Magazine Reading??

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Jun 21, 2017
Hi all,
Is there any usable app/service to read magazines on a Windows 10 tablet? I used to have a subscription to Texture when I had an android tablet and it worked great, but the Windows 10 Texture app is not really functional (and they have no timeline for update). The Nook app doesn't work well with magazines on high res screens - the text is grainy (I have a Samsung Galaxy Book 12), the Kindle app stinks and doesn't even have magazine functionality.

Anybody using anything that does work well?
Thanks for any input!
On a related note, are there any Windows 10 apps to watch 1950's BW TV shows? Listen to AM radio? Read newspapers? Play 8 track tapes?

Trailing edge OS, meet trailing edge apps.
Hi slamroc,

I have been reading comics and magazines digitally for a long time and come from an Android tablet background. On there it was easy to read and there were good apps. Wanting to do everything on just one device, my now dated MS Surface Pro 2, I found the early MS Store apps for zinio and comixology. Neither worked particularly well and in fact the comixology app has been removed from the MS Store.

Then I tried Google emulation. There were two choices: Amiduos and Bluestacks. At the time I had my magazine subscriptions with Google so I had no choice but to read them in Android and with the comixology app removed from the MS Store again, I needed Android. Emulation worked quite well for simply reading magazines and offline reading in particular worked better here than in the MS version of Zinio. The problem is emulation takes up a lot of processing power and the scrolling and zooming was never as smooth because of it.

Nowadays I use two cunning home brew solutions made by the community to convert all my periodicals into PDF. This means I can back up my magazines and comics and read them in one of the many great PDF readers available for Win10 (I use Comics++). For zinio, visit
It's a bit fiddly to get working but I had no trouble (except that it can only run on the C drive). If you happen to use comixology, try this
You need to use it in Chrome, so you will have to have that installed. These two scripts basically read the periodical in question and save it as a PDF.

Thank mininv for mentioning Readly. I didn't realise it was now available in the UK. I am doing the trial. It's great to have access to all the back issues and try other magazines I wouldn't normally read. Only problem is the browser reading solution is clunky so I will cancel my subscription until they release a dedicated Win 10 app or these new universal web apps save the day!
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