950 does NOT have slow response times. I can't comment on the 1020 as never had the opportunity to use it, but that being the ridiculous megapixels it was had a slow, 'development' time but the 950 and 950xl are super snappy. The X3 has HDR. In saying that, you are most likely right, how can we compare these two year plus old phones with current models? That photo of the dog above - one with flash, the other not, is not a valid comparison. One thing is true, is that the focus on the dog is not good at all, and that is a good example of how bad the X is in low light. I can tell you that the lens on the 950xl is superb, and hits a sweet spot with 20MP! If that was developed more, of which I think Nokia can now do as they have that tech back from MS, then watch out all phone manufacturers. AI still isn't there as you can tell from the Pixel 2 with it's artificial looking portrait mode. Inn saying all that, there is nothing compelling about changing from my Windows phones yet, and THAT tells a whole lot.