, Transfer Your Gamertag to Another Microsoft Account | Change Xbox LIVE Account - I did everything that it told me to do, I created another temporary account and then I went to change it put everything in correctly, I click yes I what to change my account and then I get and error saying "sorry, we cant change your Microsoft account right now. For more info, go to" so I do and it doesn't say anything. and it happens every time. I don't know what to do. Microsoft wont help so if anyone would be willing to take time out of there day and help me try to figure this out that would be a big help because right now I am pissed off.

Daniel Ratcliffe

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Dec 5, 2011
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Be aware of the following pitfall? Could this be the issue?

You can move a gamertag to a different Microsoft account only once every 30 days.

  • This includes new gamertags downloaded from Xbox LIVE.
  • If you try to move a gamertag before 30 days have passed since the last time you moved it, you’ll get the following error message:
    Sorry, we can't change your Microsoft account right now.

Kimberly Dougherty

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Nov 30, 2012
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Did you ever get this fixed? I'm trying to do this for my nephew. His mom has his gamer tag linked to her email. We want to change it to his. I've spent the last few hours on chat with MS and they can't give me a good reason why I can't switch this account. This is so frustrating.

Keith Wallace

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Nov 8, 2012
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Did you ever get this fixed? I'm trying to do this for my nephew. His mom has his gamer tag linked to her email. We want to change it to his. I've spent the last few hours on chat with MS and they can't give me a good reason why I can't switch this account. This is so frustrating.

You can change the e-mail account on the Xbox LIVE account. I did it years ago because my account was originally linked to my dad's e-mail, and I wanted to move it to mine. I tried to find the way of doing it easily on the Xbox web site, but it seems to be a tougher challenge now or something. HOWEVER, I think I know what you need to do after poking around for a couple of minutes. Try these steps and see if it works:

1. Go to, and sign in to the account with the GamerTag linked to it.
2. On the left, you'll see a list of options. Choose the third one, which says, "Account Aliases."
3. There will be an option that says "Add alias" at the bottom of that page. Click it.
4. Add the desired e-mail account, using the "Add an existing email address as a Microsoft account alias," if your nephew already has an e-mail address.
5. Then go back to the "Account Aliases" page, and there is an option that says, "remove" by the aliases.

Now, I can't do this to verify, as I don't want to change my account e-mail address. You should then be able to remove the e-mail address of your nephew's mom (your sister/sister-in-law?). It might make you reassign his e-mail to be the "primary alias" first, I'm not sure. That SHOULD take care of it.

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