I would hope not. Microsoft would really be dumb if it did that.Someone mentioned that if u update to the 8.1 Preview from pro, you won't lose your apps or software, but when u update to the official release you will.
My question is, if I update from 8.0 to Official 8.1 in a few months, will I still lose everything and have to reinstall apps and software?
So far I have high hopes for 8.1 final. I would warn people who plan on putting this on their primary device: not everything works. Now, it could just be me. But, the official twitter app, as well as tweetro, are almost unusable. The timeline blanks out when scrolling, and jitters like crazy. MetroTube locks up every time I try to load it. Microsoft warned that not all 3rd party apps would work right off the bat, so I'm not surprised.
I love the extra tile sizes. The new search takes some getting used to, but I like it. Losing the messaging app sucks, but I guess we all new this was coming as we move towards Skype. I much prefer the old IE with the tabs up top and the favorites on the bottom.
Has anyone figured out how to integrate SkyDrive picks in the pictures app? All I get now is picks on the device.
Yea but...Outlook on my surface rt. The world is complete.
Oh yes, as jmerrey pointed out, don't expect everything to work perfectly. It is functional, not perfect. Even some of Microsoft's own apps are a bit buggy. All in all, though, I'm loving the new features and cannot wait for the full version in a few months.
Question: Can we expect updates to 8.1 as they're made? Or will they all be bundled into the full version?
I"m still downloading but have read that there are or will be "motion backgrounds" like a dragon. Guess I have to wait unless someone has already searched for it.