Wow W10 mobile went downhill


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Sep 12, 2014
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Just get 950 or 950xl or elitex3 or the new alcatel when it ll be released. W10 mobile is awesome but no on the 1ram devices! I have 950xl and the device just rocks!

Sent from Mars

Being that the 950 here in CAD starts at $550 plus taxes that is pretty steep price to pay for uncertainty, and there’s no guarantee that my experience will be anywhere near to yours’s due to WPs well documented inconsistencies, even on the BIG guns.

And what happened to “Windows doesn’t need the hardware compared to the competition becaue it'll run fine on "most", even those w/512KB ram”? Many stated those facts and it was all the rage not too long ago, amazing how that one fell through the cracks isn't it.


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Dec 24, 2014
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I swear to gawd nadella is a double agent working for Apple :winktongue: LOL just the dumb decisions he's made against windows mobile and letting it fall to pieces like it is heading, I swear its done on purpose... its gotta be or he doesn't know WTF he's doing in the mobile dept. if MS or someone intelligent and knows what they're doing in the mobile dept. would be making MS BIG BUCKS if they just gave a sh!t about W10M and could actually see the direction it could be taken into! #1 get moving on hounding devs by giving incentives or profit % ontop of their money income from what the apps/games generate, just in the beginning to get all the big devs in their pocket. #2 start hounding the programmers to get continuum to fully be mature and start wowing people (and devs) to get people wanting W10M into it! #3 get that bloody Surface phone into the market and into the hands of us folks and I'm not talking about some cheap version like L950/XL is, but something substantial and premium like the Elite X3 (talking about hardware spec. wise) #4 get w10m fully polished and working flawless and stable like w8m WAS. then I can tell with 100% certainty that W10M will be the next big thing that everyone will want!

EDIT: oh, and if MS would advert. amazingly like they did with the SURFACE STUDIO and showcase what you can do with w10m and continuum, then deeyaaam, watch out!
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Sep 12, 2014
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depending where you live, you can find some still practically brand new for $300...

Yes but still too much in my opinion considering one could be latching onto to someone else's problem(s), it’s not only the software that has been inconsistent.


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Sep 12, 2014
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I swear to gawd nadella is a double agent working for Apple :winktongue: LOL just the dumb decisions he's made against windows mobile and letting it fall to pieces like it is heading, I swear its done on purpose... its gotta be or he doesn't know WTF he's doing in the mobile dept. if MS or someone intelligent and knows what they're doing in the mobile dept. would be making MS BIG BUCKS if they just gave a sh!t about W10M and could actually see the direction it could be taken into! #1 get moving on hounding devs by giving incentives or profit % ontop of their money income from what the apps/games generate, just in the beginning to get all the big devs in their pocket. #2 start hounding the programmers to get continuum to fully be mature and start wowing people (and devs) to get people wanting W10M into it! #3 get that bloody Surface phone into the market and into the hands of us folks and I'm not talking about some cheap version like L950/XL is, but something substantial and premium like the Elite X3 (talking about hardware spec. wise) #4 get w10m fully polished and working flawless and stable like w8m WAS. then I can tell with 100% certainty that W10M will be the next big thing that everyone will want!

EDIT: oh, and if MS would advert. amazingly like they did with the SURFACE STUDIO and showcase what you can do with w10m and continuum, then deeyaaam, watch out!

Would be nice yet the damage has already been done, remember BlackBerry?


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Dec 24, 2014
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Yes but still too much in my opinion considering one could be latching onto to someone else's problem(s), it’s not only the software that has been inconsistent.

not if you do a full factory restore and set up as a new device! and sorry but I feel your wrong about it not being worth it, because my phones are running beautifully and $300 cdn is more than a good price. your expectations about " its worth" are severally askewed and expecting to buy one for $100 or $200 CDN dollars is unrealistic. don't forget even with all these complaints on here (which I can guarantee that most are user error) there is thousands of people who are enjoying perfectly working L950's like myself and others... but you don't see the "happy" people posting because there isn't a need to... but I can guarantee you we do exist :wink:


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Feb 6, 2015
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Yes but still too much in my opinion considering one could be latching onto to someone else's problem(s), it?s not only the software that has been inconsistent.

Fair point. I tried the 950 (at $300 usd) and the hardware is great, but I'm glad I bought from a vendor I was able to return it to. The fact that it randomly restarted on me 2 times was enough for me to be concerned. Random restarts are NOT normal at all.


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Dec 24, 2014
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Fair point. I tried the 950 (at $300 usd) and the hardware is great, but I'm glad I bought from a vendor I was able to return it to. The fact that it randomly restarted on me 2 times was enough for me to be concerned. Random restarts are NOT normal at all.

ok so WHY did it do a restart? do you even know? and only 2 times? really? that's all it took? LOL wow don't give a chance do ya? btw for the random restart it could have been a poorly written app/game that caused the restart, not necessarily was it caused by hardware.. and if it was caused by a hardware glitch, then you should have just exchanged for new unit or I bet a factory restore would have cleared it up... but honestly you didn't even give it a fair chance from what you're telling me...


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Feb 6, 2015
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ok so WHY did it do a restart? do you even know? and only 2 times? really? that's all it took? LOL wow don't give a chance do ya? btw for the random restart it could have been a poorly written app/game that caused the restart, not necessarily was it caused by hardware.. and if it was caused by a hardware glitch, then you should have just exchanged for new unit or I bet a factory restore would have cleared it up... but honestly you didn't even give it a fair chance from what you're telling me...
I don't know why it did. I use the same apps that I used on my Lumia 640 upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile, and it hasn't randomly restarted on me. I'm kind of amused that you say "only 2 times" like that is normal or acceptable to the average consumer.

I have other phones, including another Lumia that have never done this before. I have done hard resets a number of times (I was troubleshooting something else), and it still did that one time. For me, I need a phone that works for my lifestyle. If I have to deal with this, I can just very well take my $300 and spend it on another phone that wouldn't do that to me. It wasn't the random restarts that made me return it, it was really the battery life. I hate to say "I have other phones" again but it's true that there are others with very good battery life!


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Dec 24, 2014
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I don't know why it did. I use the same apps that I used on my Lumia 640 upgraded to Windows 10 Mobile, and it hasn't randomly restarted on me. I'm kind of amused that you say "only 2 times" like that is normal or acceptable to the average consumer.

I have other phones, including another Lumia that have never done this before. I have done hard resets a number of times (I was troubleshooting something else), and it still did that one time. For me, I need a phone that works for my lifestyle. If I have to deal with this, I can just very well take my $300 and spend it on another phone that wouldn't do that to me. It wasn't the random restarts that made me return it, it was really the battery life. I hate to say "I have other phones" again but it's true that there are others with very good battery life!

and I'm amused you act like 2 times is such a big problem and never happens on other devices, because it does... and this has occurred on my other devices namely an android phone (Samsung) and even BlackBerry... and I can tell you that it happens on IOS as well... but see I investigate and see why it occurred.. which is for the Samsung it was a bad update and the BB was a badly coded APP that was the culprit and I didn't need to return devices and say they were untrustworthy or bad devices... I think you have been extremely lucky that your devices "just worked" and now your expectations are humorously high! and that's fine, but doesn't mean all L950 phones are bad devices or need to be returned promptly because of your exceptionally high standards... and don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you need to put up with defective phones and lower you high standards, I'm just saying that you were not so patient and giving the device a fair chance. you don't even know why your phone restarted and perhaps it was a defective phone or perhaps you installed a backup of from your L640 to your new L950 and something you had on the L640 set up/backed up interfered with the L950 or maybe it was a bad update.. who knows? but I'm betting had you tried another L950 that wasn't defective and you didn't restore a back up and set up the phone from new user I bet your replacement L950 would have turned out great! oh and btw I use my phone very intensively for streaming music watching shows when I connect my USB to it, to checking emails, txting several times a day and tons of phone calls and at the end of a long day my battery is only down to 30% at 11pm when I finally put it back on the charger when I goto bed... like I'm trying to say, YOUR experience wasn't a "typical" one...
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Dec 24, 2014
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no, but if it was a UWP app or game, then you can goto the windows store and install it to ALL your devices... and you can't "upload" apps/games to the windows store.


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Sep 12, 2014
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not if you do a full factory restore and set up as a new device! and sorry but I feel your wrong about it not being worth it, because my phones are running beautifully and $300 cdn is more than a good price. your expectations about " its worth" are severally askewed and expecting to buy one for $100 or $200 CDN dollars is unrealistic. don't forget even with all these complaints on here (which I can guarantee that most are user error) there is thousands of people who are enjoying perfectly working L950's like myself and others... but you don't see the "happy" people posting because there isn't a need to... but I can guarantee you we do exist :wink:

Not saying it isn?t worth it for some, just not me? Buying used means potentially someone else?s headaches and IMO being more so w/WP (unless all my reads were lies), the likelihood of no warranty, and let?s not forget that fabulous OS that can?t decide whether it is coming or going, it?s a proven fact that it has trouble w/consistency across same/similar devices, if you are not seeing it then glad to hear.

Dealt with and seen enough in regards to W10M that I for one, do not believe ?user error? is the cause of most of the problems pertaining to the new OS. Obviously MS lack of involvement is not helping here nor is leaving the onus on the user to report, I said it way back when (hardware was limited too), that they obviously weren?t doing much in-house testing if the resulting outputs were any indication.

And of course you don?t see many ?happy? people posting, I?m running two Androids along with a smart watch and rarely ever frequent Android Central, for that matter, it?s been a good 1.5+ years since any of the Android/iOS/Mac devices in my household have seen a hard reset with the majority siding on NEVER, but guess that?s where WP/PC fills the void LOL.


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Sep 12, 2014
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ok so WHY did it do a restart? do you even know? and only 2 times? really? that's all it took? LOL wow don't give a chance do ya? btw for the random restart it could have been a poorly written app/game that caused the restart, not necessarily was it caused by hardware.. and if it was caused by a hardware glitch, then you should have just exchanged for new unit or I bet a factory restore would have cleared it up... but honestly you didn't even give it a fair chance from what you're telling me...

Hard to give something a chance with its known track record. Yes it could have been exchanged but I’m sure libra89 seen that scenario before as many others have, good probability of another phone but new problem(s)

Fair chance??? I’ve been w/WP for nearly 5 years and it’s seen a steady decline in the past 2-3years, is that not you definition of “fair chance” considering the state the platform is in now???


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Dec 24, 2014
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Hard to give something a chance with its known track record. Yes it could have been exchanged but I?m sure libra89 seen that scenario before as many others have, good probability of another phone but new problem(s)

Fair chance??? I?ve been w/WP for nearly 5 years and it?s seen a steady decline in the past 2-3years, is that not you definition of ?fair chance? considering the state the platform is in now???

ok lets get some things straight, the reason for the decline is because MS has done a pi$$ poor job of advertising the windows phone platform.. answer me this, how many commercial or advertises have you seen MS promote their windows phone? NONE! coupled with the fact that MS upgraded their perfectly working win7 to then win 8 and got that perfectly working with updates and then once again changed it to win10 and THAT was a bad start, not releasing when it was fully mature out of the start and people were having trouble, including myself... people just got fed up with all the changes.

what known track record? because a bunch of people whining about certain problems? like I've said in another thread, people only come to a forum to complain about a problem or ask help about a problem... they never come to a forum to say how great their device is working and how happy they are about a device... and when someone finally does they are few and far from the posts that are negative... I think peoples perception of the problems are not accurate because of the examples I just gave. and that's just a fact!

Not saying it isn?t worth it for some, just not me? Buying used means potentially someone else?s headaches and IMO being more so w/WP (unless all my reads were lies), the likelihood of no warranty, and let?s not forget that fabulous OS that can?t decide whether it is coming or going, it?s a proven fact that it has trouble w/consistency across same/similar devices, if you are not seeing it then glad to hear.

Dealt with and seen enough in regards to W10M that I for one, do not believe ?user error? is the cause of most of the problems pertaining to the new OS. Obviously MS lack of involvement is not helping here nor is leaving the onus on the user to report, I said it way back when (hardware was limited too), that they obviously weren?t doing much in-house testing if the resulting outputs were any indication.

And of course you don?t see many ?happy? people posting, I?m running two Androids along with a smart watch and rarely ever frequent Android Central, for that matter, it?s been a good 1.5+ years since any of the Android/iOS/Mac devices in my household have seen a hard reset with the majority siding on NEVER, but guess that?s where WP/PC fills the void LOL.

great for you that YOUR android devices work fine, but I can tell you a BUNCH of my friends that are having trouble with their android devices including my GF's Samsung that is giving her problems and a plethora of others on android forums that are having trouble... does it mean I should stay away from android? of course not! so now my GF was looking for another phone and I found her a fantastic deal for L950 USED from a fellow member on this site and I have set up the phone for her and played a couple of hours with it so far and it is working FLAWLESSLY.... so far, and I say so far because I don't have any unreal expectations of the phone... because anything is possible... yes w10 in the beginning was a mess but now it is VERY stable and will hopefully get better over time with more updates that come out.. but my point is that my phone and many others on here have perfectly functioning and performing phones! like I have said earlier, on a forum complaints and people needing help will always outweigh the many who have great working phones but they just don't post about it because there just isn't a reason to do it... seriously who is interested in hearing how great a phone is (unless asked) because the people are just gonna think the guy is bragging LOL I think MOST of you are giving the L950 such a bad wrap and it just IRKS me in a bad way... I just wish MS got their sh!t together and got behind it like I know it deserves to be.


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Sep 12, 2014
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ok lets get some things straight, the reason for the decline is because MS has done a pi$$ poor job of advertising the windows phone platform.

How about I get something straight... Sure advertising wouldn’t have hurt but you think if Windows Phone was the best thing since sliced bread I'd be in the predicament it is? Not sure where you have been living but for me, it's on the side of reality.

changed it to win10 and THAT was a bad start


what known track record? because a bunch of people whining about certain problems? like I've said in another thread, people only come to a forum to complain about a problem or ask help about a problem... they never come to a forum to say how great their device is working and how happy they are about a device... and when someone finally does they are few and far from the posts that are negative... I think peoples perception of the problems are not accurate because of the examples I just gave. and that's just a fact!

Well WPs “state of the nation” paints another picture, if you fail to see it that’s your choice.

seriously who is interested in hearing how great a phone is (unless asked) because the people are just gonna think the guy is bragging LOL

And how do you think the term “Inconsistent” came about when refering to WP and W10M? It’s because many w/same or similar devices expressed their experiences, GOOD and bad.

As a side note... In case you haven't noticed, this thread is titled "Wow W10 mobile went downhill" and not " Lets bash beman39's L950", just sayin ;)


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Feb 6, 2015
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Hard to give something a chance with its known track record. Yes it could have been exchanged but I’m sure libra89 seen that scenario before as many others have, good probability of another phone but new problem(s)

Fair chance??? I’ve been w/WP for nearly 5 years and it’s seen a steady decline in the past 2-3years, is that not you definition of “fair chance” considering the state the platform is in now???

I first have to say thank you for saying a lot of what I wanted to say in this thread in general. I do appreciate it a lot. I would only exchange a device with issues from the jump if I felt like I didn't get a chance to try it properly. At this point, there are too many choices out here to keep dealing with exchanges. It's much easier to just move to another phone. Also who really want a phone that runs their life over having a phone that works with their life?

and I'm amused you act like 2 times is such a big problem and never happens on other devices, because it does... and this has occurred on my other devices namely an android phone (Samsung) and even BlackBerry... and I can tell you that it happens on IOS as well... but see I investigate and see why it occurred.. which is for the Samsung it was a bad update and the BB was a badly coded APP that was the culprit and I didn't need to return devices and say they were untrustworthy or bad devices... I think you have been extremely lucky that your devices "just worked" and now your expectations are humorously high!

I think some of my words might have been misinterpreted. I'm sorry but 2 times is a problem if I am spending a good amount of change for a phone. I can believe it happens on other platforms (but the frequency appears to be not as high), I have owned a few Androids that had an issue too (and yes, they were returned). One was the Nextbit Robin. My first one got stuck in airplane mode after a night, so I sent it back. I felt denied so after I got my refund and it went on sale, I tried it again and everything was rosy in experience. I say that to add that you might have misinterpreted some of my words. I wouldn't say that a device is bad unless it really is very sour.

and that's fine, but doesn't mean all L950 phones are bad devices or need to be returned promptly because of your exceptionally high standards... and don't get me wrong I'm not saying that you need to put up with defective phones and lower you high standards, I'm just saying that you were not so patient and giving the device a fair chance. you don't even know why your phone restarted and perhaps it was a defective phone or perhaps you installed a backup of from your L640 to your new L950 and something you had on the L640 set up/backed up interfered with the L950 or maybe it was a bad update.. who knows? but I'm betting had you tried another L950 that wasn't defective and you didn't restore a back up and set up the phone from new user I bet your replacement L950 would have turned out great!

I understand what you are saying. I don't think the 950 is a bad device. I was really excited about trying it, and it was disappointing. If there is some kind of issue, I generally look into it to see if I am alone or if it has been reported. Oh, you undermine my knowledge of tech. I NEVER restore from a backup, I always start fresh on every OS with big updates. When I decide to actually install iOS 10 (at some point), I will start fresh again.

oh and btw I use my phone very intensively for streaming music watching shows when I connect my USB to it, to checking emails, txting several times a day and tons of phone calls and at the end of a long day my battery is only down to 30% at 11pm when I finally put it back on the charger when I goto bed... like I'm trying to say, YOUR experience wasn't a "typical" one...

I think my experience is somewhat common. I'm not the only one who commented saying that I was disappointed with the battery life over there in the 950 forums. For my usage, the battery life sucks and I refuse to accept sub par battery life in the name of being a fan. I have accepted that the 950 just isn't for me at all.


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Oct 23, 2013
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Nice one. Nadella seems not to give a **** about Mobile.

Sent from mTalk on my Lumia 535.

I agree. He seems to be - being generous here - a little ahead of his times. And I do think he gave up the mobile battle very easily. I do think there was a way out, which may not have given MS a really significant marketshare, but it would have given them a market presence.

Firstly, regionalism. This should have been the MS strategy. What does this mean? Simply that instead of looking at the mobile market in global terms, MS should have looked at it in regional terms (South Asia, Central Europe, etc. etc.) and a more refined approach dictated by country-specific imperatives. So, for example, lets take India (the same would also make sense in a market like say the UK or other EU countries). A greater proportion of MS investment should have been in building a regional and/ or country specific ecosystem. MS should have created a fund and management agency dedicated to assisting app development focused on regional and country-specific markets. MS's strong technology backend (especially in Cloud) would have been the instrument by which these regional and country-specific ecosystems could have been stitched together. And, MS should have invested in localized customer support networks in such markets. The had around 10% market share in the UK. They could have, if they had pursued the matter seriously, had a slightly smaller percentage in a market like India and perhaps larger percentages in South America and in large parts of Europe. In short, MS squandered what they had and are now complaining that they had missed the 'mobile wave". This is sheer nonsense.

Secondly, they had and continue to have significant distinguishing elements with ref to W10 (including mobile). Again, they did not deploy this. Think back to Win 6.5 (especially on a Palm Treo 750 for example). It was an enterprise device and was a healthy competitor - though a distant one in terms of numbers - to the Blackberry. That enterprise capability could have been translated into W10M in regional markets - particularly in the SME sector. They are going on all about enterprise now, but this should have been one of the side narratives of W10M right from the start

And lastly, they really needed a visionary to head MS. Nadella may be technically competent, but he seems a bit biased in favour of capability (which is a good thing) but sells the UX and UI a bit short. But it is precisely the latter which is the vanguard for tech development (at the consumer level if you believe that users drive innovation and evolution). If MS is missing something/ anything, it is this and notice something, their traditional rival (Apple) focuses precisely on this second element while presuming the first as a given and that is what makes them - aside from their somewhat irrational fan following - a significant force in the mobile computing space (which is something that Samsung is desperately trying to aspire to but which - despite impressive sales figures and market share percentages - it has yet to achieve).

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