You're sitting in your computer chair wrong and it could be causing aches and pains — Thank you Razer and 1HP for showing me the error of my ways

So fixing the chair you have is better than buying a new one, got it. Take the small wins and stop hurting yourself is the lesson here.
So fixing the chair you have is better than buying a new one, got it. Take the small wins and stop hurting yourself is the lesson here.
Well, that presumes your chair is adequate at being comfortable and supporting good posture. Both of Razer's chairs (Iskur and Enki) are some of the most comfortable chairs I've used (Enki, especially, as I can still sit all day without pain points).

But even with the best chair, HOW you sit in it still matters, which is what this article is about.
The lesson I learned these past years: if you want to sit well, don't buy a gaming chair, buy an ergonomic chair.
The former have just followed the "gaming" trend for several years, while the latter have been specifically designed to reduce back pain.
If you really want to go for a gaming chair, choose for the ergonomic first, then choose the design after, not the other way around.
Remember, you have only one back.
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"You're sitting in your computer chair wrong..."

First of all, no I'm not.

Second, I don't have a "computer chair". I have a desk chair.

Third, I am not sitting wrong in my desk chair. Nor am I sitting wrong in my reclining chair. Or my couch. How does one sit in a chair "wrong"?

Fourth, I don't need a $700 desk chair.
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