Xbox, here are 5 things I want from you for Christmas

Let us calibrate the deadzone in the Xbox OS (Accessories app or whatever it's called now). They acknowledged the tech is bad and most sticks start to drift anyways, but not fixing this via the OS level is quite nonsensical. It would be great if we could also calibrate the response curve for sticks and triggers, and store the settings in our Xbox profile for reuse and switching between them. It would be also neat if we could assign these controller profiles to games.

I also want to see achievements upgraded. Like you could do "multi-platinum" completions of games if you had a way to tell the Xbox you're starting a new "run" and it should tally your achievements. Like prestige in CoD.
The ability to block all applications from the Xbox Store without having to block the entire store via the Microsoft Family App would be nice. You can block Games by rating, but nothing for apps.

Microsoft's family stuff still needs some work imo.

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