Xbox One to only work in certain countries at launch

there not exploiting anything it is the law so therefore its legal. If you had one of these so called "loopholes" to take your 40% to 2% and it was just as legal would you not do the same? I know I would in a heartbeat. Your anger is total misplaced, you should be angry at a government that thinks they are entitled to 40% of something that they didn't work to get. As well as governments that put so much burden on corporations that they literally pack up and move to other countries. It those types of policies that cost all of us jobs.

Now that said I can get on board with anger against companies that lie cheat and steal. Those companies should be put out of business, there should be no difference in the law for a corporation that does something illegal then the general public. Same goes for politicians, bunch of crooked bastards.

I did actually look into doing it with my own company - trouble is there's so much ducking and diving to do you need to hire a really good accountant to sort everything out. In the end I just figured it wasn't worth the hassle.

See my response to Keith - I don't mind paying tax and im not angry at paying 40% - The system is broken and isn't fair - that's what im angry at.
I did actually look into doing it with my own company - trouble is there's so much ducking and diving to do you need to hire a really good accountant to sort everything out. In the end I just figured it wasn't worth the hassle.

See my response to Keith - I don't mind paying tax and im not angry at paying 40% - The system is broken and isn't fair - that's what im angry at.

first thing I would say is stop thinking fair the world isn't and never will be fair lol sad to say but true. I agree whole heartedly that the system is broken but its broken because of the politicians. That was one of my last points, if America or UK would make the environments business friendly then you would have more businesses. But instead government's demonize businesses in the public eye then turn around and try to take so much that isn't there's all for the sake of "fairness". When in reality most of that money goes towards there corruption. I think Keith brought up the flat tax I think that is a fantastic idea and it makes the tax code so simple we all can understand it and make the most of it.
No worries its a really big deal over here in the UK at the moment but its mainly because those companies that make billions off UK sales should be allowing the tax in the profits to go back into the economy and stimulate recovery.

I don't mind paying 40% as Im earning a lot more than the average person - just gets on my nerves when the games not played on a level playing field.

Yeah, see, I have a problem giving up 40%. I simply think that 40% of all income is WAY more than a government needs to operate. I'd rather see the government run on donations. If you want national defense, donate to the government to support it. If you don't go to a public school, don't donate to the education sector, if you don't want. It always sucked to think that we were paying an education tax while my sister and I weren't going to a free, public school. We were basically paying for 2 schools, in that regard.

But yeah, the system is broken, and there's nothing being done to fix it. In fact, it's about like the used games market. If Microsoft closes the used game loopholes, they can make games cheaper. If the government would close tax loopholes, they could lower taxes because the incessant dodging wouldn't occur.
first thing I would say is stop thinking fair the world isn't and never will be fair lol sad to say but true. I agree whole heartedly that the system is broken but its broken because of the politicians. That was one of my last points, if America or UK would make the environments business friendly then you would have more businesses. But instead government's demonize businesses in the public eye then turn around and try to take so much that isn't there's all for the sake of "fairness". When in reality most of that money goes towards there corruption. I think Keith brought up the flat tax I think that is a fantastic idea and it makes the tax code so simple we all can understand it and make the most of it.

Of course fairness only applies when your the one that feels wronged. Think I might move to Dubai. Lovely climate, lots of work, no tax... Is the Xbox one getting released in Dubai? Don't want to move out there and find out I cant play.
Of course fairness only applies when your the one that feels wronged. Think I might move to Dubai. Lovely climate, lots of work, no tax... Is the Xbox one getting released in Dubai? Don't want to move out there and find out I cant play.

lol see business friendly economy at work again. To answer your question would assume yes as it has so much money right now I don't see Xbox missing out on that opportunity.
Time to get this forum back on track. Just had a tweet back from Xbox support telling me the Xbox will only work in the region of purchase.
Not good news for me I have been shifting country's every 2 years and the Australian 360 has work flawless. I know I could set up a VPN account to circumvent this but that's just more expense.
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It seems that Microsoft REALLY has something against those in the military or something. I mean, what the hell are they trying to accomplish with this region-locking mess?
I have a feeling they will reverse a lot of decisions before it actually ships. Either that or they have something in place for people who work abroad.
I got a reply from Xbox support, but they don't have any answers either:

Me:I'm about to pre-order XB1 in the US but I want to confirm if I take my XB with me to Japan would the games still work?

Xbox Support 2
"We do not have specifics on that at the moment, regarding non Live-supported regions. ^LB"
I got a reply from Xbox support, but they don't have any answers either:

Me:I'm about to pre-order XB1 in the US but I want to confirm if I take my XB with me to Japan would the games still work?

Xbox Support 2
"We do not have specifics on that at the moment, regarding non Live-supported regions. ^LB"

Asked the same question except Australian XB1 to Thailand.
Reply was: you will need the console from the country you reside. So looks like region restriction are going to be part of XB1.

I am trying to decide if I want to set up a VPN account to Australia or cancel my XB1 order good thing is I have plenty of time to decide.
That response actually doesn't make much sense. "You will need the console from the country you reside?" Does that apply to temporary residence, like a vacation, or simply the permanent residence listed on your Xbox LIVE account? I don't see how the console could be so stupid as to not be able to handle having an Australian citizen playing the console he bought in his country (Australia) in another country (Thailand) while on vacation.
That response actually doesn't make much sense. "You will need the console from the country you reside?" Does that apply to temporary residence, like a vacation, or simply the permanent residence listed on your Xbox LIVE account? I don't see how the console could be so stupid as to not be able to handle having an Australian citizen playing the console he bought in his country (Australia) in another country (Thailand) while on vacation.
Have a feeling they are not to sure how this is going to be handled so are suggesting you should purchase from the country you are living.

If Thailand was listed for 2014 I would wait but there is not mention of a console coming here any time soon.
The cost of shipping something like the xboxOne to Europe is negligible, other countries get screwed because companies have traditionally done it so why stop now. I really don't get fanboys, apple OR MS. It seems like MS could specify the xboxOne requires an anal probe to be inserted and there would still be people trying to justify it.
So Xbox One won't have any regional restrictions now after the policy changes:

"In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console -- there will be no regional restrictions."

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Good news I guess for people who travel or moving to other countries.
remember me? i'm from Colombia and this day was a good day for me, now i can preorder my xbox one without worries....but i will miss the family share feature, playing without a disc and some others cool things that xbox one offered
remember me? i'm from Colombia and this day was a good day for me, now i can preorder my xbox one without worries....but i will miss the family share feature, playing without a disc and some others cool things that xbox one offered

Games should be all fine now. But if you watch blurays or even dvds, there might be an issue with region codes. This is a small issue for me, maybe I'll need to find region free blurays.
remember me? i'm from Colombia and this day was a good day for me, now i can preorder my xbox one without worries....but i will miss the family share feature, playing without a disc and some others cool things that xbox one offered

Region locking + 24-hour check-in was overkill. The 24-hour check-in should have been enough.

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