Your next smartphone? (If your current WP did not satisfy)

My Current: Lumia 1520
My Next: The HTC Better One (M8 loaded with WP8.1)

Add on:
Went to the HTC M8
Now on Samsung Galaxy Note Edge...

Miss Windows Phone, but they still haven't made the apps I need.
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Current is a 928 on GDR3, and also a 520 on 8.1 dev preview. Next is undecided. Possibly an out of pocket purchase (unlimited data on Verizon) and just don't know. Will probably come down to the Icon and iPhone 6.
Lumia 920 and next would be a 930 but if I wasn't allowed a window phone it would be an iphone
Now: Nokia Lumia 820
Ex: Nokia C6-01
Coming: Either Nokia Goldfinger or Nexus 6
Goldfinger will be probably good enough to keep me at windowsphone and Nexus is inch Android phone that can make me switch to Android. LG might also be an option but I'm too into updates. Other Android phones are not an option and especially not Apple.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 820 using Tapatalk
From Current to previous: Lumia 520, Ativ S, Lumia 920, Omnia 7, Samsung Focus, Xperia Play, Unlocked E71, N97 mini.
Future: The next Samsung phone available from AT&T or a SONY WP if Samsung no come to AT&T. Otherwise, it will probably be an iPhone for me.

I was checking out a video of Dell Venue Pro vs Samsung Galaxy Pro 8.4 and that ol' *** Dell was whooping Sammy in viewing PDFs. So, for me, there's only WP or iPhone. Though, I really prefer WP OS to any of 'em. The closest I've come to owning an Apple product recently is an iPod touch, before that I wanted the iPad mini. Still haven't gotten any, with my last being a 5th Generation iPod Video, whose wheel gave out. But if I did, I think the iPod touch would be it as I already have a W8 Tablet.

Oops, forgot about the 920. I guess the honeymoon was too short.
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My previous was L920,gave it to my wife and took myself a Nexus 5. Android definitly has a lot of options and playstore is full of various apps but L920 with less than half of N5's horsepower works much smoother and it aslo has much better battery life,display(despite N5's resolution) sound,camera,build quality. Just can't wait for L930 to be released.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
I'm getting the Lumia 935. (or whatever high-end 5" device coming next from AT&T or T-Mobile)
Current phone: Nokia ICON.

Will I change, who knows but, I really like Windows Phone but, more and more this "app gap" is getting to me, sure most things are there but, the apps I would really use and would like, are available for IOS and Android but, "no plans" for Windows Phone....

It's getting really old... No question I love Windows Phone....but, this is bothering me really bad...
As I said before, if Windows Phone doesn't improve, I'm probably switching to a Moto, a nexus or an LG...
The quality of apps is really frustrating in comparison to ios and Android. I have an icon and love the OS but I have to be able to do what I need to do for my business. If things don't improve by the holidays, I'll probably be in the market for a note 4.
Current: Red 920 on AT&T
Next: if the 930 had a SD Card Slot and was Glance capable it would be my ideal phone. However it doesn't and therefore it isn't... The 1520 is too big for my tastes. I am hoping that Microsoft/Nokia comes out with a phone like what I want by the end of the year.
They don't offer an upgrade to the 925 I already have, their next phone is going go essentially be a downgrade in the 630 or 635. So I'm using the upgrade to get the G2. Sorry, my wording could have been better
L920 now but I need a true successor to it. As much as I love the 1520 or the 930/Icon (played with both a couple of weeks ago), I don't like phablets or any phone with a screen size of over 5 inches. I'm also intrigued by the HTC One M8 IF my next phone wouldn't be a WP. I have too many devices as it is...
L920 now but I need a true successor to it. As much as I love the 1520 or the 930/Icon (played with both a couple of weeks ago), I don't like phablets or any phone with a screen size of over 5 inches. I'm also intrigued by the HTC One M8 IF my next phone wouldn't be a WP. I have too many devices as it is...

Icon and One M8 are both exactly 5"...

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