What features would an Android user miss after switching to W10M?


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Sep 21, 2015
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When you turn your ringer off on a Lollipop device, it asks how long you want to leave it off. This doesn't work (and can't be done) in WP8.1. Not sure about WM10. great feature that I miss in WM10.

Quiet Hours isn't a substitute for this, as I either have to let my Inner Circle break through in meetings and movies, which I don't want, or prevent them from breaking through when I'm sleeping, which I do want.


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Nov 10, 2011
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I'm not sure if Google and Apple have insider preview, but this makes a case for not having it. Many people use the preview and are ready to leave the OS before the launch of the final product. Take a page out of Apple's book and just launch the upgrade. If fans don't like it, then update it after 6 months. Also, talking about the features for 6-9 months removes the Ahhhh factor. Most people watching the MS release will be largely disappointed because they will all know the features intimately.

They both offer developer beta's.

It's not bad for the ecosystem, its a great thing. It's just most people have no business using it and clearly pay no attention to the warnings involved. Besides an obvious lack of common sense.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Loud Silence

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Oct 15, 2014
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Windows Phone is undeniably anemic in terms of features. I don't know anyone can justify keeping it this way. Just yesterday, I realized that I could not even download from FTP links on Windows Phone. Like seriously, IE just says it is not supported. And all 3rd party apps just to open ftp:// links cost money. I have to pay money just so I can download files from ftp links on Windows Phone that I can easily do on any browser on any other OS, even in Microsoft's own IE on Windows. OUTRAGEOUS!! Has this been fixed on Windows 10 Mobile or not? I would really like to know. And I'm only talking about 3rd party FTP file links, not my own FTP servers. A few file explorers provide that functionality of navigating your own FTP server on Windows Phone but something so basic as downloading from a 3rd party FTP Link is not possible.


Mar 12, 2013
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Windows Phone is undeniably anemic in terms of features. I don't know anyone can justify keeping it this way. Just yesterday, I realized that I could not even download from FTP links on Windows Phone. Like seriously, IE just says it is not supported. And all 3rd party apps just to open ftp:// links cost money. I have to pay money just so I can download files from ftp links on Windows Phone that I can easily do on any browser on any other OS, even in Microsoft's own IE on Windows. OUTRAGEOUS!! Has this been fixed on Windows 10 Mobile or not? I would really like to know. And I'm only talking about 3rd party FTP file links, not my own FTP servers. A few file explorers provide that functionality of navigating your own FTP server on Windows Phone but something so basic as downloading from a 3rd party FTP Link is not possible.

not working in edge also on 10 mobile

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Sep 9, 2015
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>> Used up to three Weeks ago several Android Devices (S3,S4,S5, Xperia Z3 and more (Used Android since V 2.1)
), i switched to WP because i was bored about the need of tinkering (Testing every Alternate Firmware and such stuff.).

And thats not a Dream like mentioned earlier in this Thread. There are several Android User who are switching.


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Sep 9, 2015
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may be design of Android is not the most appealing part.. Most of the Android users loves the customizability of the OS.. And not to mention the ton load of apps.. I don't think Android gained market share by being cheap alternative for iPhones..

The Android Market was much much much smaller in the beginning then the IOS App-Store. It is true that Android beatn iOS and Apple with flooding the Market with Cheap Devices.


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Nov 10, 2011
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The Android Market was much much much smaller in the beginning then the IOS App-Store. It is true that Android beatn iOS and Apple with flooding the Market with Cheap Devices.

They flooded the entire market, lets be real. "Android" is alot more than just cheap phones. They are getting all the high spec'd phones people here are dreaming about.

Posted via the Note 4/Nexus 7 (2013)/Lumia 1020/Lumia 2520

Vlad Ciprian

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Dec 17, 2013
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very good
And other function :
profile vibration
videocall via network 3g/4g
dial pad complex via android ike samsung android
copy/paste complex via android samsung
call recorder:wink:

Nokia 925 32gb, user around 2, insider wm10
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Mar 12, 2013
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very good
And other function :
profile vibration
videocall via network 3g/4g
dial pad complex via android ike samsung android
copy/paste complex via android samsung
call recorder:wink:

Nokia 925 32gb, user around 2, insider wm10

why would you want video call over 3g/4G?? when there are enough solutions...well for WP not quite as facebook messenger does not have call function, and skype is not that good but at least you have it. I would not trade any video call app for the 3G video call, not in a million years


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Aug 17, 2014
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Well.. You can't blame MS for making WP similar to Android. After all Android has the most appealing UI for almost 70% of smartphone users around the world.. I agree that MS should stop being me too and create something innovative.. That's what they did with W8.1 and WP8.1 .. But people were hesitant to switch just because WP was confusing for regular Android user... But I prefer WP8.1 style though.. Users were not smart enough to understand the beauty of WP.. So don't blame MS.. It's all about fortune.. Now WP's fortune depends upon the success of W10M.. A market share of 10% will give us the break through.. Till then all MS can do is prepare their OS with innovative features and wait for the right time... But I don't think MS would go back to previous UI design ... Let's just forget it in the past..

exactly what am thinking. Wp is ugly they need to change looks and allow customization


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Feb 2, 2012
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I just recently switched from Windows Phone to Android and I'm thinking about switching back. Android lacks some very basic functionality that I'm no longer sure more apps make up for. That functionality when it comes to voice commands/navigation, especially when it comes to texting. It is very important for me to be able to send and receive texts hands free, mainly while driving and it appears there is no viable solution for this on Android.

With Windows Phone, if Person X sends me a text, I'll hear the notification and then it will say, "You'very received a text from Person X. Should I read it or ignore it? If I say "Read it", it will read the message and then ask if I want to reply or if I'm done. If I say reply, it will ask me to say the message and then read it back to me for verification and ask if I want to send it, add more, or try again.

With Android, if Person X sends me a text, I'll hear the notification sound that I have received a text. That's it. Granted, there are apps available that supposedly fix this, but when reading reviews of them, they all sound like they have major flaws. Like not supporting Bluetooth. It's hard to imagine that Android doesn't have this basic level of functionality that Windows Phone 7 ​had back in 2010.


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Oct 13, 2013
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I just recently switched from Windows Phone to Android and I'm thinking about switching back. Android lacks some very basic functionality that I'm no longer sure more apps make up for. That functionality when it comes to voice commands/navigation, especially when it comes to texting. It is very important for me to be able to send and receive texts hands free, mainly while driving and it appears there is no viable solution for this on Android.

With Windows Phone, if Person X sends me a text, I'll hear the notification and then it will say, "You'very received a text from Person X. Should I read it or ignore it? If I say "Read it", it will read the message and then ask if I want to reply or if I'm done. If I say reply, it will ask me to say the message and then read it back to me for verification and ask if I want to send it, add more, or try again.

With Android, if Person X sends me a text, I'll hear the notification sound that I have received a text. That's it. Granted, there are apps available that supposedly fix this, but when reading reviews of them, they all sound like they have major flaws. Like not supporting Bluetooth. It's hard to imagine that Android doesn't have this basic level of functionality that Windows Phone 7 ​had back in 2010.
Have you checked the play store for an app that lets you do that. The apps in the play store are pretty powerful.


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Feb 2, 2012
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Have you checked the play store for an app that lets you do that. The apps in the play store are pretty powerful.
I've looked and all the ones I've found all have major problems according to the reviews, like not working over Bluetooth, reading the message but not giving you the option to reply, etc.

dharma teja1

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Aug 5, 2013
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Downloads: I dont know where the browser downloads saved in file system of windows phone.
Browser and Store downloads cant be shown in action center,bluetooth sharing also..

Vlad Ciprian

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Dec 17, 2013
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why would you want video call over 3g/4G?? when there are enough solutions...well for WP not quite as facebook messenger does not have call function, and skype is not that good but at least you have it. I would not trade any video call app for the 3G video call, not in a million years
Adica cu ce te deranjeaza daca ar introduce functia apel video de retea 3g, nu toata lumea are skype sau internet pe telefon ca sa poata folosy aceaste aplicatii, functia apel video permite gasirea dupa numar de telefon fata de celelante aplicatii dupa user.


Mar 12, 2013
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Adica cu ce te deranjeaza daca ar introduce functia apel video de retea 3g, nu toata lumea are skype sau internet pe telefon ca sa poata folosy aceaste aplicatii, functia apel video permite gasirea dupa numar de telefon fata de celelante aplicatii dupa user.
Nu ma deranjeaza sa am asa ceva , spuneam doar in general ca solutiile voip exista si lumea a uitat de apelurile video standard. ma indoiesc ca ai avea o calitate video buna pe un video call standard, nu cred ca au mai investit in tehnologia asta...si in ziua de azi wifi exista mai la tot pasul, problema internetului nu mai este chiar asa de mare ca inainte. legat de gasirea dupa numar de telefon, daca Apple poate cu facetime si imessage asta, si MS ar putea pt skype asa ceva

cane prevost1

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Jun 25, 2015
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I just recently switched from Windows Phone to Android and I'm thinking about switching back. Android lacks some very basic functionality that I'm no longer sure more apps make up for. That functionality when it comes to voice commands/navigation, especially when it comes to texting. It is very important for me to be able to send and receive texts hands free, mainly while driving and it appears there is no viable solution for this on Android.

With Windows Phone, if Person X sends me a text, I'll hear the notification and then it will say, "You'very received a text from Person X. Should I read it or ignore it? If I say "Read it", it will read the message and then ask if I want to reply or if I'm done. If I say reply, it will ask me to say the message and then read it back to me for verification and ask if I want to send it, add more, or try again.

With Android, if Person X sends me a text, I'll hear the notification sound that I have received a text. That's it. Granted, there are apps available that supposedly fix this, but when reading reviews of them, they all sound like they have major flaws. Like not supporting Bluetooth. It's hard to imagine that Android doesn't have this basic level of functionality that Windows Phone 7 ​had back in 2010.

My Moto X did this very well. It recognized when I was driving and automatically read aloud all text messages. It uses gps to recognize when you are moving at high speed and assumes you are driving. Pretty slick. No bluetooth was needed which was great for me because I don't have a bluetooth receiver in my car. One of the Android things that I miss that's not available on my Windows phone.


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Apr 15, 2013
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Hmm, not sure I like the idea of my phone announcing my texts to the world as soon as the bus or train pulls away. I prefer the Windows approach rather than this Android method of deciding based simply on speed and gps.


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Feb 2, 2012
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My Moto X did this very well. It recognized when I was driving and automatically read aloud all text messages. It uses gps to recognize when you are moving at high speed and assumes you are driving. Pretty slick. No bluetooth was needed which was great for me because I don't have a bluetooth receiver in my car. One of the Android things that I miss that's not available on my Windows phone.
That's good if you're driving and have a car that supports Bluetooth I suppose. I wear my earpiece pretty much whenever I'm not sitting in my living room. It's so small and light that I don't even notice it's there. I can respond hands free to texts and calls wherever I'm at. If this functionality only exists when you're driving, it's a very, flawed system.

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