Xbox One to only work in certain countries at launch


New member
Nov 27, 2012
Xbox One to only work in certain countries at launch:

New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States

Most of Europe can't even play it at launch. This is a stark contrast to Sony's pS4 being region-free so even if it doesn't have a full release in a country yet, you can import and have it work fine. You can't even import the Xbox One if you are in Portugal or Japan. What the **** is going on at MS HQ?
Ok, now that is stupid. I'm a huge fan of Xbox One, but limiting it this much is just stupid.

EDIT: The page has been removed, I wonder if someone ****ed up and posted it wrong.
I also wonder how they are going to go about negotiating the TV features with services across the pond as well...I mean, one selling point is that you can say "Xbox, change to ESPN" or whatever.
That's it i canceled my pre order...i...i don't even have words for this ****

The page is up Xbox One Pre-Order Product Information -

I live in Colombia, my country is available for xbox live, i buy all my games and consoles in the US. I have an US account Gold since day one working without any problem, is the same account i use for windows 8 and windows phone 8.

I was hyped about xbox one, i don't care DRM, online check ins every 24hrs, i love games, i love gaming i have a xbox 360, ps3, wii, pc and i said "ok now microsoft know wants to be steam, that's great i'm in"

BUT NOW THIS?? i pre order a xbox one right after the e3 conference and today i saw that the damn console it's not going to work in my country, no matter if i have a gold account i don't know if my US account will work, the support team doesn't know either....fuc*** shi** i'm sorry but i'm really **** off...i support xbox, i love xbox, i love halo, i love forza i had the original xbox, then the xbox 360 i have a great library of games and i was really excited for xbox one but microsoft just banned us here in latin america.

"Xbox One games are for activation and distribution only in specified geographic regions. See game package and/or retailer product information, for each game’s specific geographic regions." .....there you go if you manage to get a xbox one and you don't live in one of the countries listed below

New Zealand
United Kingdom
United States

YOU JUST WASTED YOUR MONEY, you can't activate any game so you CAN'T play anything

Now what? i have to buy a VPN service to play on xbox one?....jesus i can't believe this
I just think it means you'll have to wait a big longer for an "official" release in your country. Sucks man.

Edit: that statement regards to activation and distribution...does that mean MS won't be following the NTSC/PAL model? It's by country now?
Lets be honest, many countries have dodgy internet practises, and interesting legal loop holes to jump through.

So maybe, rather than Microsoft being at fault, its your countries legal system that is the issue.
Looks like no Xbox one for me as well. I have been using my Xbox 360 from Australia in Thailand for the last 3 years. If they lock out the ability to not use in another country I am not going to stick with Xbox. :(
Don't everyone go cancelling your preorders and throwing a hissy fit just yet.

The countries listed are those available at launch - yes it sucks that not everywhere will get one day one but they did say that the rest of the world would get theirs in 2014. We know Asia has got a bit of a delay but you will be able to get one everywhere within a few months of the launch.
I am happy using my Australian 360 that is linked to an Australian account here in Thailand but if they implement a check to see if the console is in Australia I might be screwed.
So I am hoping that they leave it the same as the 360 is now I can still order my games and have them shipped to me.

I have sent a letter to Microsoft asking about the region specifics.

My hope is an Australian disc will only work with an Australian console no mater where the console is located. If its location of the console its self I will have to go back to PC gaming (not my preferred option). or change to the PS4 as Thailand is not on the list for 2014.
There are lots of details to iron out and possible workarounds that MS could introduce.

For example what if I buy my xbox one in the UK and in 6 months time have to move to another country for a few years to work. Will I have to buy another xbox one and all my games so that they work in that region? Seems a bit excessive and surely they will put a workaround in place for such issues.
This is the absolutely biggest offense by Microsoft! It doesn't make difference if you are in US cause its a huge country but if you live in Austria and want to go skiing in Switzerland you cant bring your XO. There is no explanation for this, none!

I just love multinational/global companies they fight for no borders, customs, taxes when it comes to them and their manufacturing processes. But when they want to sell you their product somehow borders matter again! Like in this case XO in US is 30% cheaper than in EU but the same Chinese people built it and to top it off with some icing you cant take it or buy games for it if you go over the border. Well when you go ahead and engineer and build XO in Austria then you can implement regional restrictions and regional pricing. Huge global conglomerates should be price controlled by some global independent body so things like this never happen again, just like fair housing.
This is the absolutely biggest offense by Microsoft! It doesn't make difference if you are in US cause its a huge country but if you live in Austria and want to go skiing in Switzerland you cant bring your XO. There is no explanation for this, none!

I just love multinational/global companies they fight for no borders, customs, taxes when it comes to them and their manufacturing processes. But when they want to sell you their product somehow borders matter again! Like in this case XO in US is 30% cheaper than in EU but the same Chinese people built it and to top it off with some icing you cant take it or buy games for it if you go over the border. Well when you go ahead and engineer and build XO in Austria then you can implement regional restrictions and regional pricing. Huge global conglomerates should be price controlled by some global independent body so things like this never happen again, just like fair housing.

You know, it costs more in the UK than the U.S. for a reason. First off, the shipping of products overseas. Secondly, I'd imagine the corporate tax rate Microsoft has to pay on console sales is greater in the UK than in the U.S. In Germany, cars from manufacturers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz aren't as expensive as they are in America, but Americans aren't talking about how it's unfair or anything.
Shipping? Come on! Global companies like MS, Apple, etc have such a huge distribution that shipping no matter where in the world can't affect the price more than 2%.

When it comes to MSRP its just rough tactics of replacing the currency sign before the number instead of adjusting the number. But Microsoft is not the biggest offender, that honor probably has to go to Adobe and their software that differs in price almost up to 50% from market to market.

Actually MB and BMW are cheaper in USA then they are in Europe. Europe has some lower trim spec models that are not offered in USA and those could be cheaper if you compare them to what's offered in US but if you go head to head, exact model to model comparison German cars are cheaper in US.
You know, it costs more in the UK than the U.S. for a reason. First off, the shipping of products overseas. Secondly, I'd imagine the corporate tax rate Microsoft has to pay on console sales is greater in the UK than in the U.S. In Germany, cars from manufacturers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz aren't as expensive as they are in America, but Americans aren't talking about how it's unfair or anything.

In my experience the shipping is cheaper from the UK to Australia then USA Australia, I can save up to $5 saving most times.
You know, it costs more in the UK than the U.S. for a reason. First off, the shipping of products overseas. Secondly, I'd imagine the corporate tax rate Microsoft has to pay on console sales is greater in the UK than in the U.S. In Germany, cars from manufacturers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz aren't as expensive as they are in America, but Americans aren't talking about how it's unfair or anything.

Corporate Tax? Don't get me started on that - Corporation tax is 20% in the UK. However MS, Apple, Starbucks, T-Mobile... f'kin long list of companies all run the distribution and handle all sales from Ireland where the corporation tax is whatever they agree with the irish government. Apple pay 2% Corp Tax for their sales for the whole of Europe. Its a messed up loophole that they are all exploiting and the U.K. government is going ape over. Really gets on my nerves as someone that earns enough to live comfortably but still watches 40% of my earnings go out in tax while companies that earn billions pay 2%
Corporate Tax? Don't get me started on that - Corporation tax is 20% in the UK. However MS, Apple, Starbucks, T-Mobile... f'kin long list of companies all run the distribution and handle all sales from Ireland where the corporation tax is whatever they agree with the irish government. Apple pay 2% Corp Tax for their sales for the whole of Europe. Its a messed up loophole that they are all exploiting and the U.K. government is going ape over. Really gets on my nerves as someone that earns enough to live comfortably but still watches 40% of my earnings go out in tax while companies that earn billions pay 2%

Ok, thank you for that clarification. I don't know the global tax workings whatsoever, so I was just speculating on potential reasons.

I'll make this statement though: That you are taxed 40% isn't a reason to be upset that companies pay 2%, it's a reason to be upset you're paying 40%. I always have supported a flat tax (don't like the idea that success leads to financial punishment, and I think that the graded tax rate is a reason people try so hard to dodge taxes), and 40% is a ridiculous rate to be taxed when you're doing 100% of the work to earn that money. I mean, they say you're getting minimum wage, then tax you to 70-80% of it, a lot of times. I haven't asked my dad if he's checked recently, but I think the last time he did (we're in America), he was taxed something like 43% or 47% that year, and he and my stepmom are most certainly not wealthy. When I hear things like France wants a 90%+ tax rate on some people, it makes me wonder what they are thinking.

If the government would be expected to learn, and actually WOULD learn, to work within its means, the constant increases in taxes wouldn't be necessary, but of all of the greedy, "evil" corporations, the U.S. government is the king.
In my experience the shipping is cheaper from the UK to Australia then USA Australia, I can save up to $5 saving most times.

Well, I was replying to the U.S.-vs.-UK cost, stating that shipping form within the U.S. is cheaper than shipping form the U.S. to the UK. As to your experiences with shipping, I have no clue why that would be the case. It could be fuel costs in the UK are lower, or something like that. No idea.
Corporate Tax? Don't get me started on that - Corporation tax is 20% in the UK. However MS, Apple, Starbucks, T-Mobile... f'kin long list of companies all run the distribution and handle all sales from Ireland where the corporation tax is whatever they agree with the irish government. Apple pay 2% Corp Tax for their sales for the whole of Europe. Its a messed up loophole that they are all exploiting and the U.K. government is going ape over. Really gets on my nerves as someone that earns enough to live comfortably but still watches 40% of my earnings go out in tax while companies that earn billions pay 2%

there not exploiting anything it is the law so therefore its legal. If you had one of these so called "loopholes" to take your 40% to 2% and it was just as legal would you not do the same? I know I would in a heartbeat. Your anger is total misplaced, you should be angry at a government that thinks they are entitled to 40% of something that they didn't work to get. As well as governments that put so much burden on corporations that they literally pack up and move to other countries. It those types of policies that cost all of us jobs.

Now that said I can get on board with anger against companies that lie cheat and steal. Those companies should be put out of business, there should be no difference in the law for a corporation that does something illegal then the general public. Same goes for politicians, bunch of crooked bastards.
Ok, thank you for that clarification. I don't know the global tax workings whatsoever, so I was just speculating on potential reasons.

I'll make this statement though: That you are taxed 40% isn't a reason to be upset that companies pay 2%, it's a reason to be upset you're paying 40%. I always have supported a flat tax (don't like the idea that success leads to financial punishment, and I think that the graded tax rate is a reason people try so hard to dodge taxes), and 40% is a ridiculous rate to be taxed when you're doing 100% of the work to earn that money. I mean, they say you're getting minimum wage, then tax you to 70-80% of it, a lot of times. I haven't asked my dad if he's checked recently, but I think the last time he did (we're in America), he was taxed something like 43% or 47% that year, and he and my stepmom are most certainly not wealthy. When I hear things like France wants a 90%+ tax rate on some people, it makes me wonder what they are thinking.

If the government would be expected to learn, and actually WOULD learn, to work within its means, the constant increases in taxes wouldn't be necessary, but of all of the greedy, "evil" corporations, the U.S. government is the king.

No worries its a really big deal over here in the UK at the moment but its mainly because those companies that make billions off UK sales should be allowing the tax in the profits to go back into the economy and stimulate recovery.

I don't mind paying 40% as Im earning a lot more than the average person - just gets on my nerves when the games not played on a level playing field.

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