Which one is more effective, Gaming Mode or Razer Cortex?


New member
Oct 3, 2013
My laptop is not a monster when it comes to badass performance, I'm a gamer either but I do have some games that I play once in a while.

I use cortex to improve games performance, after Creators update we got Game Mode, should I uninstall Cortex and stick to the latter?

Thank you :)
My laptop is not a monster when it comes to badass performance, I'm a gamer either but I do have some games that I play once in a while.

I use cortex to improve games performance, after Creators update we got Game Mode, should I uninstall Cortex and stick to the latter?

Thank you :)

"Laptop" and "gamer" sound weird in one sentence.
I use cortex and i've noticed that it helps improve the overall performance of games whereas game mode doesn't seem to do anything. I'd stick to Cortex for the time being. :) (ps.: you CAN play games on a laptop)
Benchmarking on gaming mode show that it only bumps a few fps (which can make the difference when the game would otherwise be unplayable, but otherwise not a big deal). It does however also increase consistency, so you don't get as much sudden sporadic lag. Which is also handy when pushing your gear.

IDK about razor cortex. I think most gaming boosters just clear up ram, which can be margingally helpful if you don't have much. But I'm not sure exactly how it works.
"Laptop" and "gamer" sound weird in one sentence.

If this was 2015, then sure, I'll agree to that. However, a laptop today is about 95% the same hardware as a full computer in just two years time. Just a lot more expensive, haha.

Back to the OP, try one, then the other and see which one does a better job. Game Mode, after all, is something new for Microsoft, while Razer is all about gaming.
If this was 2015, then sure, I'll agree to that. However, a laptop today is about 95% the same hardware as a full computer in just two years time. Just a lot more expensive, haha.

Back to the OP, try one, then the other and see which one does a better job. Game Mode, after all, is something new for Microsoft, while Razer is all about gaming.

Yeah, Game Mode is almost useless yet, as I know. But Razer is fake as well: You will even better set up it manually.
Yeah, Game Mode is almost useless yet, as I know. But Razer is fake as well: You will even better set up it manually.

This is what some gamers rely on- a build of windows with services and applications stripped out, a sort of barebones windows.

Limits what you can use the machine for though. Unless you set up some kind of dual boot.

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