Xbox Music does not shuffle songs properly!


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Jun 2, 2013
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I just jumped from Spotify to Xbox Music because of the ****ty support Spotify have for WP and i love it but latley (maybe from the last update but don't quote me on that) my songs when i press shuffle have been really weird. [WARNING! I AM TALKING ABOUT THE STREAMING APP XBOX MUSIC NOT THE NATIVE MUSIC PLAYER]

When i click the play button on my playlist it starts playing the first song let's call it Song 1 then i click the shuffle button off and then on again and it plays Song 10. I notice if i look in the "Now Playing" list that it only have queued songs from the top of the list (rughly song 1 to 30). If i go further down in my playlist and take a song from the middle (let's say Song 70) it only plays song from around that part of the playlist.

I don't know what is causing this to happen but it's really annoying. Especially since my playlist is in Artist order so i keep hearing the same songs over and over. Does anyone else experience this problem and do you have a fix for it?

I have tried Re-installing and re-syncing my playlist.


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Aug 21, 2013
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Ditto. I put together a playlist in the new Xbox music and shuffle does not work. So, it goes through it in the exact order I set it up. The native Music app will shuffle it if you start playing the playlist in Xbox music then flip over to the native music app and turn shuffle off then back on but it only has 50 songs from the playlist...but that all seems ridiculous for trying to shuffle a playlist...smh. I don't know if it was just something they overlooked in testing or what. Seems like shuffle is a basic function of any music app since the first version of any MP3 player EVER.

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