Frustrated with "No Flagship" complaints


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Dec 13, 2011
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I'm tired of people whining about people whining. I've had many windows devices for years (Siemens sx 56, SMT 5600, blackjack, 900, 920, 8x, 1520). I think I'm finally done with them. Still no app support and new devices are too few and far between. Went to a z30. Great hardware. Great os. Great battery life. So-so camera. Great app selection since it runs all BB10 and most all android apps.


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Scenario 3: Microsoft releases the 940 in February 2015 (that is capable to leverage features from W10 - USB OTG, Continuum, etc), 1 year after the Icon. Come Windows 10 in the fall, and 940 runs perfectly with Windows 10 for phone. Fans are happy and said "Yay!! I love Microsoft!!!". Then, as it needs to launch a new flagship model with the release of its new flagship OS, it releases the 940 XL in September 2015. Wow!! Another flagship! More choices for consumers, ain't that wonderful?? But I'm fine with 940 because it is still the flagship and enjoying every single feature from Windows 10!! Hurray!!

Is that too difficult?? No offense, yes indeed your 930 purchased last August seems to be better than iPhone 6. But when W10, everyone will even forget about Windows phone because all news will be covering iPhone 6s and Note 5. Devs will all be hyped up with the new devices and make better apps for iOS and Android. Do you think they will even bother about bridging apps over to Windows 10 anymore?? Microsoft better release really true unique flagships by then because if it doesn't, good luck to the future of Windows phone.
Let me help you with the headlines too: "Microsoft fails to deliver a New flagship to the premier of its new OS, only has a .7 inch larger version of it's 6 month old 940."
This would be 1520 to Icon/930 complaints all over again.


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Haters are always gonna hate and babies always gonna cry. This seems to be the common theme amongst the most vocal Windows Phone users; a sense of entitlement. Meanwhile my friends and family who have Windows Phone are happy with their devices.

Great deal

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Do you know how long it takes for a mobile phone to hit the shops from an initial idea? Nokia were acquired by MS - Nokia STOPPED investment in new phones as soon as the acquisition was announced, why on earth would they waste their money and at the same time Microsoft had NO control while aquision was taking place.

After Nokia had been acquired then the integration phase takes place and a new road map based on Microsofts own directions and Nokia's existing state. Windows 10 is the natural window (excuse the pun) of opportunity to present a flagship/s, it always has been. Its enough time for everything to come together into one cohesive aligned strategy that MS takes forward and develops. Microsoft has been busy getting the ground ready for strong roots, the tree and its fruits will come.


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Do you know how long it takes for a mobile phone to hit the shops from an initial idea? Nokia were acquired by MS - Nokia STOPPED investment in new phones as soon as the acquisition was announced, why on earth would they waste their money and at the same time Microsoft had NO control while aquision was taking place.

After Nokia had been acquired then the integration phase takes place and a new road map based on Microsofts own directions and Nokia's existing state. Windows 10 is the natural window (excuse the pun) of opportunity to present a flagship/s, it always has been. Its enough time for everything to come together into one cohesive aligned strategy that MS takes forward and develops. Microsoft has been busy getting the ground ready for strong roots, the tree and its fruits will come.

Great points! With all the cr*p we give MS over the 7-8 different low end phones they introduced over the past few months, one has to realize about half of those were Ashas rebadged. They probably had parts and factory capacity already booked by Nokia too so they did the best they could and release these in different regions.

I have a feeling only x40 bad on are we really seeing what MS started to develop.

Back on the topic of the flagship, the 940 is bound to happen in August\September so everyone should relax a bit.


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Sep 26, 2014
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Back on the topic of the flagship, the 940 is bound to happen in August\September so everyone should relax a bit.

Indeed a good suggestion but (I fear some will not relax and) if the 940 is announced they start again because they don't agree with the spec.


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Jan 16, 2013
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What did you expect? Satya was AGAINST purchasing Nokia. Buy an android or iPhone.

That was before he was made CEO. The board only selected him as CEO because he agreed to go with the plan. He also said now that their aim is MS service everywhere but best on Windows, even if it is not the first release. Plus if he mothballs the Nokia team for several years and let that division tank with no revenue/profit/growth as an excuse to axe it and do more layoffs it would ruin the image and stock price of MS and the stock holders will want his head on a pike. To speculate that Satya isn't doing anything to make the Nokia deal work now is stupid and ignorant.

Kizzy Catwoman

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I love my 640XL and although I is not a flagship it does a pretty damn good job mimicking one. Having a flagship experience on a budget priced phone is a wonderful experience. My phone feels good quality in my hand and the smooth experience I have with it is the best I have had in years.

A flagship will arrive with Windows 10. If I had my way they would brand it a Surface Phone to denote the higher quality level and price point. It will have continuum and will have the experience Windows OS fans are craving. Give them time. The strategy of flooding the emerging and western markets with low cost but beautiful devices is working. Just be patient.


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At this point , Many people compare OSs more often , i mean android ( dubbed it lagdroid) then comes ios, people dont seem to like it too although i personally feel "i products" are packed with great performance overall and fail to leave mark in UI only. My point here is that MS needs to work on its OS first and make it so acceptable that consumers dont whine about it when they load it into any flagship device. Hardware can be iterated evey 6 months but unless it is accompanied with functional OS i dont think many people ( still not all of them though ) can be satisfied, and we will be seeing same posts here in this forum only ,which is good for Forum though :)


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At this point , Many people compare OSs more often , i mean android ( dubbed it lagdroid) then comes ios, people dont seem to like it too although i personally feel "i products" are packed with great performance overall and fail to leave mark in UI only. My point here is that MS needs to work on its OS first and make it so acceptable that consumers dont whine about it when they load it into any flagship device. Hardware can be iterated evey 6 months but unless it is accompanied with functional OS i dont think many people ( still not all of them though ) can be satisfied, and we will be seeing same posts here in this forum only ,which is good for Forum though :)

To the general public how functional the OS is irrelevant. It's the apps which raises the awareness. What MS needs to do is not a flagship, but having a giant *** icon which says "Windows Store" next to the "Available on iTunes Store, Google Play Store" on every single hit app ad which is currently missing now. If that doesn't come, no flagship would save W10M, and thankfully, MS has done what is REALLY needed to get that happening - easy porting of iOS and Android apps, and not focusing on the hardware.


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To the general public how functional the OS is irrelevant. It's the apps which raises the awareness. What MS needs to do is not a flagship, but having a giant *** icon which says "Windows Store" next to the "Available on iTunes Store, Google Play Store" on every single hit app ad which is currently missing now. If that doesn't come, no flagship would save W10M, and thankfully, MS has done what is REALLY needed to get that happening - easy porting of iOS and Android apps, and not focusing on the hardware.

I really dont see very big App-gap now, MS has most of the hit apps in the store. As is also quoted "out of 50 top apps Win store has over 45" ,and the number is continously increasing ,not too bad eh. You might not find official google apps but thats more of a fault on Google side. By functionality of OS i mean , i missed it, more stable and enriched with new feature such as improved notifications in terms of responding to them etc etc,more coverage of other MS devices, all of them without hurting the performance of OS which is already very good.


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I really dont see very big App-gap now, MS has most of the hit apps in the store. As is also quoted "out of 50 top apps Win store has over 45" ,and the number is continously increasing ,not too bad eh. You might not find official google apps but thats more of a fault on Google side. By functionality of OS i mean , i missed it, more stable and enriched with new feature such as improved notifications in terms of responding to them etc etc,more coverage of other MS devices, all of them without hurting the performance of OS which is already very good.

Firstly there's a huge app gap in games, followed by peripheral apps (eg most smartTV now comes with an iOS or Android app, and you see those icons printed on the box and manuals), and secondly awareness sometimes does not have anything to do with "facts" like the pure number of apps in the store. If you don't see printed ads and peripheral boxes printed with a "Windows Store" icon along side those highly recognizable iTunes Store and Google Play icons that you see EVERYWHERE now, Windows 10 won't see any changes in marketshare because of lack of awareness, with or without a flagship.

Again, thankfully MS did things which actually matters - easy (almost direct port) of iOS and Android apps. Once the games apps starts to hit at around the same time as iOS and Android releases and you see Windows logos more and more, people will come around, THEN we should worry about flagships.


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May 23, 2015
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Firstly there's a huge app gap in games, followed by peripheral apps (eg most smartTV now comes with an iOS or Android app, and you see those icons printed on the box and manuals), and secondly awareness sometimes does not have anything to do with "facts" like the pure number of apps in the store. If you don't see printed ads and peripheral boxes printed with a "Windows Store" icon along side those highly recognizable iTunes Store and Google Play icons that you see EVERYWHERE now, Windows 10 won't see any changes in marketshare because of lack of awareness, with or without a flagship.

Again, thankfully MS did things which actually matters - easy (almost direct port) of iOS and Android apps. Once the games apps starts to hit at around the same time as iOS and Android releases and you see Windows logos more and more, people will come around, THEN we should worry about flagships.

Funny thing is i used the same position to find out growing number of apps - noticing windows logo which says win app is available. For eg i used to heavily rely on phones for banking and stuff and after a long time i saw my bank's app on Win store and recently ive seen huge improvements as i see windows logo for most of the apps/services. On the game front i'd say it always takes time to bring bigger games , not all games came to android store instantly . MS is doing a lot to change the current status of app availability on its store and things are growing with a visible rate.

About awareness - i guess Win 10 has been in news for a long time now so everyone is aware of it .Once they land with it ,and i hope successfully, things are going to take brighter turn. Seems we both agree that we should not worry about flagship but pointing out different reasons.


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My only issue is I'm going on 3 years this fall with my Lumia 920 and it's nonfunctional half of the time I use it. I unlock the phone only to see a black screen and I'm forced to hard reset the phone. Even when I get phone calls, sometimes very important calls, and I can't answer because of the black screen. I want a new phone but I don't want to buy a phone if a flagship is coming out. At least if I knew exactly how long to hold out I could plan my purchase accordingly. If I'm going to get a new phone, extending my contract another 2 years, I want a premium phone, and not a mid-grade and/or year old model.
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May 27, 2011
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I really dont see very big App-gap now, MS has most of the hit apps in the store. As is also quoted "out of 50 top apps Win store has over 45" ,and the number is continously increasing ,not too bad eh. You might not find official google apps but thats more of a fault on Google side. By functionality of OS i mean , i missed it, more stable and enriched with new feature such as improved notifications in terms of responding to them etc etc,more coverage of other MS devices, all of them without hurting the performance of OS which is already very good.

Let me quote you one fine example about the app gap. But before that, app gap is not just about missing apps on the store, but also how well a similar app performs as compared to the version on iOS / Android.

Take the OneDrive app for example. Can you remove sharing permissions via the app on Windows Phone? Nope. Can't see such option / capability. But I can do that on the Android version! Even a MS made app is crippled so how do we expect good app supports from other developers? Also, the app performance on Android is so much better than the one on Windows Phone. Also, I don't get any notifications after downloads are completed on Windows Phone unlike on Android. Gaps like these are turning people off when using Windows Phones.

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