windows 10 on thinkpad tablet 2


New member
Nov 12, 2012
I wanted to try windows 10 out, but didn't want to put it on my SP2. We have this lenovo thinkpad tablet 2 lying around, and it seemed capable enough, so I went ahead and installed it. and, it is slow. when I say "hey cortana", it doesn't really pop up. well, it does, but it takes about 10 seconds to get there. side swiping for the action center doesn't pull it up, or if it does, it pulls it up in about 10-15 seconds. The good news is that the stylus still works, so some drivers are still supported.

I'm wondering if anyone else has tried this out with this sort of device? I don't know what to expect out of the performance, but the thinkpad tablet 2 is using a Atom processor Z2760, with 2 gb of ram, and 64gb hard drive, and it came with win8 pro. Should I do a refresh on this? My guess is this is where someone is going to see the performance difference in new hardware versus old, specifically, dual core atom versus quadcore atom. If this is any indication, I wonder what how the 920 (dualcore snapdragon) is going to operate with win10...
I have the same tablet and I have the same issues. TT2 not work fine with Windows 10... I hope this issues will improve in the future.
1. The Tablet 2's Atom wasn't the hallmark of performance by any stretch, especially compared to today's.

I heard disabling Hey Cortana helps.

2. The 920 is a phone, and odds are good 10 will be modded accordingly.

3. It is nowhere near completed, so its not completely fair to be judging it based in the form it is now.
My comment was not to judge the OS, but rather make sure I have a good install prior to sending comments to MSFT. Fwiw, after a couple days, the new update helped slightly.

I do agree that the processor is not the best, but I'm curious to see how the new os works on it. I think it's great that MSFT has made the WP work on low end processors and 1/2 GB of ram. I'm curious to see what the performance of the final win 10 will be on this device.
I was considering installing Windows 10 on my Tablet 2, as well, but based on these comments, it is not worth now. The machine should be powerful enough to run basic tasks smoothly, otherwise these might be a driver issue. If anyone gets it to work I am interested.
This is a technical preview, so it's not really expected to work. I installed it because it's a extra device that I'm interested to see how it works. there are a lot of things that don't work smoothly, though, for a tablet experience. it always boots to the desktop. you can't share a page from internet explorer since there are no charms and there is also no hamburger menu yet. on the plus side, you do get to use lumia camera and the new photo software, and that works well. OneNote is different. I won't say better, but different. PowerPoint beta is definitely better. word and excel are coming around. being able to try these out is fun.

I would say try it if its not your primary device, and you don't mind tinkering. if it is your primary device, I'd say give the preview a couple months to see if they come around with a more tablet-centric one.
I just tried build 10041 and than 10049 on TT2 and it was little bit better and faster than previous builds, but it is still unusable for daily use, and I went back to W8.1. But I think that bigger problem than optimization of the OS for the HW is that the tablet mode in W10 is horrible compared to W8.1 tablet experience. I just pray, that MS will fix it until RTM.
as the new updates come out, I've been installing to see what's new and what's broken. seeing how things are progressing are interesting, however somewhat unsettling. currently, the stylus driver is broken, and I can't figure out how to get it to work, which is a pretty big deal for me. Also, the updates don't allow you to ignore certain updates. I have this intel update that is continuously trying to update, however, it has been updated. on earlier versions, you could hide that update, so it wouldn't try to update. project Spartan doesn't really work, like I can't see tabs that I've seen in other screen shots of Spartan.

FYI, these comments have of course gone into the windows insider comment section, so msft should know about it and will hopefully fix it.
you aren't going to really find news on that.

is it capable of runn​ing all the games in the 8.1 store? 10 isn't going to magically make its hardware any better.
According to Intel's twitter account they are working on a driver for the GMA 3600, which is the graphics chip also used by TT2. I have already installed Win10 on mine but without graphics driver it's horribly slow of cource. Hoping the driver will be released soon so I can fully use Win10 on the device.
I got my TT2 working with Windows 10 by installing the Windows 8.1 drivers. It is working sort of ok (better than the default windows driver), there are some glitches though which do get worse the longer you use the tablet.
once you get win10 running with the basic windows graphics driver, try running this driver update.
google search this

download and run it.

at first, when windows restarted, 'something went wrong' but I let windows solve the problem. it updated for a few min, then rebooted and so far all lenovo drivers work fine. no conflicts. media graphics accelerator build installed and works.
I've got a message that my ThinkPad tablet 2 is ready to install the windows 10. No error or warning message. It seems like I can install it without a problem, but I'm a little worried after reading that so many people had to rollback to 8.1
I installed it, went fine without errors. Problem I had was with OneDrive not supported on SD card now.
Also it needs a video driver update, is slow n clunky right now. I just keep checking for a driver update.
Upgrading the TT2 to Windows 10: Ignore the message that your Intel display card is incompatible with Windows 10, address that later if it is a problem, which it was not for me. (The latest word from Intel is that they will not fix it, but do not worry, keep reading.) Go to the Windows 10 download site at Microsoft and read ALL of the directions. (if you are tempted to download it to an external drive and upgrade that way, MAKE SURE that you remove the drive after it is loaded or it will demand a key code; that is stated in the directions.) Download/install the 32bit Windows version you have, home or pro. It will take a couple of hours, but it will work. Afterward I had problems with Word, WordPerfect, and PDF viewers and printers, until I downloaded the half dozen or so updates for Windows 10 for TT2's at the Lenovo website thinkpad-tablet-2. The ThinkPad Settings Dependency for Windows 10 download solved my word processor and pdf problems. The Monitor driver update for Windows 10 was not newer than what was already installed, as the readme file suggested it might be. Thank you Lenovo, and, Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. I am now using a fully functional TT2 with Windows 10.
Thanks for the report, CAS43, that's very interesting. How is performance for you now? And what about battery life? I'm asking because I haven't heard of anyone that has had an alltogether pleasant experience upgrading the tablet to Win10.
Apparently TPT2 users can now install Windows 10.

For some reasons, I can't paste a link here, so do this:
Google (sorry, Bing does not find it) > Search for "My TPT2 is succesfully running Windows 10"

I'll be giving this a try later

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