Your Windows 10 Anniversary Review

I am windows phone user and enthusiast from windows 7 days and I watch videos for tricks and tips,follow windows central.Today I accidentally clicked on a video which is a concept video for windows 10 mobile.And holy mother of cow,this guy has amazing concepts for win 10 mobile.I want all of you to check this and if you like it reach Microsoft and ask for this features .Bdw,I am no way related with the guy,neither I am a paid pro working to get the video more hits.
The upgrade was one of the longest upgrades I have ever experienced. After all was said and done there are some great improvements in Cortana that make things easier. Just simply speaking Hey Cortana and you get an answer is simple and elegant. I love the ease of it.
I am windows phone user and enthusiast from windows 7 days and I watch videos for tricks and tips,follow windows central.Today I accidentally clicked on a video which is a concept video for windows 10 mobile.And holy mother of cow,this guy has amazing concepts for win 10 mobile.I want all of you to check this and if you like it reach Microsoft and ask for this features .Bdw,I am no way related with the guy,neither I am a paid pro working to get the video more hits.

Holy crap. I want pretty much all of it. These kind of features would bring functionality of W10M on par with flagship Androids and maybe draw more interest to the platform.
Minor breaks have our group hesitating. Not ready to roll it out yet as some apps are critical.

WiFi issues will be reported as will issues with the new Start Button. Not a fan of those changes. Need options back to change.
on my acer Aspire E15 the installation was long but i've kind of expecting that, windows feels little bit smoother after the update and over all i'm very happy with this version of windows the only thing i wish they will return the swiping left on the mouse pad for Back in browser.
For me it was a nerve-wracking experience even three weeks after the release, with all the problems I'd read about here. Thankfully though, both laptops went smoothly (if long!) and I've had no problems. The wife's laptop is next, but i"m willing to wait on that, since screwing THAT up would be a major problem. ;)

Acer R13, and an older Acer 5742.

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After AU, desktop PC forgets it has ethernet. No network, no adapter. Restarting the PC brings connections back.
Maybe it's angry at me for disabling automatic restarts because every time there has been some update waiting for it...

For Acer Aspire V something laptop - it does not see AU at all. Went to insider rs1 release preview ring - nothing. Only virus updates and other small things but no AU whatever. With 8.1 the laptop worked very well, after W10 update WLAN drops to 0 bars when router is more than 3 meters away...

It looks like they brought W10M stability to core OS ;)
For those who lost their windows 10 digital entitlement product keys:

There isn't a need for product key as it is a digital entitlement, the product key saves in your motherboard, no need to worry.. So the next step is to reinstall Windows 10 by media creation tool. You should create a USB and boot it, In the middle of the windows 10 installation, right in the product key step, press the skip product key button and after installing and connecting your Microsoft account (or not) and check your system information. It should say that it is activated. In the Anniversary Update, the product key will be licensed and saved in your Microsoft account in case of any hardware failure and you should reinstall it, no problem, just connect your Microsoft account, it will be activated.

Hope it helps!!..

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
The upgrade went smoothly on my Acer laptop computer to the windows 10.I really like it now that I am used to it.I love all the apps and the photo section too.
The update went smoothly on my home pc but on my Chuwi HI12 tablet not so much, Edge browser got very unresponsive and crashing all the time but the last cumulative update seems to have fixed that.
Hi there im a new member...i need help fixing my laptop please after installing the anniv update and reboot. my mouse cursor disappear and the the touch pad device is not detected and its like not even with the laptop because i already try everything i knkw...pls help...
Email me directly pls if anyone knows a fix for the issue that is really works....
My laptop model is ACER E 15 START
ES1-512-C2FA...thank you...
My email add is
I have to say so far so good with the install. I am running it on a basic Asus i3 laptop and all is well. I like the cleaner look for the interface.
I had big problems on my Chuwi Hi12 tablet at first (August), it became sluggish and Edge crashing... but then Microsoft release some cumulative updates and everything looks fine now. I also love the new look and features.
windows team u mother ****ers ,im an exsperianced gamer ,i had turned my win auto update of and still itupdated on top of that the dam update broke my antivirus program it wont turn on ,and all my 36 games fricking stoped working and now u say roll back pc like wtf ,to who ever is a gamer out there and havent goten update yet dont cuss u have to reinstal every singel game u had before on pc ,and that my friends will take for ever:angry:
Upgraded from th2 build 10586.589 to the current production build 14393.189. Smooth transition, as i had already made a bootable disc of AU in august after the release, it took a hour or so to install the updates and i was immediately notified for a new CU (.189). After the setup i noticed better performance with minimum lag while navigating through the OS. Booting time has also been improved from the prior AU builds.

i faced absolutely no hurdles while updating or after the update , no minor glitches or bugs so far. :)
I have a 6-year-old Gateway machine that came with Windows 7. The free upgrade to Windows 10 went reasonably well. But today the Anniversary Update 1607 arrived and when it was complete, I had lost network connectivity. The Windows network troubleshooter said only that it detected a problem with the driver, but the driver seems okay and the network adapter is reported as enabled and working properly. I actually bought a new PCI network adapter card, which installed okay but the exact same problem remained, even with the different adapter. In my troubleshooting, I found this message: "Windows couldn't automatically bind the IP protocol stack to the network adapter." In Services, I enabled auto-config for the wired LAN adapter, but this made no difference. Finally I issued the command to roll back to a previous build, which was successful. My machine reports it as Build 10586. I have network connectivity again and the machine appears to be working as it did before the Anniversary Upgrade. Obviously I'm not keen on going with the Anniversary Upgrade again until I can figure out this problem. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I installed the Windows 10 Anniversary update on the 3rd of august 2016. The only downside to it on my laptop is that it took 4 houres to install the update, it took about 5GB of disk space. On my phone it took about 30 minutes but the battery life is now 20% worse than before and sometimes my phone reboots whitout me giving the command (of couse the cumulative updates are making bug fixes witch is good to know). Over all, these minor problems don't affect me much and I think that the anniversary update is a big update that introduces a lot of improvements to Windows 10. I hope for more in the futur. :grin:
I am loving the anniversary update, especially on my tablet. It was sluggish at first but cumulative updates fixed it.

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