Yet more proof that MS needs to step it up


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Nov 14, 2008
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No exaggeration to say that we've been saying that for a year. Whatever their game plan is, it better be huge. WP7 deserves better.


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Dec 10, 2008
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I'm not really worried. It took Android, what, 2 years before it took off? Has it even been a year since WP7 was released?


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Dec 30, 2010
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I'm not really worried about it.

I really enjoy my WP, and I don't think there are really any worries about it going away. I don't really care if it gets super popular or not. However, I do think it's inevitable that it will gain traction. Why?

1. Nokia is "all in." Therefore, we're guaranteed at least one OEM that will put its full marketing budget towards Windows Phone. I think Nokia will do for Windows Phone what Motorola did for Android.

2. Windows 8. The developer preview already has over 1 million downloads. And it's not even a beta. It's generating a lot of excitement and that will spill over to Windows Phone.

3. XBOX - The XBOX is getting a new Metro UI.

I actually think that if MS doesn't even do a big marketing push for Windows Phone, it's going to be big anyway. It will just end up taking another year or so before everything falls into place.


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Dec 10, 2008
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I'm not really worried about it.

I really enjoy my WP, and I don't think there are really any worries about it going away. I don't really care if it gets super popular or not. However, I do think it's inevitable that it will gain traction. Why?

1. Nokia is "all in." Therefore, we're guaranteed at least one OEM that will put its full marketing budget towards Windows Phone. I think Nokia will do for Windows Phone what Motorola did for Android.

2. Windows 8. The developer preview already has over 1 million downloads. And it's not even a beta. It's generating a lot of excitement and that will spill over to Windows Phone.

3. XBOX - The XBOX is getting a new Metro UI.

I actually think that if MS doesn't even do a big marketing push for Windows Phone, it's going to be big anyway. It will just end up taking another year or so before everything falls into place.

I completey agree! I think if they can execute and complete W8, XBOX, and WP7 ecosystem, it will all fall into place. It's only a matter of time before users of the said systems realize it's just better to go with a WP7 to make their life more seemless.


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Aug 30, 2011
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Oh, I have no doubt that WP will continue to grow and part of this just bolsters my theory that Win8 and the new XBox dashboard will help raise "brand awareness" for Metro and thus WP7, but I still think MS definitely needs to be more aggressive or it will be one very long, slow uphill slog getting there.


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Dec 16, 2010
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am i the only one that thinks MS should slow down....???..

lol but seriously MS is doing nothing Wrong and are doing better then expected( not according to MS , but companies always expects more. )

wp7 year 1 is doing MUCH better then Android was year one .. and look where android is now .. Number 2 if not Number 1. not to mention our system/ecosystem is gona be 1000x better then any Android Ecosystem

So I don’t understand how people can even claim thats is doing bad! …. Just makes me feel like im surrounded by a bunch of...…(leave it to your imagination)…. that dont know anything about the cell phone market.

but i guess people just like to RENT about the same things over and over again..... keep them post coming!!! no seriously please stop...


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Aug 30, 2011
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Actually Android was at about the same place as WP after it's first year (around 7-8%) and yes, Android is currently number one by a pretty fair margin right now(52%). But that doesn't reflect the amount of mindshare that WP has currently and is surely going to have in the coming months.

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