Fluent is a rehash of Aero. So what, haters?

Aldrich Uyliong

New member
Mar 29, 2015
Honestly, who cares? There is no more originality in this world. Everything is a rehash of something - which is why execution is held to such a premium these days.

Granted, Microsoft still has a lot to learn about execution and Fluent Design still has some ways to go in its implementation but it is a fresh and modern reinterpretation of Aero. It is also PRETTY.

I like it. I'll take it. Sorry, haters.
Is anyone really hating on Fluent design though?

slightly off-topic but I wouldn't mind seeing the Vista theme in a UI, I kinda miss the look of Vista and it's not supported anymore.
Yeah I hated Aero. That rounded corner stuff, even at the time, seems so tacky to me. And at that point, the transparency really had a performance hit.

I love fluent design. The majority of sparkle in fluent design is in the motion and parallax elements, which are new, sort of an extension of basic ideas in other OSes, and web design, taken to it's natural conclusion.

As for the transparency, it's a lot classier, the use of blur and opacity gives it a real material feel. There's also the way it's used as a visual organiser. It's not just an effect, it helps seperate UI components/panes and at the same time preserves some sense of the background tasks. E

specially for it's intended use, AR, it seems to me more or less like a completely different application - the intended effect isn't just "oh pretty" it's so that your task is not completely distinct from others in the background (like say using the HoloLens, and someone steps into your word document)

Definately seems stupid to me saying "oh it's aero". No, I think transparency exists a wee while before Windows Vista. At least I remember you know, actual glass and acrylic existing before that, lol.
Is anyone really hating on Fluent design though?

slightly off-topic but I wouldn't mind seeing the Vista theme in a UI, I kinda miss the look of Vista and it's not supported anymore.
Maybe a good uwp app idea there. How is theme'ing being brought to consumers now in W10? Store or other x86 apps? Maybe not in the works yet? I just use what's baked into W10. It suits me just fine. Dark theme, Fluent design and all.
Maybe a good uwp app idea there. How is theme'ing being brought to consumers now in W10? Store or other x86 apps? Maybe not in the works yet? I just use what's baked into W10. It suits me just fine. Dark theme, Fluent design and all.

Those start bar type apps make other UI modifications. I think it's basically an overlap. Uses x86. I think you probably could make something like Vista if you wanted to. Already those start bar themes come with old windows type flavours.
I really like fluent design when it's done right. Things like the new settings menu for example look great. Pure black or white background and then translucent elements.
In other places, it's vomit inducing like the Store or the Xbox app where it's a grey mess with barely distinguishable glass effects.

Oh and the light reveal effect also works way better on pure black than on that horrible grey.
Honestly, who cares? There is no more originality in this world. Everything is a rehash of something - which is why execution is held to such a premium these days.

Granted, Microsoft still has a lot to learn about execution and Fluent Design still has some ways to go in its implementation but it is a fresh and modern reinterpretation of Aero. It is also PRETTY.

I like it. I'll take it. Sorry, haters.

Well I think Fluent design looks good in light mode.. but in dark mode the blurs in acrylic design looks so weird, irritating, annoying.. Microsoft should fix it as soon as possible
It's attractive and really probably better thought-out than any of its competitors, but that hardly matters, since the underlying UI/UX is still so badly fragmented that it winds up being yet another patchwork piece of the experience. Although it's a step in the right direction, maybe, just maybe, it would have been better to take care of the big things first, like, say, finally moving all Control Panel functionality to Settings and Action Center. And why is that so confusing, too? Does anyone actually use action center for anything other than quick access to Rot. Lock, Brightness, and WiFi/Airplane Mode? Why is it so hard to find the tiny little icon to eject a USB drive, which we use all the time - but no big button for that in Action Center? - Ugh!
I like fluent, but I think they should have had a solid concept, then just implemented it everywhere at once. Seems like there is a lot of inconsistency and "trial & error" within the fluent we have so far. This shows, they really didn't have solid direction from the start.
I love Fluent design so far and it's probably my favorite of the modern design languages.....BUT I have absolutely no confidence in Microsoft to actually implement it fully and consistently. Like right now there is different Fluent behavior in the Settings app and the Windows Store. Watching the leaked video about Office getting Fluent design it looks like that will behave differently as well. It's the right click menu thing all over again. I'm sure I'm just jaded at this point but I suspect they will come out with a whole new design language before we ever get close to 100% implementation of Fluent

TL;DR: looks great and I like it, but I'll be shocked if it's ever implemented everywhere.
it's nice and refreshing. looks cool. I'd like minimalistic and speed. should give us easy options to going back to basics for faster performance.
Couldn't care less. Fix the real problems instead of wasting time on crap that adds zero usefulness.

Exactly. Because of the heaps of problems I am always waiting at least half a year before I update a feature release so I haven't seen everything yet. But the element "motion" in Fluent Design is something I am afraid will make working with Windows more frustrating with every "progress" with Fluent Design. Not for nothing there's now an option “Turn Off Unnecessary Animations” in the settings.

If that also works on Fluent Design motions it's ok. I can then avoid all motion which only means delay and agitation. That is personal of course, others may love that everything moves and jumps in all directions all over the screen, but it should be something which can be switched off.

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